9. My Last Night?

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Advik's POV

Navi is not the outgoing talkative kind of girl. She likes to be in her mind, her books and her diary. She was trying her best to not to come off rude. To help me. The fractured smile carved on her lips somewhat hurt me.

I want to tell her; she is not alone. I want to hear her mind. I want to be the shoulder she can lean on. I can understand the language your eyes speak; you wouldn't need to translate your soul to me. You wouldn't need words to explain, I will read your eyes.

You are heard, seen and understood. I see you; I hear you; I understand you. I wish to be your shield. Every time I look into her eyes, I curse myself. Maybe Lavanaya died because of me.

I couldn't be a good enough friend. I couldn't make sure, she felt happy and understood.

She was my first and only love. Her death only intensified my quench to read her mind.

Maybe in some other universe, a different world, a new reality I will meet her. And this time I will make sure I heal her completely. I don't let her leave.

Mobi came running to Navi. He bounded over to her, his tail wagging excitedly, and plopped down next to her with his big puppy eyes.

"Don't worry. He won't hurt you. He just wants to be friends with you." I said getting up and walking to Mobi patting him. I looked at Navi and gestured her to touch Mobi.

"I am scared of dogs."

"You won't be anymore. Pat him once and he will protect you over the cost of his life." I gazed deep into her scared to even move or keep her legs at floor but slowly she unfolded her legs and kept at floor gazing at me and then at my German Shephard.

I took one of her hands lightly and intertwined her fingers into mine and slowly patted Mobi. And Mobi caressed his head on our hands. Her hand was soft and little in my hand. Her fingers adorned with pink nails. It was comforting to hold her hands. I slowly looked into her eyes, but they were focused on Mobi and a genuine smile gracing his lips.

Brown strands of her falling on her face as she kneeled down. She mustered up the courage to reach out and pet Mobi's soft fur.

"See it wasn't that hard right?"

"He is so cute." She patted him as Mobi got up and started to play with her.

"But be careful with Luna. She is a bit stubborn."

"Why so?" Navi asked with curiosity flashing in her eyes as Luna entered room and panic surges in her eyes. I held Luna back, but she didn't stop. She stepped just beside Mobi and nAVI Stepped back.

Luna lowered her head for pats.

"Pat her." I uttered grinning at Luna. Navi slowly patted Luna. Luna is a mix husky. I always struggled to order her. She was a bit dramatic and wouldn't listen to me or even Mann. But with Navi, she tailed behind her for pats. Luna was a fierce dog, but she acted like a baby. 

A week a passed since we worked overtime, whole day in office and then late nights at my house together. But one thing for sure, she was hardworking and stubborn. She knew what she wanted and made she get that.

Mobi and Luna took a liking to her, following her every step and making sure she felt safe and comfortable. I was kind of jealous too, but I liked how her fear was being treated by these two little beasts. And she genuinely laughed with them. Wholeheartedly.

Navi slowly began to open up.

This was the first time I had seen her let her guard down and truly be herself, and I felt honored to witness it. I realized that with Navi by their side, things just seemed...easier.

2 weeks later------------------- 

Author's note- Please play the song above to feel the words better. Thank you 🙏 

The day of my presentation approached with a looming sense of dread. After weeks of nonstop work and only getting 2-3 hours of sleep each night, I was exhausted and on edge. Navi wasn't here today, leaving me alone in the house for the supposed 2-day break. That we both much needed.

As I collapsed onto my bed, exhausted, a faint tinkling sound caught my attention. It grew louder and more distinct as it approached my room, accompanied by a haunting humming that sent shivers down my spine. I sat up, paralyzed with terror, as the jingling grew louder and a haunting melody filled the air.

But how could this be? I was alone at home and it was an odd hour for anyone to visit.

The cold breeze from outside hit me as soon as I opened the gate, reminding me that I wasn't even wearing a shirt. Raindrops pelted against my bare skin, making me wonder if they were tears or sweat. Just then, a figure passed behind me followed by the same jingling and humming sound coming from the balcony above.

Chan Chan Chan......Chan Chan Chan

"hmm... haaaa....ahahaha...."A feeble female voice sang.

I turned around frantically but there was no one there except for a black cat perched on the railing. The black cat staring back at me. Did it have something to do with all these strange occurrences? As the cat jumped off the balcony and walked towards the hallway, my mind raced. Yet, despite feeling frozen with terror, I followed the cat's slow movements towards the kitchen.

But before I could reach it, a blood-curdling scream pierced through the air.

A woman in a white saree came running towards me, her eyes filled with malice and malevolence. In that moment, I knew my fate was sealed. I couldn't move, scream or even breathe as she got closer and closer.

My heart thumped wildly in my chest as goosebumps covered every inch of my skin. Goodbye Adi, I thought, bracing for impact as she reached out to grab me.

But as her hands touched my skin, everything went black and silence took over.

When I woke up, I was lying on my bed again, drenched in sweat and tears. It was all just a nightmare - or at least that's what I hoped it was. But something about those drops on my face felt all too real...

And just as I processed my dream. Ghungroo jingled outside my room. A lady hummed filling the air with melody of her luring voice.

Chan Chan Chan Chan...... the only voice echoing in the the whole mansion.

Hmmmmm.... hahaha.... A female humming accompanied.

Did I just manifest my dream? Was it all going to get real? Should I open the door? Should I go out?


So, hey angry mob. I know raat ko padh rhe the tum aur ye music sun lia ab author ko gaaliya de rhe ho. But I didn't mean to scare you people. Bas feel lana tha, how Adi felt that moment🥹. Hope you enjoyed the chapter. And music of course😁. Come on you can forgive me for this right? So what do you think will happen next? Will his dream come true? Is it gonna be his last night? Who is it outside manifesting his nightmare?

You can follow me on insta for spoilers and check out my other books. 

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 It is really demotivating to get no response for months of hadwork

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