11. No Thanks

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I collapsed on my bed buttoning the last button of my shirt and they knocked aggressively. I am not opening this gate today. And Mann ko isi ke hospital mei patient banane ke lie ek aur reason bhi mil gya h.

Suddenly silence fell. No knocks. No apologies. Not a sound. I sit up on my bed staring at the door. 

"I am sorry Advik It was all my mistake." A feeble voice called behind the door with a feeble knock. My heart races as Navi's manipulation trick takes hold of me, unable to resist its pull. I turn the doorknob slowly, my anticipation building with each click. And there she is, standing before me with that sly smile on her face, as if she knew exactly what I was going to do. But it doesn't matter, because her eyes are alight with mischievous glee and pure happiness, revealing a side of her that she usually keeps hidden. And even if it means making a fool of myself, I would gladly do it every single day just to hear her infectious laughter once more.

"Happy birthday" She chuckled raising the cake in her hand.

"Ladki ka chakkar babu bhaiya ladki ka chakkar." Vedhika clapped and I got side eyes from Mann and Arya. 

"Ho gya?" 

"Kya ho gya?" Arya raised her brows folding her hands. Kha fas gya hu yrr.  

I was not in a mood to celebrate this birthday, but Navi's eyes convinced me to. The rest passed peacefully, and the birthday finally got over. Everyone left at 2 and I was left with this mess to clean. 

Damn these people. 

Navi's POV

I slammed my door, the sound echoing through the empty house. My mind was a whirlwind of emotions as memories of that night flooded back with a vengeance. I couldn't understand why, but in that moment, I felt a surge of indescribable happiness and excitement overtaking me. The intensity of it all left me unable to put it into words. The way he had looked at me, the way he had hugged me... it was all too much to handle.

I am not the touchy kind of person. In fact, I hate to be touched but whenever he's near me, I can't help but want to embrace him and break down in tears. His presence is both comforting and unsettling at the same time. Something about him feels strangely familiar, like a distant memory from a past life. His scent lingers in my mind, driving me insane. How could someone who is just my boss have such a hold on me?

But despite it all, there's no denying that he is kind and wild in a way that draws me closer to him. In his carelessness, I find myself wanting to let go and expose my vulnerabilities. When I'm with him, nothing else seems to matter.

Lying in bed that night, the rain pounding against my window, I still couldn't shake off the memory of his piercing gaze, the warmth of his touch, and the intoxicating scent that seemed to cling to my skin long after he had gone. As I opened my diary to write down the events of the day, each word became saturated with a memory that I never wanted to forget.

Advik's POV

I woke up with a jerk as my alarm rang. Can alarms not be so harsh. You are supposed to wake me up not give heart attacks. 

Today is finally the day I have been working a month for. Vedhika is finally here. It would be a memorable day. 

I stole a last glance off my mirror. Perfect as always. 


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