28. Kajra re

421 36 6

Navi's POV

I stepped out of the washroom, wrapped in a white bathrobe, towel-drying my hair. My heart skipped a beat when I saw two women standing in my room, holding an array of around 30 different dresses.

I took a step back into the washroom, pressing my lips together to keep from shouting. This felt like something straight out of a dramatic movie.

"Mam, are you okay?" one of the women asked, stepping closer.

"Yeah..." I muttered, still trying to process the situation.

"How would you like to dress for the evening, mam?" the other woman said, fluttering her fingers over the dresses.

"I guess it's almost night. I don't need those fancy dresses or makeup..."

"Kuwar sa called you for dinner, mam. And he is expecting some guests too," the woman retorted. He didn't tell me about any guests. Who could they be now?

This guy is unpredictable. The women picked out some dresses.

"These dresses will compliment you well tonight, mam."

"You should try that one; it will be best for the night," the woman said, pointing to the sexiest and most revealing dress. Sahi maze le rahe ho yrr. I smiled pretentiously and she picked out another sexy dress. The dresses they picked out just needed the slightest gesture to be taken off. They were practically made for nights to do it. Did he send these on purpose? Trying to be smart, huh?

I picked out a simple dress.

"Oh, that would look pretty on you, mam. May I help you with that?" she said, taking the dress from me. Help with what? Wearing it?

Ok, these royal people might like it, but I hate the idea of someone touching me or helping me with something like showering or dressing. The very thought of a stranger even touching me creeps me out.

"No need. I can do it all myself, please..."

"Mam, are you sure?" The lady hesitated and I nodded. Please jaiye nah. I pleaded in my mind, and they finally left.

"If you need something, let us know, please. We're right outside your room," the lady said, closing the door. I ran and locked the door and took a long breath. My introversion and self-dependence will never let me enjoy the princess treatment.

I changed into the dress and as I looked into the mirror, I realized all it needed was to untie a knot to drop it down. Why was my mind processing all this? Am I happy or embarrassed or what?

The door knocked again, "I don't need anything," I shouted in frustration, trying to tie the knot.

"But I need my wife," Adi said, barging in and closing the door behind him carefully. He pulled me by the same strip, back-hugging me and burying his face in my neck. What's his obsession with my neck?

"You selected these dresses on purpose, didn't you?" I said, poking a finger on his forehead and trying to turn back. He pinned me to the mirror, leaning in. Our breaths mingled, his scent taking over my senses. Until his eyes were the only visible thing to me.

"I do everything on purpose, don't I?" he whispered, grazing his lips on my earlobes. My heart pounded in my chest as our eyes met again. His eyes spoke volumes.

"Is there anything wrong with it? Is it not comfortable?" he asked, taking a step back and looking at all the dresses around the room. Waah, inse jada innocent koi exist hi nahi karta.

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