26. My first time...

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Hey lovelies💕

Sorry for irregular updates. Somedays I am posting 2 chapters a day and sometimes I have been posting once a week. I know it's kind of irritating but I am mentally retarded. Tryna understand please.

I will be posting 2 chapters a week from now on. Wednesday and Sunday. But If I can write more than that. I will be posting more too. Stay tuned and enjoy yourself.

Toh chaliye karyakaram shuru karte hai.



Navi's POV

The tires screeched as Vedhika floored the gas pedal, the car rocketing forward, overtaking every vehicle in its path. My heart pounded in sync with the roaring engine.

"I want to reach alive there, bitch." I said gripping the seat my knuckles turning white.

"Relax, Navi. Even death needs my permission to touch you," she retorted with her usual arrogance. Her confidence bordered on recklessness, but beneath that bravado lay a heart of gold. She was Advik's elder sister, after all. They shared the same careless attitude and professionalism.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes. "Permission? You'll be lucky to survive this yourself."

The car screeched to a halt in front of the garage. "See we made it here in one piece." Vedhika turned to me with a smirk taking out her lipstick. Fixing her lipstick and hairs before getting out of the car. I followed, the scent of oil and rust assaulting my senses as we entered the dimly lit space.

In the center of the room, Olivia was tied to a chair, her mouth stuffed with cloth, her eyes wild with fear. Arya sat nearby, casually munching on a chocolate bar, her legs swinging off a box, clad in an all-black leather suit that matched ours.

"Took you long enough," Arya quipped, jumping down and glaring at Olivia. "Five more minutes and I would've carved her up myself."

"She's mine to prey." I said, stepping towards Olivia. Her eyes widened as I picked up a knife and traced it along her jawline, lifting her chin with the tip. I yanked the cloth from her mouth.

"Who are you?" she demanded, blinking against the sudden light. I looked around. Vedhika turned on all the lights. Took me seconds to adjust my eyes.

"Rishte mei toh hum tumhare baap lagte hai, naam hai Navi." Arya said mimicking. I chuckled with Vedhika.

Vedhika perched on another box, snatching Arya's chocolate. "You should've known better than to mess with us. Who are you?"

"We forgot the popcorn," they said in unison, laughing.

"Shut up. This isn't a comedy show; we're here to take a life," I growled, turning back to Olivia. Her fear was palpable now.

"You can't kill me," she stammered.

"I can and I will," I replied, echoing her taunt to Advik. I pressed the knife to her neck, making a shallow cut. She whimpered in pain.

"Please, let me go," she pleaded, her hands straining against the ropes.

Vedhika chuckled. "Sure, we'll let you go-to hell."

I lifted her chin, savoring her desperation. "No, sweetheart. You'll beg for death before I'm done with you." I traced another cut along her forearm, her screams filling the air. I relished the sound. Her scream was music to my ears.

"Man, that's brutal," Vedhika remarked. Her comment spurred me on, my smile growing more wicked as Olivia's dread deepened.

"She stole my man's first kiss yrr. She has to pay for it." I said whining, tightening my grip on her throat. Blood coated my hand. Olivia curled her toes tears streaming down her cheeks. Suffocating. Pleading for her life. The same maniac who was threatening minutes ago was pleading for her life.

"But you kissed him when he was just 9, how can she steal his first kiss then?" Arya remarked chuckling. We kissed but it was nothing more than a peck.

"But she stole his virginity. No way she is escaping that." I retorted like a kid again as my grip tightened around her throat with a wicked smile.

"I prefer experienced ones though." Arya chuckled.

"I didn't... I didn't" Olivia stammered and I loosened my grip on her throat. She gasped for air and before she could take another breath. I gripped around her jaw.

"What?" I said making her look into my eyes.

"He was too drunk to do anything that night. I clicked some pictures only." She whimpered.

"Navi, don't let him drink on your first night please," Arya teased, high-fiving Vedhika. Shall I be happy or embarrassed? Whatever.

I stepped back, my smile turning wicked. "Alright. That's quite a relief." I placed the bloodied knife down, Olivia's tears and blood mingling on her skin.

"This isn't fun anymore," I said, feeling the urge to inflict more pain.

"What do you want?" Arya asked.

"A fork," I replied, watching Olivia's chest heave in terror. "Or maybe a screwdriver."

Arya tossed me a screwdriver with a grin. "Ek villain returns." It is one of my favorite movies though. Recreating a murder scene won't hurt.

"Man, I thought you were a soft one. Tum toh sabki baap nikli. If Advik bhai saw, you like this. He will be traumatized for his life."

"Please... let me go," Olivia begged, her voice breaking. As I moved closer and closer she curled her toes trying to move but unable to. Helpless. Begging for life. "What do you want?" She asked with her heaving chest.

"Your life," I said simply, gripping her jaw and squeezing. Her cries were music to my ears, each whimper soothing my pain.

I bent to her level, yanking her hairs. "Tomorrow, you'll confess to every crime, whether you did it or not. If you try anything smart, the police will hand you back to me."

Olivia nodded frantically, tears streaming down her face. "I will," she sobbed.

I released her, and her head thudded against the chair, fresh blood dripping. "Cover your wounds tomorrow. Confess everything, or you'll wish you had," I growled dismissing with a wave of my hand.

"Is that it? I thought we were going to have some fun." Arya pouted.

"Take her to a hospital," I instructed. "Dress her wounds and keep guards around her. If she tries anything, you can have your fun."

Arya looked disappointed but nodded. "No sexual punishments," Vedhika laughed.

"Why not?' Arya said passing a smile to Olivia who was curling her toes wanting to run away any moment.

I joined in, the tension easing for a moment. My phone buzzed with a text.

'Meet me tomorrow morning in the park near your apartment. It's urgent. 6 pm.' - Advik.

I sighed, the weight of the night settling in. Another mess to clean up, but for now, I had to finish this. I looked at Olivia, broken and bleeding. "Remember, one wrong move and you're back here. Understand?"

She nodded weakly; her spirit shattered. But I wasn't satisfied completely, and uneasiness of Advik's text was haunting me.

'Are you okay?' I texted him back, but he wasn't online anymore.



Bye and Take care of yourself. 🌷

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