12. Blood behind smile

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Advik's POV

The tires of my car screeched against the pavement, mirroring the racing thoughts in my mind. I couldn't shake off the image of Akriti's distressed face, pleading for help. My foot pressed harder on the gas pedal as I broke through five red lights.

That day she called me like an elder brother. I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if something happened to her.

My phone buzzed incessantly, but I ignored it, too consumed by the adrenaline coursing through my veins. But I picked up at last.

"We are on the location sir. The girl is safe." Krish mushed on the other side. One of my assassins and a retired detective. His skills are remarkable of course. Relief flooded over me like a tidal wave.

"Drop the girl to her home safely and capture all men present on spot. I will deal with them myself. Warehouse tonight 12."

"Okay sir." Krish answered and I ended the call moving my car to side parking.

At work, I'm known as the bubbly one, always quick with a joke and a smile. Little do they know, behind this facade of cheerfulness lies a dark and twisted personality. I've carefully hidden my thoughts of murder and the satisfaction it brings me from everyone around me. But deep down, I relish in the memory of the 57 lives I've taken in most brutal and creative ways. They deserved it. And honestly, they deserve even worse fates for their heinous actions against innocent victims.

Each and every one of these vile men who dared to lay their hands on Akriti will suffer the most excruciating deaths imaginable. Their very souls will tremble with fear as I ensure they are tormented beyond measure, begging for the sweet release of death that I will cruelly deny them. They will rue the day they ever crossed her path.

As I stepped out of my car, the echoes of my racing heart reverberated through my chest. My knuckles turned white as I tried to control the anger boiling inside me.

Across the street, Navi walked gracefully, her long hair dancing in the wind like a symphony of gold.

Her hair danced in the wind and her saree billowed around her like a goddess. I couldn't take my eyes off her; every time I looked at her, I wanted to hold onto her forever. Only she could soothe the rage burning inside me.

Her locks floated with each gust of air, framing her face like an angel's halo. The pallu of her saree swayed gently, revealing glimpses of her slender figure underneath. In that moment, she was the epitome of beauty and grace, a walking goddess in her pristine white saree.

With each passing moment, it felt like I was falling deeper under her spell. And as much as I wanted to hold onto her forever, I knew she was not mine to keep. She was not the one I want to keep. Whenever I saw her smile, it was as if Lavanaya herself was smiling back at me, reassuring me that everything would be okay. As if she were trying to convey that she was fine wherever she may be now.

My phone buzzed again in my pocket. Akriti.

"Thank you, sir." Akriti's sobbing voice echoed on the other side. My heart clenched at the sound of her sobs.

"Are you okay? Did any of them touch you?"

I asked, my voice trembling with anger and concern.

"I am okay. They were on time" she replied, trying to control her tears.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure every hand that touched you with wrong intentions is chopped off," I growled, ready to unleash my wrath on those men.

"It's fine. You don't need to do all this for me..." She interrupted.

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