14. Mother or Enemy?

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Advik's POV

I slammed the car to a halt and twisted in my seat to look at her. She was sleeping, peaceful and innocent like a child. Part of me wanted to let her sleep, to preserve that pure expression on her face, to shield her from the cruel reality she lived in. But I couldn't ignore the fact that she had fallen asleep crying, and it tore me apart inside.

Rishabh, my personal hacker, had told me everything. Her own mother had called her while she was walking on road, spewing out a barrage of abusive words that echoed in my ears even now. It was unfathomable to believe that a mother could treat her own daughter with such disdain.

She couldn't be Navi's real mother. She was more like her worst enemy, if the way she spoke to her was any indication. I couldn't bring myself to listen to the entire recording, it was making my blood boil and I feared I would do something irreversible if I continued. How could a mother become the biggest threat to her own child?

And now, as I looked at Navi's defeated eyes and tortured soul behind her smile, I realized that her life mirrored Lavanaya's in so many ways. Her parents were too busy to check on their dying daughter, just like Navi's mother was too busy to care about her own daughter's well-being.My fists clenched in anger, veins bulging on my arms as I struggled to contain the urge to lash out. But it wasn't the time for violence.

Navi's eyes fluttered open and she rubbed them furiously, trying to rid herself of the memories that haunted her even in sleep.

"Stop it," I said sharply, gently removing her hand from her face. "You'll hurt yourself."

I wiped away the tears with my handkerchief and as soon as she looked out of the window, fresh tears welled up in her eyes and her body shook with a tremor. The tormented soul within her was resurfacing, the wounds still raw and bleeding.

"Relax Mai hu nah." I mushed rubbing her hands. She leaned in buried her face in my chest once again bursting into tears.

"You can decide for yourself today. Say whatever is on your heart, and I'll handle the rest." I said softly, lifting her chin so that our gazes met. She nodded, tears still flowing down her cheeks. Giving her hand a light squeeze, I got out of the car and opened the gate for her.

She looked at me with confusion as she got out of the car. I extended my hand to help her, but she hesitated, looking at my hand and then back at me.

"Seems like you're getting too used to being in my arms." I teased, leaning towards her. She swatted at my hand, irritated.

"okay maate, I am sorry......now come out or I will have to carry you in my arms again"

I joked, pulling her back towards me by her wrist. She let out a small laugh before trying to move away, but I pinned her against the car.

"Wait," I said softly, taking out my handkerchief and wiping the tear stains on her face. She gazed into my eyes, completely captivated. Her own eyes mirrored mine, adorned with the last few tear drops that I wiped away with gentle strokes of my finger. I snapped my fingers when she seemed lost in a world of our own staring into each other's eyes.

"Huh?" She blinked in confusion.

"Nothing," I couldn't resist smirking at how easily she gets caught up in the moment.

I handed her a bottle of water, and a small smile appeared on her lips - a bittersweet smile that tore at my heart. She sipped on the water and I couldn't resist wiping off a few droplets that lingered on her lips. She hastily wiped them herself, but not before giving me an innocent smile that made my heart skip a beat.

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