17. Monster behind smile

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Advik's POV

As I drove Navi home, my phone buzzed incessantly in the passenger seat. It was Krish, and I had almost forgotten about our plans for tonight. It was actually a long day. The longest one. I almost got a heart attack when the car passed by her side. And my heart burnt with every tear in her eye. When her mother treated her like nothing but a pawn, I hardly resisted the urge to murder.

And when she told she is the girl, I have been dying 17 years for. How much I want to ask. But end up lost in her eyes only.

As we arrived at her apartment, I stopped the car and held her hand gently. Getting out, I opened the gate for her and walked her to the door.

"Bye," she whispered, still red-cheeked.

"Remember, if you ever need anything, just call me. And what about your wounds..." I trailed off.

"Don't worry Arya, remember? She is a doctor." Navi interrupted with a hint of sarcasm.

I smiled weakly. "Right. But still, I'm here for you..."

Before I could finish my sentence, she disappeared into the building, laughing and waving at me from the window as she took the lift up to her apartment.

But my phone buzzed again - it was Krish. His concerned voice rang out from the other end, "Sir? Are you okay?" His voice rang concerned on other side. Of course, I missed 3 calls and I have never missed his calls. Coz it's always urgent.

"I'm fine," I replied through gritted teeth. "But earlier today, I left two guards at the temple with Navi... Shravan and Atharva. I need their information right now."

"They are with me," Krish answered. "Is everything okay? Did something happen to her?"

"She almost got into an accident," I growled, my anger blazing once again. The thought of losing her today lit a fire in my gut and made me want to kill those two guards for leaving her alone against my orders.

"Keep them with you. I'll be there in an hour," I ordered before hanging up the phone. As Navi appeared on the balcony, peeking through the curtains and giggling at me, I couldn't help but smile weakly back at her.

This girl had me wrapped around her finger and could bring down my entire reputation with just one look.

But as I started my car and drove to the old garage, my mind was consumed with thoughts of keeping her safe and protecting her from any harm that may come her way.

 I arrived at the old garage, and Krish greeted me alongside twelve other men - all dressed in black, all silent and expressionless. "This way," Krish muttered, leading us into the depths of the garage.

Adernaline rushed through my veins as screams echoed in the hall. Echoes of all the murders I have commited here.

I looked around at the scene before me - three men hung from the ceiling, their limbs bound with weights so they could not escape or even ease their pain. Blood dripped down their bodies, helpless to soothe their wounds. My lips curled into a wicked smile as I saw one of them was the son of a powerful politician. This would be fun.

"Interesting," I sneered, noticing one of them was a high-profile aristocrat. Son of a filthy politician.

"Chop off his hand," I ordered nonchalantly as I settled into a chair and crossed my legs.

Blood was my obsession when it came to revenge - the more pain and suffering, the better. Nothing satisfied me more than watching scared faces and hearing screams of pain.

No one knew this side of me - the psychopath who reveled in violence and control. But that was my advantage - no one ever suspected the darkness lurking beneath my charming facade.

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