25. Drowning

376 30 19

Hello lovelies💕

How is everything going on in real life? You been, okay? Got some real friends?  Got someone to tell your whole day about? 

It's okay if not. Your author is going through same phase. Going to be 18 this September. Nothing seems to make sense. I still feel like a 12-year-old stuck in an adult body. I don't remember a thing about the time that passed. But still feel the nostalgia when I find myself sitting alone in a corner with 0 friends and no one to talk to.

If you've been feeling the same lately. Come on just drop a comment and start a convo coz you're not alone in this war. 

Take care of yourself, it's all going to be fine soon. ❤️



Advik's POV

I walked in the hall drumming my foot on the marble floor. A soft knock on the door. I turned back to door with a half smirk on my face.

"So, Mr. Advik finally got some sense in his brain." Olivia mustered entering the room. I handed her a cheque of 250 million dollars.

"What's the hurry Mr. Ahraya. There is more than that money I want." She raised her brows keeping her purse on the table and taking a chair.

"Sit" she said gesturing me to a table beside her. I took the chair opposite of her ignoring her gesture. She passed a wicked smile.

"You would never change nah? Always so cocky." She tried to keep up with her fake smile.

"Get straight to the point. This is the 2nd time I am handing you money, but you haven't deleted the pics completely. What do you want?" I asked in a cold tone.

"You know it very well. I want you...." She said her eyes consuming me slowly.

"And you know it very well. You can never actually have me." I retorted in same cold tone.

"If I can't...... no one can." Her eyes blazed with irritation. "What do you even see in that chick? Does she even match your standards? Would your family even approve of a girl like her for the prince of Jaipur?" She said sarcasm dripping in her voice.

"That is none of your concern Olivia. And be respectful she is going to be the Queen of Jaipur too." I replied not paying heed to her controlling the urge inside me to smash her head and tell her who she is talking about.

"Queen" She chuckled with a cocky grin. "Advik, I warned you, if you want her alive leave her. You still have time before I chase that puppet."

"You wouldn't do anything like that."

"I will and I am." She said with a smirk.

"You already ruined my career, my reputation. You can't mess up with her now." I said my voice cracking.

"She is the only one left nah. So just be a good boy and leave her alone. At least you'd be able to see her alive while you still can." She said leaning into her chair.

"Olivia you already destroyed my career and reputation with those pictures. You know it very well I was drunk that night. You are doing it all on purpose."

"You weren't drunk. I added that drug in your drink.... and yeah, for my purpose" she said staring into my eyes.

"Why are you doing all this? What will you get out of all this?" I mustered.

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