"[...] i'm made for a soul-crushing romance, i need someone who won't be ashamed to worship the ground i walk on, because that's how i love, i give myself completely, i love every day as if there could be no tomorrow, i- god, do you know even one gu...
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bokuto placed four bottles of beer on the counter of the table they had taken in the bar.
akaashi learned to enjoy beer over the last two years of his life, it was still not his favorite drink, but he wasn't disgusted by it anymore, and he didn't want to end his life solely because of the smell. 'god, i'm ruined,' he thought, as the realization hit.
kenma, on the other hand, couldn't keep his face from turning completely horrified at the sight of that awful, golden drink in front of him. at the end of their meeting, this glass would most likely end up under kuroo's wings, he didn't mind alcohol at all, regardless of taste, he was like a human dumpster for drinks.
"you know i've planning to join a professional team after college, right?" bokuto started. he seemed to be ready to burst with excitement. "i've been scouted by msby black jackals!"
kuroo was the first to shake off the weight of the announcement. he stood up and threw his arms around bokuto's shoulders, trying to squeeze life from him.
"bokuto, that's amazing," he gasped, patting him on the back.
"that's- bokuto, that's- you've loved this team since forever," akaashi said breathlessly, standing up to hug his friend.
"that's incredible, right?" he laughed and embraced Akaashi.
this team had been at the top of bokuto's wishlist for as long as the two of them had known each other, it was like a dream come ture. the fact that he was scouted was even better because it meant that they chose him on their own. bokuto was going to apply to them closer to his graduation date in three months, but now he didn't have to.
"so, you're going to move to osaka?" kenma asked, trying to resist taking a sip of beer at this point.
he was happy for bokuto because he had achieved everything he had ever wanted, but he couldn't get past the obvious dark cloud that hung over them. based on akaashi's delayed reaction, it must have been the first thing he thought of after hearing the news, but he couldn't bring himself to ask about it.
"yeah," bokuto nodded and took a deep breath. that big change was not easy for him either, even though he knew he'd make it work.
"it's a nice place," kuroo said, despite the fact that he'd only been to osaka a few times, mostly for volleyball tournaments that left little time for sightseeing.
"it is, and the apartment prices aren't too high, and i have an aunt there," bokuto said, before chugging his beer. the stress got to him.
"they got new setter last season, right?" akaashi asked, shifting the conversation back to something lighter than a serious discussion about moving out and living away from his friends.
"yeah! one of miya twins, god, i can't wait to play with him," bokuto whined, pulling his hair in excitement. "msby literally rocketed in charts with him on the team, can you imagine how awesome will it be to hit his sets?"