"[...] i'm made for a soul-crushing romance, i need someone who won't be ashamed to worship the ground i walk on, because that's how i love, i give myself completely, i love every day as if there could be no tomorrow, i- god, do you know even one gu...
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with yn, akaashi grew to like surprises. they were never something he enjoyed before because every time someone tried to surprise him, he couldn't just enjoy whatever they gave him because he was too worried about whether his reaction was right and if he didn't make a strange face at first.
because of yn, he learned to enjoy surprises (especially those from her), she showed him that it was okay not to be embarrassed by how he reacted to them, and she proved there was nothing to worry about if he didn't like what he got.
he also grew to enjoy creating surprises. that's why, when yn told him she was going to osaka to meet up with atsumu, he asked to go with her and surprise bokuto with a visit. he had been asking him to come for a month, but akaashi was so busy with exams that finding time was difficult until now.
they went to the center where msby black jackals practiced because yn promised to pick up atsumu after practice and take him out to eat, and akaashi decided it would be best if they met their best friends together and then went their separate ways. he was a little concerned if they could simply walk into the gym without a permit, but there was nothing yn and her charm couldn't solve.
"oh, really?" she asked, making a sad face at the girl sitting in the sports center's reception area.
"there's nothing i can do," she sighed. it looked that yn was not the first person who asked for permission to enter the gym during closed practice.
well. maybe some people were immune to her charm.
yn pouted slightly and looked at akaashi, who stood a few steps behind her, hoping that he would figure something out, because she really wanted to see atsumu and bokuto play together before their first official game, but he didn't want to cause any trouble by bugging the receptionist when she had already told them it wasn't possible.
but yn looked so sad, and she wanted it so badly, that he couldn't say no.
"hi, sorry," he said, leaning slightly against the counter. "i just wanted to tell you that your perfumes are so nice," he said to her, and the receptionist smiled broadly.
"really? gosh, i just bought them and was worried that they wouldn't be as strong as i expected," she said, laughing lightly.
"no, they're really strong, i walked in and felt them right away," he reassured her. "i-," he chuckled, shaking his head slightly. "i just couldn't walk away without telling you that," he shrugged. "i won't take your time any longer, i heard you already say no to that girl in front of me, and i wanted to ask about the same thing."
as much as it bothered him to call yn a random girl, she needed a visitor badge to enter the gymnasium, and he would give it to her.
"you too have a friend on the team?" she asked curiously. "who is he?" yn almost gasped as she heard that from afar, she hadn't even bothered to ask her, but she was eager to learn from akaashi. she shook her head in disbelief and returned to the waiting lounge.
"bokuto is the newest addition to the team, we played volleyball together in high school," he said sheepishly to her.
"woah," she gasped, slowly opening one drawer. "well, usually you'd have to fill out a form to be let into the closed practice, but i guess i can make an exception for you," she smiled to him, pulling out the sticker with a big 'visitor' on top, a space under to fill in the name, and a space for the center's official stamp. "maybe for a phone number?"
"sure," he said eagerly as she passed him a piece of paper and a pen. he wrote down yn's phone number and returned the paper to her.
"your name?" she asked.
"akaashi," he replied and just moments later he had a permit to enter the closed practice in his hands. "thank you so much," he said, giving her a big smile.
without thinking about this whole interaction any longer he turned around and walked to yn who was sitting impatiently in the waiting area.
"i have something for you," he said, smiling softly at yn. "but i had to flirt with the receptionist to get it and i don't feel so good about it."
"since when you're so good at flirting?" she chuckled. akaashi was really charming, but in his own way that wasn't everyone's cup of tea.
for a moment she thought that there was something wrong with her that she didn't felt jealous, but a explaination wasn't something hard to come up with. she was secure in their relationship, like never before. akaashi didn't had to convince her it wasn't serious, because she knew, she knew that he did it for her to give her a chance to watch bokuto and atsumu play together.
"oh, come on," he said lightly, peeling back the sticker and sticking it to her shirt, somewhere under the collarbone. "it was embarrassing."
"nothing embarrassing about being a hero for your girl," she said, kissing his cheek. "where's yours?" she asked, seeing that he held nothing else in his hands.
"i didn't want to push my luck, so i only got one," he admitted, smiling awkwardly. "mrs. akaashi," he said, patting the sticker on her chest.
yn rolled her eyes and smiled proudly as she looked down at the last name on the sticker.
"i need my mr. akaashi with me, okay? sit down, i'm going to teach you how to flirt with a girl." she pointed to the chair next to her, and akaashi sighed in defeat.
a few moments later, they were entering the gym together, both wearing the same last name on the sticker.