"[...] i'm made for a soul-crushing romance, i need someone who won't be ashamed to worship the ground i walk on, because that's how i love, i give myself completely, i love every day as if there could be no tomorrow, i- god, do you know even one gu...
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akaashi was about to put down his phone and go to sleep when it lit up with a call. the fact that it was from yn surprised him because she never called him at this hour, and it left an unsettling feeling in his stomach. his first thought was that something had happened, but if that was the case, he was probably not the first person she would call.
"hello?" he asked, after clearing his throat. he'd been sitting in his own room for the past few hours, taking a long bath to relax, journaling for a while, and not speaking up, so his voice was a little hoarse for a second.
"did i wake you up?" yn asked. akaashi heard no signs of trouble in her voice, which helped him calm down completely after his initial panic.
"no, i wasn't going to sleep yet," he said, sitting up on his bed, hoping that those words would put yn at ease and let her to say whatever she wanted without worrying about whether she should keep talking or let him sleep.
"can you step outside for a moment to talk?"
akaashi nearly jumped out of the bed.
"you're under my building?"
"yes, i'm sorry i haven't said anything earlier, but-"
"it's okay, give me a second."
it took akaashi literally seconds to put on socks, shoes, and a hoodie. absolutely nobody had ever seen him move so quickly, and he still felt like it took forever to get downstairs and step outside.
he checked again to see if it didn't look like something bad had happened to cause her to be here, but she seemed fine.
"hi," he said, zipping up his hoodie over his pyjama shirt.
"i was on a date," yn said right away.
akaashi was taken aback by the sudden confession. he hadn't expected to hear that, and he couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy, so he quickly quieted down. he had no right to be jealous of yn, and while it saddened him, it was true. yn could date all she wanted.
he looked at how she was dressed. it had to be a bad date because yn always dressed up for meetings like this, and now she looked exactly like she did every day: beautiful but casual.
"okay," he said quietly, expecting that there was more to the story.
"i didn't know it was a date, i thought it was just a casual meet, he never told me it was a date," she explained, her voice filled with urgency that akaashi had never heard before.
she was looking at him, as if she wanted him to understand more than just what she had said. akaashi swallowed nervously, digging nails into his palm to ground himself before falling to panic.
yn didn't have to explain herself, she knew it, and she didn't even wanted to do it, but it just came out without her thinking about it. she was supposed to tell him that she knows and feels glad it's him. she wanted to tell him she had been hoping it was him for a long time and couldn't stop thinking about him even if it was someone else writing to her, but nothing came out of her mouth as she wished.
"did something bad happend?" he asked calmly, but it was clear from his expression that her tone worried him.
"no, no, I just- i wanted you to know that if you heard from someone that i went out with someone, i did not. i wasn't aware it was a date."
yn wanted him to understand that she was not going out with anyone. she wanted him to know.
"we were at the bar, and there was an open mic, and some guy cut into our conversation," she explained, watching akaashi's eyes widen in surprise.
she remembered their first meeting, but she never thought about it much. now that she thought about it, it was actually a very cute way to meet each other. romantic, even.
akaashi figured out that yn was talking about her date this evening and how similar it was to their meeting. which had to lead her to reminding herself that she sung on this open mic, the exact words he used in the poem.
he knew she was smart, and it was clear that she would figure it out before he could muster the courage to tell her. despite the stress, he was relieved that it was finally out.
"what happend next?" akaashi asked quietly, no louder than a hum.
"i thought about you," she said, slowly reaching for his hand. he let her uncurl his fingers and gently rub her fingertips on the dents in his skin left by his nails. "i took my things and left."
"you left guy during a date, huh?" he chuckled. "for me?"
"yeah," she said, smiling slightly. "i had four drinks, maybe we shouldn't talk about it today," she said, laughing.
it almost made akaashi shrudder, knowing that yn knew.
"sounds like a bad date," akaashi laughed, intertwining their fingers.
there was nothing to worry about, he tried to convince himself. yn met with him as the first thing she did after realizing, and she held his hand as if she never wanted to let go of it.
"it was so bad..." she groaned, throwing her head back at just the thought. "but he was probably stressed because it was a date, so that's why he was acting so weird," she explained, hiding a yawn behind her free hand.
"i'll walk you home, alright?" akaashi asked, looking into her eyes welling up with tears from a yawn.
"no, you're wearing your pyjamas," she protested, pointing to his pants. "i don't want you to freeze."
"i won't," he promised, gently tugging on her hand and leading her to her apartment. he couldn't let her go back alone, and he didn't want to leave her just yet.
"aren't ya cute?" she laughed softly, putting her free hand on his arm to make sure she didn't lose him along the way. "do we need to talk about it, though?" she asked aloud. "we could, but i think it's obvious what's going on between us, and you're already blushing- i don't want to stress you with serious talk about it."
with her quiet voice, akaashi couldn't tell if yn was speaking to him or herself.
"it's cold," he argued, but when she looked up at him, he just sighed, knowing she was correct.
so they didn't talk about it. it was quite obvious that they both liked each other. instead of talking about what they should do next, they decided to let it happen when the time was right. just like he hoped.