Chapter 1

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'HEY!' A voice shouted behind me, I turn around to see the cute little face of my friend, running up towards me with a big smile on her face. I look at her questionably as a joke, and she gives me a frown. 'Don't be so mean! I needed to give something to you!' She exclaimed, to which I smiled at her. She then reaches down to her pocket and proceeds to take out a quite small card, she scans it with her eyes quickly before giving it to me with a grin on her face. 'Happy Birthday Jace!' My smile widens, ' Thanks' I whisper, making it so that Lucy cant hear it. I look down at the small card, though it was small it had lots of details on it, like the swirling black patterns scattered along the front and at the back there was my name written in big black swirly letters, you know, quality over quantity. My hands search for a flap to open the card, after a moment I find it and slowly open it, making sure to not rip the delicate design on the card. Eventually I manage to open it, I then carefully take the card out, which had a small bear holding up a sign saying 'happy 14th birthday!' I chuckled, it looked cute. I open the card to which I see 'Dear Jace, I wish you the best 14th birthday you could ever have, also check the envelope again...' I look at the message for a bit more before my eyes focus on the envelope that lay helplessly by my side. I put my card to the side and pick up the wonderfully crafted envelope again, opening the flap and peeking inside, my faded smile grew again, there lay about 5-6 £20 notes. I look up at Lucy, who is smiling more than before, 'I hope you liked it.' she said. I stand up, and hug her tight for a couple seconds before letting go and sitting back down on the bench, getting my wallet out, which had almost nothing, and slotting in the money that I just received. 

I look up at Lucy again after I put my wallet back in my pocket, but I found that she disappeared, confused, I stand up, looking around for a sign of her but I saw nothing, I decided to then get my phone out and text her, we were meant to meet tonight for some sort of 'surprise', but obviously I didn't know what it was, or if my parents were in on it. I text her where she went, because a minute or so ago she just completely vanished into thin air somehow without me noticing. I see her respond not too long after I sent the message, when I saw what she responded with, I felt a chill run down my back, I turned the phone off and put it in my pocket. I stood up, trying to ignore what I saw Lucy send me. I started walking home through the park, it was like 3:00pm, or somewhere around that, even though the sun was shining bright above me, it felt strangely unsafe to be alone at this moment, and I couldn't see anyone either, which creeped me out a bit, especially because there were usually mothers walking around with their strollers. Though it did worry me a bit, I decided to just shake It off. I walked out of the park gates to meet with the familiar scent of car fumes, drifting around in the air. I started on my way home, which was a short 5 minute walk from the park, it was the middle of the summer holidays, and it was boiling! I think today is actually one of the hottest days of the year, I'd say that it was about 35 degrees celsius, which was really getting to me, especially since I decided to wear long sleeve today, which was quite a stupid idea.

I finally made it home covered in sweat and heat from the blazing hot sun outside. My mom then came into view, ' hey sweetie, how was the park?' My mom was the only person I have really talked to in the past couple years, like I ain't someone who talks a lot, like the quiet kid, and the reason for it isn't quite clear at all, even for me it's just a cloudy memory, though I do remember that the reason I swore to myself that I would stay majority silent was for a big reason, which makes me wonder how I forgot it from time to time, and it isn't that my memory is bad, it is quite excellent actually, it's just that one thing that is stuck in my head, but for some reason just doesn't want to be found. 'The park was great' I partly lied, because I did enjoy it, till the situation with Lucy happened. 'I even met Lucy today, she gave me a gift.' My mom looked at me curiously. ' And? What did she give you?' I take my wallet out and show the money to her with a grin on my face. 'Awww how sweet of her!', she paused for. moment, ' You know I always knew that Lucy girl was a good girl!' I met Lucy around the start of secondary school, she joined a bit later because of there being no space, but once we first met each other, we both already knew how great friends we would be, and my parents thought so too. 

'When is dad coming home?' I muttered loudly enough so that my mom could hear me. She sighed, 'Quite late sweetie, you'll be out with Lucy most probably when he comes home, but don't worry, he's got something planned with you tomorrow.' My smile slightly fades, 'ok.' My dad was always a busy guy, working for over half the day to support the family, and coming home really late, I barely get to talk to him which saddens me a bit, but it's something I'm quite used to, though it disappointed me that he could come home early even for my birthday. I look at my mom again. She the says, 'now don't be sad, you've got that surprise thing with Lucy today, don't let one thing ruin your day like that, now come on, get ready, the place is like a hour away, it's nearly 4pm and you're meant to meet at 5pm so go get ready.' I nod and slowly shuffle over to my room and get dressed into a short sleeve and some fashionably comfortable shorts to which I wear socks with, I then go downstairs to go eat lunch, which was chicken with mashed potatoes, cucumbers and yogurt. After I finish eating I hop on my Nintendo switch, that I got on my 13th birthday, and played one of my favourite games on it, Mario kart, I used to play it with my dad all the time till he got so busy with work, I always beat him at it, those were the best days. I played a couple matches until my mom told me to turn it off and get ready to leave, I skidded to put my shoes on, I then opened the front door, letting the hot midsummer air into the  rather chilled house, I nagged my mom to hurry up, because she was dropping me off at the the place.

Fast forward to the place, we arrived at a giant mall, and at the front of it I saw Lucy, grinning and waving at me, I looked at her with awe, she was very neatly but nicely dressed, pretty. I hopped out of my mom's car. 'I'll pick you up around 9pm okay?' I nodded happily at her and waved at her as she drove away into the distance. I looked at Lucy with a grin. 'So,' she exclaimed, 'let's go in then!'

First chapter finished!

I hope you enjoyed it

Next one coming soon hopefully

Words: 1344

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