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So then I start walking, on and on and on, turning corners quite often, not really knowing where to go. Left, right, right, left. 'Lucy! Where are you?' I pause. Why am I even calling for Lucy? I'm the one that's stuck here... all alone. Come on, there has to be some sort of exit! If I came from somewhere, there must be a way out. Why didn't I notice how we were on the 7th floor, and there were no people, and that the toilets looked sketchy!? uhhh. That's just me being stupid, I then remember, I have my phone! I whip my phone out, I could... couldn't call anyone... no signal... SERIOUSLY!? I look around the concrete walls, this is creepy. I definitely don't want the lights going out, that would put me in pitch black, and that is what I want the least, other than being stuck here, I wonder if Lucy is here too, stuck in who knows how many walls, I then see a long pathway, longer than the whole mall, which really confused me, but I went with it. I took a couple steps forward, before looking behind me, and seeing a solid wall, my mouth gaped open, WHAT?! But.... but I just went through there.

I look at the door that seemed miles ahead of me, there were no pathways in between, which meant I had no other way to go, you know... maybe this leads to outside! But on the 7th floor? I doubt it, walking towards the door as fast as I could, I really did think about what was behind this door, what? A new area of the mall that has been uncovered by society? Or is just something that I would just simply never expect? I guess there is only one way to find out, I stuff my phone into my pocket, and start running towards the door, I just really hope that this is a push door! I run, and run, and run, and run. But the exit doesn't seem to be any nearer, what is this place? I pause, breathing harshly, my legs were pretty tired after all of that running. I sat down, looking around the narrow hallway, the door looked like it was so close, yet so far at the same time, I just want to get to that door. 

Well, but If I am going to go to that door, then I better get some rest tho first, all of that walking, chasing and running really tired me out. I lie down, I felt the cold green concrete on my back and my head. I looked up at the ceiling. Not really bothering to do anything, I eventually closed my eyes, and managed to drift off to sleep.

I sit up, confused. I then realise that I am not in the hallway any more, yay! I stand up, I was in the middle of the mall,  some people walking to shops and some walking out of them, it was night now, how long was I sleeping for? I take my phone out, 0%, it isn't turning on, but it's night, which means that it's past 9pm, which means that I'm going to be in a lot of trouble..... 

I manage to exit the mall, I look around, but my mom's car is no where to be seen, so I start calling out. 'MOM!?' People start looking at me, as if I'm mad or something, I start walking around, calling my mom's name worriedly. I frown, I walk up to someone and ask them, 'hello sir? do you know what the time is?' The man I asks peers over at me, before turning away and walking away without saying a single word. My gesturing hand flopped, then in the distance I swear I saw my mom walking by, I spun around and starting running towards her. She turned and looked at me, I could hear her say, 'You are such a disappointment Jace, you should have never existed.' I paused, 'what?...' I muttered. She only nodded I suddenly started falling, into a white space, but, I didn't stop falling, I was simply speechless, why would my mom do this? And why am I falling, I look below me, tall, tall spikes beneath me, getting closer and closer with each second passing by. But as I fell, they parted, so I landed in between them, I lay on m back, helplessly and in pain, I didn't dare speak, I only looked up, up at a white sky with the hole I fell through, how am I not dead? 

I felt something lift me up, it was a pair of hands, cradling my helpless body, I did my best to not close my eyes, trying to see who it was, but my vision was too blurry, The hands that held me where cold and hard, I could feel it stabbing into my legs. 'What has happened with you, huh?' There was a short pause, I attempt to speak, but nothing leaves my lips, leaving me disappointed. It said, 'can you not talk or something?' I did my best to shake my head, to which I think the guy saw, he said 'ok.' before laying me down again, my I felt my head touch the cold white floor, it was blurry, but I saw a sort of back figure looking down at me, 'wake up, you're sleeping' he said, 'us meeting again will be likely but for now, just wake up... you need to, LISTEN TO ME! I  don't want to do this for you...' I look at the figure and close my eyes, I then feel a sharp pain go through my chest, 'You should've listened to me, now we have to do this the hard way....'

I bolt upright, what a horrific dream... I was still in the hallway, but who was that black figure? I looked at the door, it seemed to be closer to me now, like really close. I stand up, trembling. I clench my teeth and run towards the door, as fast as humanely possible, and burst through the door, falling down onto some sort of carpet? I stand up, brush my self off and rub my eyes..

What is this?


Hope you liked it. :D

words- 1050

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