This is way too complicated...

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'So do you at least have any plan of getting out of this level?' She nodded, not saying a word and grabbing my hand for what seemed like the 563rd time. 'Ok!' I paused just to see if she would say anything else. 'You aren't gonna speak I guess!' She looked at me and nodded. Honestly this is getting quite boring, can we get to the good part or something already? If there even is a somewhat more interesting thing going on I guess. 

Alex started to lead me to what seemed to be a pathway surrounded by a lot of holes. I know fear of holes is a thing, but like it's natural holes so like it wasn't bad and they weren't every like 2cm it was more like every 5-10 meters. Also what is the fear of holes even called. I don't know much names of phobias. like I know fear of spiders is called arachnophobia, which I may or may not have... I AM NOT GOING TO GO OVER THAT ONE TIM- so anyways, I was existing, I had just taken a shower and that type of stuff when I went to my closet to get some clothes out, I opened it and went to get a t-shirt, but when I opened the drawer, instead of just seeing my lovely messed up t-shirts, I SAW A SPOODER JUST CHILLING ON MY FAVOURITE SHIRT! What did I do? I screamed... I was 5 give me a break! Anyways, my mom came in and was like, ItS JuSt A sPiDeR ComE On! Like my mom never had a problem with it but I obviously did. Like, my mom LIKES spiders, which kind of concerned me when I was younger, but then I found out that they were good for removing like bugs in the house, but still, SHE LITERALLY HOUSED SPIDERS WITH NO RENT IN HER BEDROOM! Like they aren't her kids are they now? Unless she's hiding something.... UH. Anyways my mom came in with a tissue and kinda oozed it and flushed it down the toilet... YEAH!

Another phobia that I happen to know is, I think it's either called Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia or Sesquipedaliophobia? Which is like the fear of long words... DO NOT ASK HOW I REMEMBER THAT! My memory is good! Depending on the day... Another one I know is haphephobia which i'm pretty sure is fear of touch or something... I might have known someone that had that but well, they must have been unimportant to me because I probably forgot about them... lol. 

Anyways we were just walking around the place when Alex just stopped, I was getting memories from the hotel level. 'Why have you just stopped, are there entities or something?' She shook her head somewhat confidently. I hoped that she was right, like I know that this place doesn't look much like a place where so called entities would hide or something, but since this is I think... the bookrooms? NO! It was the backrooms! oops! Anyways continuing my very, VERY important conversation, i'm pretty sure they would just hide or something. Like how they hid in that parking lot level, or are they levels? I DON'T KNOW. This whole thingy is way too complicated for me, HONESTLY! I then see some hole and let go of Alex's hand, walking up to it, and standing in front of it, mesmerised for some given reason. 'Why did you go to that one?' I didn't look in her direction, but still answered. 'I don't know, it's giving good vibes, like, it caught my attention. She stepped ahead of me, examining the area. 'Yeah let's go in!' I stare at her. 'Wha-' She then full and pushes me in. But instead of falling for the 5237437528th time, I landed on a firm surface, Alex strolled in front of me gracefully, or almost... before saying. 

'Level 300! Nice!' She turned around, with a smile etched on her face. She reached her hand out to help me get up, I gratefully took it after a split second of consideration. 'So where is the exit to this one?' Alex was looking at the views ahead. 'It's like... a waterfall or something... Yeah! That's the only exit i'm pretty sure... i'm not sure what level it leads to though.' I nod my head slowly. And after a minute of awkward silence I reply. 'And where is that waterfall?' My friend shrugged her shoulders. 'Not sure... if we get lucky it would be quite close by.' I stop to go through my thoughts for a second. 'And what if we don't get lucky?' She looked quite concerned. 'Well it could be some sane amount of kilometres away... or even miles... we could starve if we don't get there in time, after all...' She peered down at my pockets, 'Our food supply is not the best, we should ration it, only eat it if we have to... these are no games... it may seem like one now, but this is not something to be played with....

the backrooms are more dangerous than you think.'

I nod. 'Ration food... be careful with supplies, got it!!' I exclaimed nervously. She chuckled. 'Sorry for sounding so scary haha, I'm just concerned for us, I don't know when we will find food again.' I nod again. I could tell that she meant it. I can't help but say, that me and Alex have grown a pretty strong relationship thought the time. It's has been nice with her, really nice, even though the harsh circumstances, they haven't affected our journey through this place that much, I smirk to myself heroically. I will find an exit for us both no matter what! I won't leave without her, no matter the cost! I could tell that she was looking at me, I stared back. She blinked, looking away embarrassingly. 'Sorry... I was just.. I don't know..' I laugh. 'It's ok! Don't worry about it!' She smiled at me. 'You know, if you were to die, I would die with you.' I stop laughing. 'Really?' She nodded her head. I turned away for a moment before saying. 'So should we get going to find that waterfall then?'


Should I change the way I start this stuff? lol

I am a bit dead as usual but that normal stuff lol

anyways hope yall liked it!


hopefully lol


1067 words

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