The Unknown

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I opened my eyes. They stung, HOLD UP! I peered next to me and saw Jace, just lying there not acheiveing that much, I sat up, looking around, sooooo this looks quite similar, it definetly didn't move us both to another level, because I don't think that there aren't two levels that look exactly the same, you know. But I knew there was something different, we were in the middle of four different pathways, pipes lined up along the walls, I was shook, were we taken to the very centre?  I stood up and dusted myself off, shaking Jace. 'Hey! wake up!' He remained unresponsive, that thing must have done it worse to him that it did to me. I picked the poor guy up, and decided to walk in one of the four directions, I sighed, the guy was heavy, but I wasn't going to let him wake up alone, I wanted him to find a way out, I look down at him while I walk, I wonder how old the guy is. I, myself, am 16 years old, nearly 17. Somewhere this year I think, don't ask how I know. I got stuck in this place of infinite places somewhere when I was 12 or 11.

I continued to walk, but I knew that I was no where near the walls, you know, there might be some exit along here, I know I told Jace that there is no exit but who knows, I could have been wrong and maybe I just didn't know it, or maybe ill be searching this place for eternity, I just need to make sure we don't get into level 3... that's where we lost... was it James or Lila that we lost there? Gone... forever. He could be anywhere in this place, I sure hope he isn't somewhere in the negative levels, I heard that once you hit those levels then you never get out. I sigh. I continue to walk in a straight line, not an expecting too much, most of these levels are just... stupid? I sit myself down, I look up, closing my eyes. How have I not gone insane in this place? So many different routes you could take and nearly none of them ever led you to a way out, no one has ever recorded leaving the backrooms, that is at least what I was told, I searched it up too. 

When could I eve be free? I look down at Jace, who was lying down on my lap, watching his stomach rise and fall. I smile. I know I haven't known this guy for long but I have a feeling that he could be someone that I could make a great friend out of. If I'm going to be here till I die, then I should use this time usefully. Even if I'll never be free, then at least I get to end my consciousness with someone. I stand up again, picking Jace up, but before I start walking I feel something wet on my hands, I peer down to see Jace sweating furiously, I lay him down nervously and start to shake him. 'JACE?!'

Jace's POV:

I stare down at my hands, no one but me was there, in the pipe filled hallways. Or was I wrong? 'You..' I look up to see the familiar black figure. 'What do you want!?' It looks at me, and for the first time, I saw its eyes. White with black, woah. Cool. But my thoughts were soon interrupted. 'I need to ask you a question Jace...' I look deep into its eyes. 'I need you to answer truthfully..' I nod my head nervously. 'ok?' I try to pull away eye contact, but I can't seem to do it. 'Do you know my name...?' I stare at the guy for a moment, confused. 'What?' He peers to the side, before walking over to me and gripping my hand hard with no warning whatsoever, leaving me shook, he then teleported me to a white space, have I been here before? 'Why are you shaking?' I look down at my hands, which were, in fact, trembling. 'I don't know..' I look to the side. 'Im going to ask you this again...' My unfocused eyes move to it again, but what shook me even more was that the black figure wasn't even there..

'W H A T   I S   M Y   N A M E?'

My head started to hurt. There was a girl in front of me, not Lucy, not Alex, but instead there was a different girl, with hazelnut brown medium length hair, brown eyes, and she was wearing a baggy shirt and some tracksuit bottoms. 'What is my name?' I look at the figure questionably, 'Or...  can you not remember at all?' I take a step back. Why did this girl... feel, familiar to me? She smiled at me. 'I just wish you could do one thing for me, though I know that you wouldn't understand..... you never would...' She then ran up to me and hugged me tight, I slightly raised my hands up, a bit startled by her. 'I miss you Jace.' I pulled away from slowly. She frowned. 'I knew it, you wouldn't understand, you don't remember me at all, so what's the point of me doing this...' I opened my mouth to speak, but no words came out. She looked back up at me. 'Your voice cannot be heard here my friend.' I looked back at her. She turned her back to me, you'll never know me again, it's too late... she turned around again. Facing me, with tears in her eyes. 'If you aren't going to remember me, then remember this, if you ever find your way out of this trap, you will know why I met up with you here, and why I will chase after you for the rest of the time you have.' She closed her eyes for a moment. But what she next said shook me even more.

'Just please get out before time runs out... please...'



Anyways I hope y'all liked it

Also 350 reads lol

Me is super happy again :D


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