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I decided not to speak. I felt suddenly silenced for some reason. I shoved the feeling of uneasiness to the side. How long has it been since I slept? Oh yeah... not long lol. How did I forget that easily, it's not normal for me to just forget things like that... This whole thing, concept, whatever this thingy is called... it's so... cursed. The feeling of Alex carrying me has gotten really uncomfortable. But I didn't speak, I didn't want to for some reason. So I just decided to relax, close my eyes, and shut myself in my thoughts again. I don't care what the consequences of doing that are but at this point I really don't care, all I want is some peace, I just want peace... not crazy stuff... no crazy stuff. 

I wake up in my thoughts, I stood up in my area, it was the usual white space again, just, in a way, different, I didn't know why. Something felt off. Speaking of that, something about my whole life just seemed to be off for some absurd reason. I didn't understand anything at this rate. Everything is just so confusing, it's difficult to get used to everything, because it just keeps on coming at you like the wind, it never stops, it carries on forever. Why did I think so negatively? I always used to be the positive guy? Why can't I be like that again? I straighten my posture. Looking ahead as if there was something there. I am who I am. Nothing I can do can change that. I blinked back the hot, wet, tears that formed in my eyes. Crying is a weakness. If anything, it should only be done in private... right? I allow my body to relax eventually. I just let myself drop onto the floor into a sitting position. It ain't that bad tho, on a better note, I guess I got what I wished for... for a more adventurous life, and that's what I got. This. This is the life I live now, but the biggest question is. If I ever get a chance to return to my old life, would I take it? I just sit there, staring into space for a couple minutes at least. I don't know. Why would I return to a life with nothing but the same exact routine every day, I then remembered how bored I used to be back in those days. Here at least there is some action.

My head hurt, it hurt from the thoughts, especially the bad ones. I found myself lying on the floor, staring up into the non-existent ceiling. I sighed. Life really is unpredictable. You know, if I just woke up somewhere completely different and everything... I wouldn't even be surprised, life hold so many, too many surprises. I shivered. It was colder than it was earlier, it wasn't a winter cold though, it was more of a summer night type of chill. I wasn't ever too comfortable with people was I. Yeah I am that extrovert, running around like a mad man, going to all sorts of parties and gatherings. Going out all the time, I had so many friends. But sometimes I found myself uncomfortable next to people, I shook it off, I always did, because I didn't know it meant something. Does it mean something? I don't know, and I don't know if I ever will understand if it means something, or if anything means anything really. I smiled. But I guess that's a good thing, life would be way too boring if we knew everything in the universe... 

There isn't just one universe though. I sit up. There are millions, maybe upon billions even. Its crazy! The fact that there are probably alternate versions of us living completely different lives that we have no knowledge of! It's so crazy! And that isn't even half of it, there are so many parts of everything really, that we don't know much of yet. I can't imagine there being more than there already is at the moment, but at the same time, I want it to be there, because then there is so much to find out! So much to do, visit... maybe we could even, I dunno, LIVE THERE! That would be really insane, but of course, that's probably out of our reach, and may be for many decades to come, but with technology evolving so quickly, who knows! Maybe we will even have freaking teleporters by 2050! But it could be just a guess. Like I've heard a rumour about scientists or something starting to make pills to live longer! Like i'm guessing by the time that i'm like 60 or something, people might even have invented immortality pills or something, and probably the iPhone pro max giga 672956962 or whatever is similar to that too!

I stood up. Well time to flyyyyyyyyy! I jump up, and instead of gravity doing its thing, I floated up in the air like a cloud would. I laughed. I loved the feeling, I loved how I could kinda teleport my whole consciousness to my head for some reason. Like I can't go to places here and stuff, but what I can do it fly, think and do whatever really that kind of a reasonable thing you can do in a empty, probably endless, white space. 

I then realised something. How long has it been since I zoned out or however you call it? UHHH. I kinda don't know. Welllll imma just... ZONE IN, or wake up or... IDK! I shut my eyes for a good long time and try to return to reality. Look at how I said try... because I kinda failed... again. It's harder to zone back in for some reason recently, sometimes I have to put in more effort and now I can't even do it myself, and that's the problem, i'm alone...

'Or are you alone?'

ooooooooo cliffhanger woah

well if you aren't reading this when im writing this then you wouldn't have to wait lol

anyways I hope yall liked it!


I honestly though it wouldn't fit the chapter in TvT




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