I'm Not Dead?

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Was this really going to be the end of it all?

It was getting darker around me, but at the same time it wasn't. The sky was still blue, the clouds flew past me as I fell. I just lost track of thought completely. Panic filled my body, but yet I still could not do anything. I was hopeless. Giving in to the apparent death below me. I didn't know what to do. Well not like I had much choices anyways. It felt horrible, the feeling, the one particular emotion that I felt, I hated it, I hated it more than anything...


It filled me. I wanted to scream, but I was blocked by something. I didn't want to die, it was too early. Just because of one singular stupid mistake. It was all my fault... my fault... IT WAS ALL MY FAULT! I felt a horrible dash of guilt run me over, all because I'm too stupid for anything.. so this is my answer. Time went by so slowly. It felt like it even stopped for a second, and I just observed myself floating, desperate for an escape that was never an option... or was it? I want to shut my eyes because they stung, but I didn't let myself do so. As for Alex, I didn't even know where she was. It feels like we have been falling for hours now, even though I know that is not the case. At least for now. The islands were no longer visible to me. My vision was a blurry mess. I didn't know what I was looking at. I squinted my eyes shut, but there was no point in doing so. I didn't even know if I was falling with Alex any more. I clenched my teeth, so hard that I thought my teeth would crush from the pressure. My vision became somewhat clearer again, which I was kind of glad of. Though the mix of negative emotions consumed me almost entirely, it made me hard to concentrate on anything. I will admit, even breathing was kind of hard, almost as if I was suffocating or something. It's difficult to explain. It felt like a liquid substance, covering myself completely, but it was invisible, or maybe it was only I who saw it at some point. I don't know at this point.

The fall continued, but I was starting to get confused now too... how long are we going to be falling for? The area then actually started to get darker, and darker, and darker. Till it was so black that even when I closed my eyes I saw no difference. I still had my eyes open though. Just in case of anything. Why was it so dark all of a sudden...? I DON'T UNDERSTAND A SINGLE THING THAT'S GOING ON AROUND ME!!!! 

Something caught me off guard just a moment later, it felt like being plunged into a lake, but it was a warm buzzy feeling. It filled me entirely. It was so comfy. But I was still floating. The urge to close my eyes was out of this world. No matter how hard I tried, my eyes eventually fell, causing my consciousness to just slip away.

OH MY FREAKING... huh? I was laying down on something hard, like concrete or rock. I opened my eyes, sitting up. WHERE THE HECK AM I!? And I am not about to have a stupid panic attack over something as idiotic as this! Or am I? Ehhhhhhhhhh. Dunno! I massage my head, that for some reason seemed to hurt a lot. The fear was gone, but confusion and panic still stood strong. WHERE IS FREAKING ALEX!? I spin my head around, looking in all directions. 'ALEX?!' I stood up just a little too energetically. The surrounding area looked a bit like a forest, but it had a stone path, like not a clean stone, small rocks scattered around randomly and quite literally everywhere. I walk slowly, not aware of my surroundings, when something jumps out at me, I squeal as the thing lunges at me, knocking me over onto the rocks... headfirst... But.... I ain't knocked out? WHAT IS WITH THIS WHOLE PLACE?! It did hurt tho. 'owwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww' The person chuckled. I turned to see who it was.... OF COURSE IT WAS ALEX! 'HaHaHaHa... sorry tho... didn't mean to nearly kill ya!' I sigh. 'Mhmmmmmmmmm' I rub my head gently, feeling dizzy for no good reason. Yeah, I do not want this right now... CAN I LEAVE? Oh yea, I can't...

Alex then grabs my hand before I return to my senses and starts tugging at me for me to follow her, but me being absolutely unaware of anything at the moment except from my own stupidity, I fall over... again.. yeah I love being me! I sigh again as I get up, brushing off a couple of rocks that stabbed into my clothes and skin. Alex turned around and looked at me a bit worried. 'Hey... sorry for both times heh.. but like.. you okay bro?' I nod my head lazily, not quite knowing exactly what i'm doing. 'Yeah you don't look okay buddy...' I shake my head, disapproving of her statement and starting to pay more attention to my actual surroundings. But I then felt myself being lifted. Unwanted surprise fills me. 'H-H-HEY! PUT ME DOWN!' She laughs. 'yea no... you gonna fall again.' I then realised something. My leg... it was healed! hold on... WHAT!? What sort of sorcery is that meant to mean?

I then started pushing against Alex, kind of forcing her to let me go. Accidentally dropping me to the ground. 'Ouch...' I get up, brushing myself off for the 3rd time in the past 10 minutes. I took a couple steps forwards, and looked back at Alex. 'You coming?' She sighed. 'You don't even know where to go!' I smirked, 'What... do you know?' She grinned. 'Actually...' She then walked over to me and picked me up again, to which I didn't even have time to react. 'I do happen to know where to go... idiot.'



I didn't update yesterday because not gonna lie I was a bit DEAD :P

But im back lol


ALSO 2.6K >:D


1039 words

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