The 匚卄卂丂乇

173 5 4

My eyes widen. 'So, what if I say... no?' It looked at me, frowning.'Then I guess I would have to do it... THE HARD WAY!'  I shuffle back. 'No THANK YOU!!!!!!'  I spin around and start running in the other direction, as fast as I could. I could hear the footsteps behind me. 'I warned you dear child..' I ignored how illegal tat sounded, because he wasn't really my dadd- DAD, I WAS GOING TO SAY DAD. I felt my speed pick up, and so did theirs, wow, what is this... the 3rd time in running for my life? Wow, what a record! I turn as many corners as I could, surely that would lose  him or at least somewhat confuse him? I continue to sprint, my hearting racing with me, and my harsh breathing following along. This was worse, perhaps I wouldn't really die... but I WOULD DEFEINETLY BE IN PAIN LIKE NAURRRRRRRR. NO THANK YOU AGAIN! I start turning many corners, more than I did before, but suddenly, I saw the roads become longer. 'H-huh?' I then heard a voice, almost next to me say, 'I have the power... you will never defeat me....' I start running, faster than I have ever ran before, the adrenaline raced through me, giving me the power and energy to keep going!

I continue to run, and for some reason my energy just never seemed to run out, which was quite surprising, especially for someone who's stamina usually ran out quite fast. I continued to run, like I said earlier, I was starting to get quite exhausted and out of breath but my gut pursued me to keep going no matter what happened, I smiled for no apparent reason, this is really my life? Full of surprises and endless adventure. Im gonna be honest, I'm glad that my life isn't boring, that it's unique, not like someone else's. I liked that, but that still didn't make the moment I was in any nicer. 

I heard the footsteps getting closer and closer and closer, I didn't like that, I didn't like the thought of that thing, stabbing into my chest again, or would it even go for my chest? My head? I don't know. But then I try to remind myself, this is a dream, and I'll hopefully soon wake up, and not have to go through this random black shadow looking guy 'killing' me in order to wake me up. I didn't like the idea AT ALL! 

My breathing was becoming harsher and harsher, I didn't like that, that my so called infinite energy was running out... and I DID NOW LIKE THAT ONE BIT LIKE NONONONO LIKE THAT IS ON MY VERY NO NO LIST AHHHHHHHHH PLEASE LET ME BEEEEE!!!!!! 'If you let me do it then I could get it over and done with.' I was startled, still running at full speed though. Has this guy just red my thoughts or something? I do not get this at all, like I know I've said it about a million times but seriously! I JUST DO NOT GET IT. how this happened, why my dreams are like this all so suddenly, and why I'm stuck in some sort of alternate universe or whatever the place is. I continued to run, acting as if it was effortless, but in reality it really wasn't, the opposite in fact. 

All of a sudden I just tripped over something, my legs failed to stay upright and I fell, I fell and hit the ground hard, I froze for a second before attempting to get up again, look at how I said attempt, that was because just when I nearly got up, something hard and heavy pushed me back down, forcing me to just lay there helplessly, and make me wait my decided fate.

'Please, spare me..' the thing looked down at me, 'sorry bud...

N O   C A N   D O!'

It lifted me up by my shirt, forcing my helpless self to look at the thing, my eyes were drooping. I was hanging from its cold, thick finger. 'Just get it over with already...' I closed my eyes, I felt a sharp pain run through my chest, it let go, dropping me to the ground. 'Still not waking up? Weird, that worked last time..' I could barely talk. 'H-h-huh?'  I was in obvious pain, wheezing quietly to myself. It picked me up again and... teleported me somewhere? I closed my eyes, i wanted none of this.

I then started to fall, huh? I flung my eyes open, I parted my lips to scream but no words came out, I continued to fall, fall till I fell no more...

'AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH' I flickered my eyes open, oh my gosh, WHAT IN THE WORLD WAS THAT NIGHTMARE MEANT TO BE, I looked around, cold air rushing towards my face, I was still here, in the parking lot, leaning against the cold wall, I just realised that I was sweating ALOT. Like way too much! I look around, the lights were back on, but the food crate I saw earlier was no where to be seen, what? Where did that go? I shrugged my shoulders and proceeded to stand up, still shaken after that whole situation. Thankfully it was just a dream, nothing more... just a dream. I walked a couple steps forwards. The parking lot looked exactly the same as it did before, with the same puddles in the floor, and the same parched ceiling. I took a sigh of relief, I guess being here is better than dreaming... with whatever that thing was. I took my phone out, 46%, dang, I haven't even been using it, so either it's been a really long time, or my battery just sucks and maybe that is another sign to get a new phone. I stuffed the phone back into my pocket, how long has it even been...

'Too long...'


im finally done with this chapter lol

Nearly 250 reads UvU

Anyways see ya when I make next chapter

Which will probs me today again

Cus I've got too much time!



Words - 1013

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