Chapter 2

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I took a quick a look at Lucy, I was still busy admiring her luscious hair, I don't love her, but we both know that we are more than friends, I don't think I could ever live without her. After a couple of seconds I nodded my head to her question, grinning. She grinned back at me and proceeded to basically drag me inside of the giant mall. On the way, she started going on about how this was one of the biggest malls in this country, I listened to her as we ran through the area, that was filled with a ton of people, carrying shopping bags, most with big smiles on their faces. It had 7 floors, I looked up, walking. It almost felt eerie, 7 just about happened to be my unlucky number, that's... interesting I guess, a coincidence, right? The first store that Lucy drags me to is a shop called curry's. I stop and look at it confused. Lucy turns around and, almost as if she red my thoughts, said that it's an electronic store. I could tell that my eyes were glistening under the white light that the logo gave off. I walked inside, going ahead of Lucy, basically signalling her to follow me, and follow me she did, the store was giant, it had 3 floors, all full of people buying all sorts of different things, I went over to the phone section and took a look at the phones lying on the stands in front of me, I would be nice to have a new phone, I've had this one for about 6 years now, and I don't know how it's still working, I take is out and look at it. The screen was cracked and the case was slightly fractured, my battery was on 59%. That was way more than enough for today, especially since the meet-up was till 9pm, and it's 5:09pm, so that's a nearly full 4 hours left, and so many stores to go to, I smiled to myself, thinking about leaving the place with shopping bags full of things. It gave me a good feeling, Lucy finally caught up to me, out of breath she, peered up at me, because she was practically kneeling right now. 'Can you slow down please?' she spoke hastily. I helped her up, and turned back to the phones lying on the stands behind me. 'This is.... very nice...' I said quietly. Lucy looked up at me and smiled, 'It's nice to be able to hear your voice again, I missed it.' I looked back at her, turning away from the phones and smiled back at her. 

We walked through the store, peering over at all the different things and making the most absurd jokes to each other, If I was going to talk to anyone except my mom then I would talk to Lucy, and that's what I'm doing today, like my little gift to her, that I think that she will appreciate a lot. 'Im hungry', I say. Looking at Lucy with puppy eyes, 'can we get some ice cream please?' She laughs, and replies, 'Of course we can Jace, it's your birthday after all!' We pause to look at each other for a split second before, strolling out of the store to go and hunt down some ice cream shop we can eat at. 

Eventually, after a long time of searching the 7 floors of the mall, we find a suitable ice cream store to eat at, I get myself 2 scoops of mint chocolate ice cream and Lucy gets herself a scoop of salted caramel and a scoop of watermelon. We both try a bit of each others, watermelon is certainly a flavour of ice cream I haven't seen before but it was quite good, not as good as my mint chocolate chip, which was simply splendid! I wanted to get more of it, so guess what, I DID! 

After we left the store I looked around the place even more, we were on the 4th floor currently, 'should we go to the 5th floor?' I asked, Lucy looked at me blankly for a moment before nodding her head cheerfully. I smile as we head up the stairs to the 5th floor, where as excpected, are many, many more shops. It was really pretty. There was a window, I looked at it, adoringly but also confused, it was dark outside, its august, we are in the middle of summer, and it's just over 6pm, it shouldn't be that dark! It shouldn't, the sun shouldn't even be setting yet! I glance over at Lucy, who was standing behind me, also looking at the window. 'Beautiful view right?' I my head turns from Lucy and my eyes focus back on the window, it wasn't dark anymore, it was bright, as it should be. 'But, it was just-' 'Just what?' Lucy interrupted me, looking deep into my eyes. 'It... it was nothing, don't worry about it..' Lucy looks at me a bit worriedly, before nodding and sprinting off into the distance, before pausing for a moment and shouting, 'CATCH ME IF YOU CAN!!!' And then started running off again. I chuckled, here we go. She is quite fast I will say, it quite amused me just because of the fact that I couldn't really catch her, it did quite piss me off though. Don't you dare run away from me! She then decided to run up the steps, I chased her up those too, to the 6th and then to the 7th, I continued to run after her, though I did notice there was nearly no one here, oh well. I saw her run behind a corner, and I continued to chase her, I saw a sign that red, toilets, oh no, I can't let her get to the toilet otherwise ill never get her!

I run around different turns and pathways, eventually I just stop, and realise what I'm doing. 'LUCY?!' I scream, I only get my echo as a response, I shrug my shoulders, she's probably tricked me into something and is probably waiting for me outside, though it does wonder me, why are the pathways to the toilets so long, it's almost like a maze. I start walking back from where I came from with no problem at all, since my memory is quite good. But when I got to the end, instead of seeing a laughing Lucy, I was met with a wall. 'what!?' This was the way back though! I looked around, then I heard some creaking noises, I stepped back, I didn't like this... 'LUCY WHATEVER PRANK YOU'RE PLAYING ON ME JUST FINISH IT! YOU'VE SCARED ME!  YOU'VE WON!' But nothing happens, no response, no nothing, I look around, confused and worried, what in the world do I do now?

I should have never gone to the 7th floor....


words: 1153

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