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Alex POV:

He almost looked disappointed that I didn't know what to do or where to go. But that ain't even my fault soooooooooo. Not something I could really help with. I look around. The whole place seemed to be flying, there were many, many small different island, all connected by bridges, some were falling apart, while others looked firm but I hate to say that I don't think that is the case. But on the bright side, there aren't any entities... that I know of that is. Jace sighs. I turn to look at him. 'Is something wrong?' He shakes his head reassuringly, I could tell he meant it. Like I ain't some phycologist or something but I can tell if someone is down or not. I smile. 'Good to know!' He smiled back. 'Yup!'

I turned away. Looking at where to go next. Many thoughts trailed past my head. But I then saw this bridge, it looked like it had something at the end of it. I nudge Jace's shoulder, grabbing his attention and once he was facing my way, I pointed at where I saw the thing. He shrugged his shoulders. 'Sure.. not like have got anything better to do anyways!' I chuckle, YUP!

Jace POV

I was zoning out a lot. Probably from all the unnecessary chaos going on. In a way, I wanted to go back to my old life, but now this is my life, and nothing much but some sort of crazed miracle can save that. That's what I think, other people might think completely differently. Let's say Alex, I don't know if she even remembers her old life anymore. I ain't gonna lie, that scares me a bit, but at the same time I am not planning on letting something like that bring me down so easily. Even if I die at the end, even if there is no true exit. I will try my best to make this enjoyable. I will think on the positive things! No matter what! Because a positive mindset is important to leading a good, positive life...


Oh come on... stupid intrusive thoughts. It's kinda bullying me at this point. Not my fault, I guess it was just the way that I was made. NOT MY PROBLEM! But seriously. That stupid black figure again? Is that thing haunting me or something? Because I DID NOT LIKE IT LIKE BRO I DIDN'T GIVE ANYONE PERMISSION TO HAUNT ME LIKE AT LEAST ASK BRUH! LIKE HONESTLY! Anyways, I dunno what to do. Alex was pointing towards something so I just decided to go with it because honestly I got nothing better to do. LITERALLY! I should probably shut up... like I really need to shut myself up before my stupid thoughts get out of hand again, and I really do not want that happening! I began to follow Alex, really hoping that she knew what she was doing, or else we were really gonna be in for a treat! Or not... I do not know. 

We stepped onto another bridge, it seemed to be more stable, but it had holes every then and there. It gave off almost a pastel brown, it looked kinda like a cartoon. Yeah! Defo... Anyways, we were walking for a good long while, I honestly did not know what Alex had in mind when thinking about this. 'Hey, you sure we are going in the right direction?' We were currently on an another one of those bridges. This one was quite stable. But it had some large holes every couple of steps. Alex turned around, walking backwards for a short amount of time. 'Sure... actually I have no idea but IM JUST GOING WITH IT!' She then turns around, and then tripped over what seemed like air, dropping inches away from a really big hole, it was about the size of the bridge. They're no way around it. 'WOAH! WATCH IT!' I said, helping her up. She dusted herself off, giving me a nervous grin. I then looked at the hole. I should be able to just jump over it. No problem? I don't know, but im just gonna do it at this point. 'IM GONNA JUMP!' I then heard Alex call after me, it all felt like a blur.

 I jumped, I made it to the other side but slipped, and now as I look at it. I was hanging off the side of the bridge, with one hand. 'AHHHHHHHHH!' Alex was muttering something under her breath, I might have been able to hear it, but so much panic and adrenaline was going through me, I couldn't focus on anything around me properly. I the remember her jumping over too. She didn't slip though, I know that she didn't because she then tried to help me up. But was I too heavy? Or did I just not cooperate enough? I didn't know, but it felt scary, one of the scariest moments of my life, and it felt like my last too. I was sweating all over. Alex was panicking too. My hands were getting so slippery that they were struggling to hang on. I was going to fall, and I couldn't do anything about it! I clench my teeth. This is all my fault, if only I wasn't this stupid! 'Alex! Im gonna let go!' I then let my fingers go, one by one, by arm was in indescribable pain. Well I wouldn't blame it honestly! I then let the last finger go. But I felt something grip onto my hand just as I thought I was going to fall. I tilt my head up. The person that was gripping my hand was Alex. But it looked like she was struggling horribly. 

Before I knew it, she started to tilt forwards, breathing harshly from my weight. Horror filled my eyes. She slipped. We both fell. I was in shock. Falling speechlessly. While Alex was screaming. Was this really the end? 

Was this really going to be the end of it all?




I wrote a tinyyyyy bit less today sorry TvT



1027 words

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