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'What way are we meant to go?' Alex didn't even look at me that time. She just started to walk away into the distance, I do hope that she knew what she was doing. 'So how does this waterfall even look like then?' Still no answer, I was starting to get a bit annoyed, but after the third time I finally shut my self up. So we kind of just walked in silence for a while, these bridges were pretty cool. Really though, I could see the beginning of a forest to my right, and I saw a river. I tugged at Alex but she refused to turn around. Is bro okay? I shrugged it off, not following her anymore and trying to find a safe way to get to the river. I knew that I had water with me in my pockets, but a little more wouldn't hurt would it? 

I finally managed to find some sort of pathway to the forest. Alex was still in my view, but I could barely see her. I called out for her, she only then turned around, she must have noticed that my voice seemed really far away. 'WHAT ARE YOU DOING JACE?!' I point at the river and say, 'I found a river! I tried to tell you but you wouldn't reply!' She then ran up to me, and saw where I was pointing at. 'Don't go there...' She then proceeded to pull me away from the edge of the bridge. 'But it's a river, why should we not go?' She sighed. 'Because it's dangerous there, I happen to know this level quite well... don't risk it, or we may never get out.' I turn away. 'Fine, but stop ignoring me!' She laughed, 'Yeah sorry about that, I zoned out for a moment there.' I nod, passing her and taking leads, strolling along the broad walk, with my hands in my pockets. 

Alex caught up to me, and slowed down to match my pace. I looked at the sky. It was sunset! 'Look it's sunset, how pretty!' She looked at it, 'Woah! Nice!' She turned to me. 'Beautiful place isn't it?' I nod my head. I saw it getting darker as every minute passed, 'Where are the stars and the moon? I can't see any.' Alex stopped. 'Ohhhhhh yeahhhhh, nights are pitch black here...' I turn to stare at her. 'Nights here are WHAT?!' She laughed nervously. 'We should try find a good place to rest, or this will be a very long night for us.' I tilt my head to the side. 'And how long are the nights here?' She shrugged her shoulders. 'I think around the same time as on earth so like 12 hours depending on the month I think.' 'And what month is it?' She shrugged her shoulders again. 'How would I know? Time is already impossible to keep track of, let alone days and months.' I nod, 'Good point, but where do we sleep then, if going to the forest ain't safe, do we just sleep on-?' 'The bridge?' 'The bridge.' 

We both started walking around, trying to find somewhere nice to just chill for the next couple of hours. Time was ticking, and so was my dang it patience. I kinda wanna just get to the next level already, and not have to deal with this night, this pitch black night. 'Do any entities roam around at night?' We were still searching as the area around us darkened. She shook her head, which made be breathe a sigh of relief. 'That's really good, I don't think I would be able to sleep at all if I knew there were entities walking around the place.' She chuckled. She then called me over, I shuffled over to her location. She then happily pointed at a nice looking area, it didn't look that different from the rest of the bridge, which appeared to drag itself on infinitely, in a straight line too.

I sat down, leaning against one of the wooden posts as Alex sat down next to me, gently closing her hands around mine. 'It's so we know where we are at night.' I nod. I then remembered, I had a torch! The skies only got darker and darker, the area was become more scary than relaxing. The wind suddenly seemed triggering, I didn't like it, and before we knew it, darkness surrounded us completely, Alex was right. It was pitch black. I couldn't even see a meter in front of me which is a bit... oof. It was hard to relax, thinking that even though Alex said there were almost no entities here, I still felt like there was something behind me. I did not like that. I sat on that floor for a very long time, I eventually played down, I could tell Alex had already fallen asleep which was interesting. On the other hand, I was not tired in the slightest, which was good but not good at the same time, mostly because being wide awake in pitch black, in some sort of parallel universe feels really unsettling! Some thing I get to find out! And I dang hope we find that waterfall soon, because I do not want to be here anymore. LIKE AT ALL! Though I can't just decide to leave, because trust me, if I could have, I would have left like DAYS AGO! 

Like..... Sometimes im just like, ehhhhh I would be fine in any situation! haha... NOPE! This is like hardcore stuff and it is not very nice. I would like it taken to easy but uhhhh, as much as I would want that, I sadly think that is not possible, though it would make probably getting out of here way better! If there even is a way out which I am convinced there is, even though I'm most probably wrong, because I am wrong too often to even start believing that some thing im convinced is right is actually right. 

I try to relax myself, but find myself failing miserably. I sigh for like the 58796468765th time. This is going to be a lonnnggg night!


I changed the way I started this part just because I can!

Anyways we hit 3K reads >:D


And I am struggling to keep up with this shit!



But im doing it for yall, after all

I have too much time in my life sometimes to just not write

So what do I do?




1089 words 

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