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Alex POV:

I look at Jace confused, not knowing what to say in return. 'What do you mean by that?' I ask, not knowing what was going on at all. So first of all, I was already dying because of the fact that I kissed Jace... TWICE. Like come on man, I didn't mean to do the first one... but the second one was almost intentional you know. But still, if we are actually dreaming like this guy is saying, then this isn't actually happening, and that we are who knows where. GREAT! 'I have this feeling, and the surroundings... they just... dont fit.' I tilt my head, showing him that I was still very very confused like WHAT THE HECK IS THIS GUY SAYING!? He sighs. 'Just... look around!' I look around. Kinda doing what he asked me to do. 'I don't see anythin-' 'REALLY look around!' I sigh. Dragging my attention to my surroundings. I then started to see some things, like how this was my park... the park I walked around in every day before in disappeared... and everyday... I cut my thoughts off as I say a piece of paper stuck to a tree. I shuffle over to it, wanting to know what is said on it. It was a missing person poster. With someone that looked just like me... But the name was different... I rip the poster off of the tree, and walk back over to Jace, showing it to him curiously. 'you know what this is by any chance?' He nods. 'Yeah... it's a girl that disappeared around 5 or 6 years ago, no one knew where or how, I always saw it every then and there.' My smaller thoughts then retreat again, showing one giant one. 'Wait... this park....' Jace looks around, a little in shock, I could tell. 'Its the park I visited almost everyday... and... and before the girl disappeared... we met each other... talked, it was a kid, like me...' My eyes widen. 'a-and I was that kid!' I pause for a split second. 'JACE YOU WERE THAT KID I TALKED TO EVERYDAY!' I quickly face myself towards Jace. 

We both stood there, not really knowing what to say... 'NO YOU'RE WRONG! I NEVER KNEW YOU BEFORE THIS!' I stared at him. 'THIS ISN'T REAL... I WOULD'VE REMEMBERED YOU!' 'I-I-I DON'T KNOW WHATS GOING ON!'  It was slightly too much for me. I didn't understand anything. 'I know you weren't that person... you looked nothing like them...' I nod my head. 'And maybe you're right, and maybe this dream is trying to trick us!' He nodded, looking around again. I wanted to go back to that little hut. But when I turned around to see. It was gone, we haven't walked that far have we? That's when I hear Jace say. 'That's reason two, the roads only seems further away, and the hut in no where in sight, this isn't REAL!' I nod again. 'But then... how do we get out?' I hoped that he would have an answer. But all I got is him shrugging his shoulders helplessly. 'I don't know...' I sigh. I feel the wind pick up, enough so that my hair decided to dance with it. I secure my cap and look ahead. I saw something black. 'HEYYYY JACEEEEE!' I say, he turns my way. 'What is it?' He asks, a looking a bit unsure about the whole situation. I then point at the thing, and I just about managed to get out, 'B-b-black FIGUREEEEE!' It started moving hastily towards us. I took a step back, suddenly seeing that I found moving a difficult task, and talking I also found trouble with. I was scared. What the heck was going on? It was now moving so fast that I thought it would hit me, but instead, it went through me, acting like a portal, it sent me to what looked like an endless white void. I saw Jace there too, it looked like he was filled with fear... but he also looked... frustrated? Why?

I fell to the floor, lying down on my back, I suddenly felt a rush of weakness as I felt something tug at my arm, and starting to dram me somewhere. I tried to resist but failed. 'Don't resist girl, it will only waste your energy.' It said it so emotionlessly, like huh? WHAT IS THIS THING?! I've never heard of an entity like this? Ugh. Haven't I been through enough already? I then felt it pick me up, I did all I could to not close my eyes, it was very hard though. I then heard Jace speak. 'What do you want from us...?' His voice also seemed frail, well at least he could speak...  I saw Jace as it put me down. 'Also why are you both together in the same dream? Isn't that like not possible?' I lay on the floor, helplessly, not being able to answer. Jace also seemed to be in worse condition, since he also didn't reply. 'Oh yea... forgot that yall are probably feeling like wet towels right now lol.' I finally managed to muster something out. 'Oh s-s-shut up!' I then saw it come into my vision. 'I wouldn't speak to someone that has the capability to take all your strength and kill you like that.' I sigh. 'So... are you here to like wake us up from this misery or something?' The figure disappeared from my view. 'I guess so... forgot about that lol!' What is with this thing and saying lol? Is it an obsession for them or something? It suddenly comes into my view again. 'you know that when you dream I can hear your thoughts right?' I sigh. 'S-sure...' It laughed. 'Its funny to see you like that.. LOL!' I didn't like this. At all. But I couldn't do anything about it. 

I felt myself fall. Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaa? It felt horrible, I squinted my eyes shut. It went dark, and silent, it didn't feel like I was falling anymore. I opened my eyes. I saw the sky again. I sat up and looked at Jace who was also sitting up, looking at me. It was like we did it at the same time. 'That was hella weird...' He nodded. 'And I sure do hope it don't happen every time we sleep or something....' I chuckle. 'Yea haha!'  Jace then stood up and looked around again before looking back down at me again. 'Sooooo what now?' I laughed, standing up. 'Defo not something I know buddy!'








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