Intrusive thoug- GOOFY STUFF

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I twist from side to side, intrusive thoughts were filling my head really quickly, what is this, what if that. I finally found a position I was somewhat comfortable with... you know, you aren't ever going to be that comfortable sleeping on wood in the middle of some sort of bridge that seems to be in the middle of some forest in the backrooms you know. But honestly it isn't the worst place I could sleep in, like at least I know that there are going to be incredibly dangerous entities or whatever here. That's a good thing I guess, but like, it's different. Never thought that I would be sleeping on a stiff wooden bridge in the middle of nowhere. I could image myself sleeping in my lovely bed, having my mom kiss me to sleep, feelings of worry suddenly started to fill me, as well as sadness. What if my mom is still waiting outside, what could my mom be feeling right now? I miss my family so much, did I ever want this, will I ever see them again? I wanna hug my mom so bad, and my dad too. But I can't, i'm stuck here, I'm not sure if it is going to be forever that I stay here, but I am guessing that I will spend a chunk of my lifetime here, given that Alex has been here for so long and has found no signs of any sort of exit to this horrific place.  

I start to sob quietly to my self. Suddenly, wanting my old life back, playing on my Nintendo, hanging out with my family, going to school, oddly enough I even missed school. What if they already forgot me? Oh what must my family and friends be feeling right now! I have been gone for so long already! Like over a week. Man, time does fly by quick fast here, but in the moment it seems like every second lasts for a decade. What if Lucy found her way out before I got stuck? I hope she is safe, I really do, I don't know what I would do if anyone I liked or loved suddenly disappeared or died or something tragic like Tham, I couldn't imagine, surely, it would be a disaster, maybe cause even more tragic events attached to it. Oh no, I don't want that happening, no.. please no!

I wanted to calm down so bad, but it felt almost impossible, my feelings were kind of taking over, well by kind of I mean they were literally like taking over. I tried to think about something else but somehow even if I thought about algebra or some stupid stuff like that, then my intrusive thoughts somehow got involved into it, unpleasantly too. I hated it. After a while though, I eventually managed to calm my self down, and I found my self to be quite tired too, what a coincidence. I was actually really tired. Despite the tiredness I still held my eyes open with no struggle whatsoever. I gave myself a small smile. I liked it in a way. But I guess I will always miss my friends and family... till I don't. But I shouldn't think like that! Because im sure that there must be some sort of exit, like there can't just be no exit to the place, if there is a way to get it, then there must be a way to get out. As difficult as it may be, troubles always have a way out, no matter how hidden, or how hard it is to get to, it is still there. 

I open my eyes. When did I close them? Anyways, I saw some light in the horizon, it looked lovely, light filled the area, giving off a light glow, to which I enjoyed. When did I fall asleep? I didn't seem to remember myself doing so. I slowly stood up. Walking up to the wire at on end of the bridge, and simply observed the sunlight, embracing the orangish light that covered most of my body. It felt somewhat warmer, also I forgot to mention, it was weirdly warm during the night, like, it felt the same warm as it did in the day time. But I ain't saying that was a bad thing, honestly, in my opinion, it was good, like really good. I loved it. Anyways, I say that too much, I turned around, facing Alex, who was lying down on the wooden planks, probably dreaming away, probably about me haha, nah im just joking. I have got no clue what she could be dreaming about, if she even is dreaming at the moment. I chuckle to myself, feeling stupid about the idiotic conversation I just had with myself.

I shuffled over to her, and started to kick her with the top of my left shoe, no reason to be exact, she nudged a bit the first time, then turned sides the second time, then she eventually sat up and opened her eyes annoyingly, pushing me strongly and quite unexpectedly, causing me to crash land onto the floor. Not gonna lie, it didn't sound that funny, but it was funny to look at, I mean not like anyone else could see for themselves I guess. Why do I talk to myself so much? Eh. Why do I even care if I am talking to myself, or to some imaginative person that may be in front of me or 47458 feet in the sky. That would be kinda funny too though. I stand up, shaking myself like crazy to get whatever dust particles that sat on me off, like a nice yet rude way of saying. GO THE FUDGE AWAY! Or something like that. Also, you may have noticed that I don't swear... that is because I AM A ANTI SWEAR KID. Well, until im not that it. BUT GETTING OFF OF THAT TOPIC, I had somewhat more energy than I usually did. Oh well... TIME TO ANNOY ALEX EVEN MORE HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!



I finished this is like less than 30min



Sorry that I haven't updated for the last two days lol


and ded aswell

And I have had no motivation in myself whatsoever too TvT


well I hope so


3.1k reads lolol



*insterts drumroll*

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⏰ Last updated: May 31 ⏰

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