Continuation of LEVEL 1

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The wind flew through my hair, as I stood there, trying to see what I just heard. Curious, I stopped leaning on the wall and walked a couple steps forwards, looking around the place, maybe I shouldn't stay in one place... I doubt that it's safe here, and that is exactly what bothers me, I walk around, trying to be sure that I haven't heard anything that could help me prepare for a moment that could prepare me for any life or death situation. I listen out for anything, literally anything, but all I can hear was my footsteps in the wet concrete floor of the parking lot. I look down, seriously though, where is all this water coming from? I focus my eyes on the ceiling, where all the water probably came from, nothing, the ceiling was completely dry, unlike the floor. My focus switches over to the lights, which were quietly buzzing, it was hard to hear it but if you focused enough, and if it was silent enough, you would be able to hear it, it almost looked like the lights were kinda communicating with each other, I smiled. Did this remind me of something?

I looked down again, reaching back down into one of my many pockets to get one or two more of them good gummies, they were just too good! I look down at the one I picked. It was a heart, I stared at it mindlessly for a couple seconds before chucking it into my mouth and chewing on it ravenously. Like I said earlier, yum. I walked on, chewing on my delicious gummies, still ravenously. A parking lot without cars, seriously? Hmmmmm, maybe there is a way to get out of here! I start to walk faster, and faster. I was basically jogging, just jogging around a wet, empty and grey parking lot, looking for some sort of exit, because lil old me managed to get myself lost in this place... if I'm even there anymore, thats the big question, am I even still on earth? or did I get trapped in some sort of parallel universe?... and to add to that, on my own?... 

or am I alone?

Those random thoughts were stuck in my head, as if they were glued there by something, I slowed my pace down, I can't walk too fast, that way I would only waste energy like that, slow and steady wins the race, remember that me... I don't want myself to forget something and then use my life to pay for it, this whole place just seems, eerie, unstable, unsafe, and I still wonder.. if this place is so insecure? Then how do I leave? My pace slows even more, walls, everywhere. Is there an exit to this place? Why did I trust the 7th floor, I have said this, and I will not stop myself from continuing to do so. By now I'm walking so slow, I bet that a turtle would walk faster at this moment, I sighed.

At that moment, the lights flickered, I snapped out of my thoughts and started paying attention to the real world once again, or was it real? Maybe it was just mechanics, I'm sure it's nothing to-. I didn't even manage to finish the sentence in my head, that's when the lights went out. HUH? That's when I heard it, the worst part of this, that sound again, now I know it wasn't just me, screeching, many footsteps all around me, I stood as still as I could, paralysed from the unfamiliar movement around me. After a bit of realising that the lights aren't going to turn back on for a good while yet, trembling, I take my torch out and switch it on, allowing me to see a good few meters in front of me, and instead of seeing entities or monsters or whatever all I saw was the spooky light emerging from the torch followed by the lightly glowing wet concrete floor ahead of me. The screeching got further away from me, allowing myself to calm down and slowly make progress with movement. I walk a couple steps forward when I see a visible light source to my left, I take a sigh of relief, but I still have the challenge of getting to there unharmed. I try to calculate how much steps it would take to get there, but due to the darkness, I found that quite difficult. 

I took a step forwards, and another, attempting to ignore the distant screams and footsteps, the light source only looked a tiny bit closer, but I knew I couldn't give up, because I already knew if I did, then these things would do who knows what to me, all I knew is that they didn't enjoy staying in light, so that is what I tried to get to as quickly as possible. I proceeded to take multiple steps, one after another, in order to get from one destination to another, which in this moment was quite difficult because of the distractions around me.

One step after another I took, thinking of freedom with every one I took, this place isn't fun and games, I have only come to realise that now, in this very moment, how deadly this place is, and that no jokes or silly mistakes are to be made, or else it could potentially cost with your life. Not in a scary way, just a gut feeling, and most of the time those are right, so I ain't going to risk it. I look at the light source, it was so close, one step, two step, three step, and boom! Yipeeeeeee! Finally! I turn the torch off and stuff it into my pocket, I look around the place, it was quite a small hallway with two doors at each end, I peered over at what I came from, pitch black. I stare into what looks like nothing but eternal darkness. All of a sudden, I feel something pushing me, causing me to fall over into the puddles in front of me, immediately I hear the footsteps and screeching running to me really fast. As quickly as I could, I got up and ran back to the light, the noises stopped and I was put into calm again, I looked around, half drenched in water, and the other in frustration and fear. 'WHO DID THAT?!' I shouted to myself, but got no reply. I looked back into the darkness for yet another second, this time further away, and turning back and retreating to the solid wall after a couple seconds with no regrets. I leaned against the wall, sliding down until I eventually reached a stop when my legs gently hit the floor, I shut my eyes, trying to block my thoughts out, and out of tiredness, I manage to drift off to sleep once again.


Chapter 6 done!

Only one for today lol

see y'all tomorrow!

Words- 1157

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