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I spin around, half scared, half curious, wanting to see what the voice came from. It was that girl again. Like the one with the brown eyes and brown hair, yeah. She was smiling. I AM REALLY IMAGINING THINGS NOW WHAT THE HECK! It shouldn't be possible for people to be here. 'Right, I shouldn't be able to be here.' She laughed. 'So why are you here then?' The girl stared at me, as if she was looking into my soul. 'Because, I see you are in need of help.' I take a step back. 'Sooooo, you're stalking me essentially?' She shrugged her shoulders. 'If that's how you're going to see it as then go ahead.' She was still smiling after all of that. Just now that I looked at it, I saw her eyes glisten. I wasn't sure if I was completely comfortable with someone just, stalking me I guess. Not like I can do anything about it.

'What's up with you and just visiting me then huh?' I ask, taking two steps forwards, wanting to catch out anything in her. 'Because I want to...' She looked slightly stressed, even though her face showed the complete opposite. She looked confident and serious, but I could tell she didn't feel that way from how she spoke. She turned away. 'I can't... I JUST CAN'T DO IT ANYMORE!' I stood confused. What is she on about? 'I can't tell you Jace! I wish I could, I WISH I COULD TELL YOU THE TRUTH!' I stood there, stunned, not knowing how to react or what to say. I blinked, once, twice. And then she just disappeared, in the blink of an eye, literally. I then felt breathing behind me. She was held of the dark figure, half girl now. I was taken aback, I shuffled a bit back, but I tripped over my own legs and tumbled down to the floor. Tears of sweat ran down my face. I couldn't speak.

Before I knew it, all I saw before me now was a pitch black figure. Standing straight and looking at me maliciously. I then saw something stretch out from behind its back. My eyes widened as I found my way to my feet again. But I knew, this place was not safe anymore, and that I needed to run. But run I did not. I only stood, completely shocked from everything going on around me. 'Aren't you going to run?' I continued to stand still, remaining unresponsive to her question. Or was it even a her? I DON'T KNOW AT THIS RATE. I then saw a section of the face melt off, showing half of the girl's face. She looked serious, as well as in some sort of pain, there was no way of telling if it was physical or emotional. 'Run... I don't want you to suffer.... RUN!' As much as my instincts told me to. I refused to move. I clenched my teeth and muttered under my breath. 'I don't care what you will do... I ain't moving an inch... whatever you are.' It seemed to hear me. Her face was now completely covered by the substance that covered the rest of her body again. Sorry, but this is really weird like BRO. CAN I JUST... SKIP THIS PART? please? With a cherry on top?

I then realised that the thing stretching from its back looked like some sort of thick, slimy rope. Ok... am I really sure I wanna stay? It came closer, and closer, it was less than 3 meters away from me at this point. Adrenaline filled me, along with panic, like a care package, that's what you could call it. I nudged to the side a tiny bit, and as if it knew, the ropey thing lunged at me, I threw myself, landing on the floor, and successfully dodging it. I pulled myself up, and started to sprint away from the danger, but before I knew it, it was in front of me, it went for my face, tying it up around my mouth so that I couldn't speak, Oh heck nahhhh, GET ME OUT OF HERE AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! It then grabbed my legs, wrapping then together, causing me to lose balance and fall to the ground, before dragging me back to the figure. Oh yeah, forgot to mention, it tied my arms up too so I could not do too much with that either. Oops? It then lay me on solidness again. I tried to wiggle around to try get free but as I did, it only got tighter to the point that I just gave up, I then saw it squat down to my level, so I could see it. The figure in a way smiled at me. I then saw the other end of the rope somehow floating next to it. 'Sweet dreams buddy!' I panicked again, THE HECK ARE YOU GONNA- hold up. Im in my own head... don't I wanna get out? 

I wriggled around literally because I could not hold back all the panic inside of myself. The ropes didn't get tighter, but another one wrapped itself around the rest of my face, except for the eyes. NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE! I then felt dizzy, everything around me span like crazy, dang bro I really need to stop passing out every 5 seconds man! It's getting really annoying! I closed my eyes.

'AHhHhHhhHhHh!' I bolt up. I was sitting on the floor. I NEVER EVER IN MY WHOLE FREAKING LIFETIME WANT TO EXPERIENCE THAT AGAIN!!!!! I then saw Alex. She was looking at me with a curious and relieved look on her face. 'How was sleep huh?' I was still a bit pissed off at her because of the stupid picking me up situation. 'It was fine, just a nightmare.' She nodded. 'Oh yeah, forgot to mention, nightmares are more common here... just saying!' I looked at her as if I just found out that 1 + 1 + 2. 'THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN NICER TO KNOW EARLIER!' She shrugged her shoulders. 'Oh welllll! NOT MY PROBLEM HAHAHAHA!' I stood up. We were still in the forest thingy. Not surprised. Not surprised at all.





thats if I find time to WrItE lol



1055 words

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