Zoning out.

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SMOL BLOOD WARNING (it ain't bad like just a smol mentioning but still, just sayin!)

I sat by her side, holding her pale hand gently, and while I did I wondered how that whole situation happened in the first place, if this is a kind of safe level... then I'm hella scared for the not safe ones, well, good to know that entities are probably going to go after us now which is very not nice. I stare into space, wondering off with my thoughts, not really knowing where I was going with them. But I didn't resist it, I let myself drift out of true reality, paying more attention to the essence of reality than I did to my actual surroundings.

Or were they my real surroundings?

I then noticed that I went too far, I was so zoned out, that I couldn't do much to get myself to focus on life again. It felt like a floating sensation, where you think so much, but at the same time, you think about nothing. It seems confusing, but if you're a person that zones out then you would get what I mean. I suddenly find myself in a white room, for no reason, and flutter down to the ground, unknowingly realising that I might have drifted off the edge of reality by accident. I relax even though my muscles were tense, really tense, with stress, fear and for some reason, excitement. I was glad to be able to listen to the peace and quiet of simple nothingness. I enjoyed the whole concept of silence, it calmed me, but sadly I never got that much of my life, because you see, my life was quite boring, school, home, eat, sleep, repeat, except from weekends. But in general, my life was quite busy and it never really changed, so I just kinda... I don't know. Wished for a bit of silence, because the chaos was too much for me already, let alone the noise, which bothered me even more. 

I looked around the white space than I currently sat in, I probably would have thought that I was deaf or something if it wasn't for my minimal movements, and the soft, satisfying crinkle of my clothes. I looked around even more, trying to see if there was anything else here, but no, there wasn't. White everywhere. I decide to get up and walk around, but to my surprise, I found myself not walking, but in fact, drifting in the air, which I kinda liked, almost like a lucid dream, I like those too, even though I haven't had too much of them which is quite a shame. 

I continue to fly around, playing with myself as I went along, enjoying myself as I went, but only white I saw, I still laughed though, it echoed around the place, my goofy laugh, scattering around the area trying too reach some sort of wall or corner, which it never managed to find. I loved this place of mystery, I encountered it nearly every time I zoned out really bad, that's how I knew that I was zoned out. Mostly because I would find myself in the white space, but sometimes it wasn't a white place, sometimes it was a black space, but also if I ain't zoned out enough then I guess I can kinda tell that I'm zoned out, but at the same time I can't tell, because by then I've probably suck into my own thoughts, because that is what zoning out is isn't it?

I then feel something shaking, has Alex woken up or something. Um... lemme just... I don't know unless, how about I try to unzone myself? is that even a word? Oh gawd this is going to be so cringe. But it always works I guess soooooooo. I cry out, 'LEMMMMMEEEEEE FWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!' I then see the white space disappearing, leading me back to what I saw as the real world. I sat up properly, but I saw everything as the same. I turned around, and saw something petrifying behind me.... was that... blood? I spin around and touch it with my fingertips, tasting it to see if my theory was true.. and imma let you guess..... yes it was. My eyes shook as I spun around and rushed over to Lucy, she looked as ok as she did earlier, not dead at all, I checked for her pulse, it was there, and it wasn't really slow, or incredibly fast, it was perfectly normal. I stood there questioning. Hold on... what if... it. came. from. me? I look around myself, not on my legs, not on my arms, or my chest or stomach, I check my face, head, back of my head... also nothing. My back? I scan my hands over the back of my back, nothing there too. What the actual heck?! I look around Alex for any signs of blood too, but I found on her which was quite a relief. I turned around to look at it again, just to check if I was hallucinating or not, was I? Yup... that is... considerably concerning on a bad level, oh well, no medical treatment I can get here anyways! I double check the area just to see if I saw anything else. I found nothing. I then scanned Alex again, and then myself, and to my relief, I didn't find anything. 

I stood up, my legs hurt a lot, it was painful to stand. I squinted my eyes as I fell to the ground again, what the!? I sigh as I sit myself down next to Alex, not long had passed before I sensed some movement within her. I turn my eyes towards her. I then see her sit up, clutching at her head with one hand and supporting herself with the other, she looked at me with a shocked look on her face. 'You... made it out?' I nod my head, feeling a smile forming on my face. 'Yes Alex.. we survived.' She laughed. 'Oh boy I thought we were dead!' Tears of happy formed in her eyes as she sprung at me, giving me a hug. 'Thank you... thank you for saving me as well as yourself, I know it must have been hard.' I nod, 'Yea, no problem, it had to be done.' She parted from the hug. 'Yea... I guess.' She then stood up, and I joined her straightened posture painfully. 'My legs hurt for some reason, and I don't know why...' I then see Alex look down at my legs, I then see her eyes widen... I look at her confused. She looked speechless. I look down at my legs, almost scared about what I was about to see. My eyes widened in surprise when I saw it too... 

Yay lol

I kinda made this chapter a tinyyyyyy bit concerning but OOP-

Y'all make it more cheerful later lol

for now its not very fun part lol

Anywayssssssssssss 1.2k reads VwV

Anyways cyaaaaaaaaaaa

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