Am I Dreaming?

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TW!!!!!! (not blood tho lol)

I shut my eyes, feeling a bit off about a couple certain things. I felt a hint of weakness and tiredness before opening my eyes again, but my eyes didn't see the sky that I saw earlier, I saw a room. A room? I sit up, quite confused by the whole situation. I can still feel Alex by my side. I breathe a sigh of relief. So... this ain't a dream? I bend down over Alex, and start shaking her. 'Heyyyyyyy! Wakey wakey!' She slowly opens her eyes, looking around, clearly not knowing what the heck is going on. 'Where are the islands?' She sits up. Looking at me with a serious look on her face. I shrug my shoulders, 'How am I meant to know?' I say, turning around and observing the area around me, unsure of what to really do. 'This looks a lot like my house Jace.' I widen my eyes. 'This looks a lot like WHAT?!' I spin around, she looked quite concerned, 'If you've been stuck in the backrooms for so long... HOW DO YOU REMEMBER THAT?!' She stares at the floor. 'I don't know... this feels like a dream or something... but how you and me together?' She pauses for a moment. 'Like we were lying down on the grass, I shut my eyes for a second-' 'And now we are both here...' I interrupted her. She nods her head slowly. I feel like something was wrong. I look down. My legs... they weren't bandaged, and they had healed. 'What the...' I say, I then see Alex stand up out of the corner of my eye and walk up to me. 'What is it?' I then point down at my somehow fully healed legs. 'NOW THAT SHOULD NOT HAPPEN!!' I then feel her grab my shoulders pushing me to the ground, and guess what she did next... SHE FREAKING KISSED ME! I stare at her in shock as she backs away soon after, turning her back. I was stunned. Sitting down on the concrete below me. 'Im sorry... I need to make sure that we weren't sleeping...' I tried to word something out, but nothing came. So we just sat there, silent. That was till I finally spoke. 'Its f-f-fine... don't w-w-worry about it...' She then turned back around.

She smiled, nervously. 'I hope this won't break our relationships of friends or something...' I shake my head. 'Of course not! why would you think that!' She chuckles nervously. 'Yeah...  I don't know lol...' I then stand up, slowly walking up to her, and I stuck my hand out, helping her up. She took it gladly, smiling at me, she didn't look so stressed about it anymore. We just stood there, looking at each other, not knowing what to say or do. Eventually I look around for a door, which I found quite soon. 'Hey, I see a door... should we?' She looks at where I looked at, 'Yeah sure, not like there is much else to do I guess.' I nod my head enthusiastically, trying to cheer both of us up. She grins, and starts to run towards the door cheerfully, dragging me along almost painfully. 'AHhHhHhHhH!' She stops and just bursts out laughing, as I was kneeling down on the floor, quite embarrassed by the whole situation. She eventually helped me up. Not running this time. 

We both scan the door with our eyes. 'Do we?' I nod. 'Yes... ALL IN!' I was about to pounce in when Alex pulled me back. 'hold on... I need to do something...' I stand confused. 'Okay pounce when I say 1!' I nod a tiny bit unsure about that. '3... 2... ANDDDDDDDDDD 1!' We both jump at the door, and doing so, Alex screams. 'FBI OPEN UP!!!!!' The door, unsurprisingly flung open, sending us both to land on the floor again. We spent the next good 5 minutes just laughing and rolling on the floor. After that ordeal, we both stood up, and looked around the surroundings. It was some sort of forest I guess, birds were chirping, and you could hear people chattering in the distance, as well as the cars driving by. I look around surprised. 'A forest?' I searched for where the sound of cars were coming from, and to my surprise I found it. I was astonished. 'Was it that easy to escape or something?' Alex looked around happily. 'I don't know... but WE DID IT!' She runs to hug me, I embrace it, hugging her back happily. So then we started walking towards the road in awkward silence, passing trees as we went. That's when she spoke. 'So... did you at least like it?' I stop walking and drag my dazed attention towards her. 'you mean what happened in that room?' She nodded, clearly embarrassed again. I sigh. 'Yeah... I guess I did!' She looks at me with stars in her eyes. 'You did?' I nod almost nervously. I wasn't lying though. It was quite a surprise. When she did it, but even if it was for a second... I did... in some sort of way enjoy it. It gave me butterflies in my stomach even thinking about it. 

She then looked at me, smirking. I was so confused. 'So what if I did it again?..' I was taken aback. 'HUH?' I then see her right in front of me. Inches away from my face. 'So?...' And at that point my brain just turned to mush. I could feel my face getting warm.  'U-u-u-ummmm n-n-no I really don't m-m-min-' I then felt myself being interrupted as I felt something warm touch my lips. A million thoughts raced through my head all at once, and just like that. It was all over. She stepped back, her cheeks were also filled with red. She smiled. 'Did you-?' 'Yeah....' She looked almost taken aback by the happiness. She then turned around to face forwards again. 'So... nothing serious though right?' I nod my head. 'Defo not, at least for now lol.' She laughs. She then took a sigh of relief. 'I was scared we were actually gonna... you know...' I chuckle. 'Nope! I defo ain't being no one's girlfriend for a good long amount of time.' We both knew that is was more for fun... yeah defo... lol why am I even thinking about this? 'Remind me to never do that again!' I laugh. 'SAME!' I start to walk again, towards the cars that were on the road... am I really not dreaming now? This doesn't feel real... I then felt something struck in me, I stopped. Alex also stopped and turned around worriedly. 'What's wrong?' She said, gripping my hand. 'Alex... this isn't real...

we're dreaming....'


Another chapter for yall meh fellas!

lovely moment lol

Anyways hope yall liked it

Imma cringe at this all night help me




1145 words

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