Da Hotel-

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I look around with curiosity, I could tell that the candles lit up my eyes quite significantly. It looked wonderful. I looked over at Alex, who was just chilling over at the side, she was fiddling with her fingers, placing one over another, and the same this for quite a while. I shuffled over to get to her, she wasn't sitting or anything, just quite literally standing in one place. I tapped her shoulder gently and patiently waited for her to turn to look at me. Eventually, she did turn around, after tapping her furiously for like 2 minutes, and looked at me and grinned at me goofily. I chuckled as she allowed her face to relax again. 'This place is astonishing isn't it?' I say, with a hint of excitement hidden in my tone. She laughed. 'Be aware though, this place deceives many, it isn't as safe as it may seem Jace.' I stare at her smirk questionably. 'What do you mean by that?' I asked. She stayed silent, slowly taking a few steps forwards before reaching out to grab my hand and saying, 'You'll get what I mean in a bit.' I look at her, slightly confused but decide to go along with it anyways because that is what I do lol. Not too much of a reason to explain it though. I then feel Alex grip my hand tightly, not too much of a surprise though, mostly because of the fact that she does that type of stuff a lot of the time. 

She then starts to walk off into the distance, forcing me to trail on after her, I wasn't quite sure where she was going or where she intended to go in the future so I literally trusted my gut with it and just walked a bit slower just in case she unexpectedly walked in a direction I wasn't expecting and, I ain't gonna lie, it probably would have made me trip and fall on air, which is something I have done way too many times and I will not mention that stupid situation ever again. 

I was looking ahead, when all of a sudden Alex just stopped and looked around, 'Jace, look at where I'm looking and you'll get why this place isn't as safe as you might think.' I did as I was told, and I did look at where Alex was looking at, I then heard a bunch of whispering, and I heard Alex say in a serious tone, 'Don't move... at all...' So I did just that. I just stood, silently, frozen in place. The whispers got louder and I saw things moving about in nearly every direction I thought of. I then felt a soft tap on my shoulder, it took nearly everything in me to not turn around and see what was tapping my shoulder really fast, like it felt like something was tapping my shoulder constantly, with great speed too, everything suddenly started to spin around in my head, my I still stood still, squinting my eyes shut to avoid seeing any disturbing things. That's when I heard something that shattered my focus completely, as much as I didn't want to listen to the distant whispers, it was almost like my brain just translated them in my head and spoke them out to me in the loudest way possible, my eyes flickered open, I was still standing, everything was spinning even more, Alex only squeezed my hand even tighter. 'No... NO WE CAN'T STAY THEY'LL KILL US! JACE MOVE COME ON!' I finally gained my true consciousness back, facing the life or death situation right in front of me, and behind me, and to my left, and to my right too. It hurt to think about. I raised my free hand to my ears to somewhat stop the whispers, and the other hand was gripping Alex's hand even tighter. I then felt myself being pushed back, I peer to my side to see Alex, in a very disturbed state, I could see her trying to break free from a invisible force that I found myself stuck in too, I had never felt like this before, I knew what this was though. It was FEAR, one stronger than any other thought of in my head. I succeeded to pull apart from it though, whatever there was, it grabbed me and it felt like it was pinning me to thin air, almost pulling my skin apart to do so. I screamed, and as I did so I ripped apart from the grip of the invisible, I felt so sick I just wanted to throw up, but instead, being able to move more freely now, tugged at Alex as much as I could, not letting go no matter what came over me, and eventually I reached the calm, dragging Alex behind me, I felt tears of both sweat and traumatisation run from my face as I pulled myself from the storm, as soon as it let us both go, I collapsed onto the carpet, spilling sick from my mouth almost straight away, I looked down at it, but almost the same second it hit the floor, it disappeared, it surprised me quite a bit, but I then got over it and sat up, trembling, and looked down at Alex, who was clearly in a horrific state.

I crouch down by her, attempting to ignore any pain trying to consume me. I lay over her, I got weaker and weaker as each second passed. I got up, barely, and dragged Alex over to what looked like a more safer area. I look back at where we both came from but I only saw what I saw earlier, a regular pathway, so normal... so normal it felt the opposite of normal. I sighed as I looked down at Alex, who was restlessly lying down on the floor, I could tell she was conscious, because her eyes were flickering. I dropped to my knees, barely hanging on to consciousness myself. But I managed to grip on to it, and I wasn't intending to let go at any cost, I shuffled over to lean against a wall, slowly pulling my friend closer to me so that if anything happened, I could protect her, or at least try. I wanted to shut my eyes so bad, but at the same time I didn't because I knew that my brain would immediately force me out of being awake almost straight away. So I just sat there, trying to hang on, while looking at Alex, hoping that she would wake up any second now...








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