Somebody New?

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'Too long...'

HUH? 'Who was that?!' I spin around, I spin around in the direction that I heard the sound it, My eyes widen. OH MY FRICKING GOODNESS!!!! ITS ANOTHER PERSON... Or is it? Is it an entity? Or.... 'Heyaaaaaa I feel like I know what you're thinking right now, that I'm some sort of entity... right?' I nod my head slowly... how does she know? Well not to blame myself but it looks like a she.. 'so anyways, hi, my name is Alex!' There was a short pause in between of what she said. 'sooooooo, what is your name?' I look at her for a split second before answering. 'It's Jace... nice to meet you.' She gave me a warm smile, 'nice to meet you too!' And then her long conversation started... ' So anyways, you know what this place is?' I shake my head. She sighed. 'So, basically, this place is called the backrooms, it's a place with supposedly no exit and  somewhere if you die, you either go back to the beginning or become a entity, which I'm guessing  you've encountered by now, you know, you need to be quite careful for them, they are reallly dangerous, most could and would kill you, while there are the others that could help you, and don't worry, you won't have a problem finding out which one is which, I've been stuck here for who knows how long, possibly a couple years but time is nearly impossible to keep track of so I do t really know, the reason I kinda know so much about this place is because I was playing around trying to get in you know, but you know, we actually got stuck in here, I was with 2 of my friends, Lila and James, Lila died on level 6 or something and James just disappeared somewhere, I don't know if he is still alive or not but I would recommend if you are with someone then I would really go for sticking with the team... unless you wanna end up like James... so, how about you? How did you get in here?' Her black cap made her smooth long ginger hair stand out so much. I look at her straight. 'Umm, we'll I was chasing my friend around in a mall... when I ran to the toilets and well, long pathways, bla bla bla and now I'm here..' she frowned a bit. 'So you got in by accident yes?' I nod my head. She stopped frowning. 'TWINSIESSSSS' I smile at her. 'I guess so.'

So just to shorten it a tiny bit, she then started yapping about how she was looking for a human like me for so long that it felt like forever, after all that I looked at her, 'so what level are we on then?' She looked to the side for a minute or so before answering, 'level 1, and I'm guessing that you are from level 0?' I look at her confused, she notices, 'the one with the yellow walls...' I nod. 'yeah, I come from that one.' She laughed. 'Lucky lol, i spawned in on... actually I don't remember where I spawned, it wasn't level 0 though, and it wasn't a safe level...' my eyes widen. 'LEVEL 0 IS SAFE!?' She nods nervously. 'Mhmm....' My mouth gaped open. After a couple minutes I finally said something.

'So what now?' She smiled and pointed, she then took a paper note out of her pocket and wrote on it. It said: I would recommend staying silent for now, I'll give you some paper and a pen to write on, just stay quiet for now, you'll see why...

I folded the note and I proceeded to insert it into my pocket before collecting the piece of paper and pen that she was handing over to me. I took it gladly, before she took my hand and started leading me across the parking lot, I was quite curious by what she was doing, I had a feeling to  just let go of my hand and go ahead but at the same time I also wanted to keep hold because I felt like this girl knew what she was doing and where she was going, so as expected I just went with it, simply because could, mostly because of the fact that I had nothing better to do. She then led me to a similar short alleyway as there was earlier, with two double doors at each end, but unlike the last one, this one had a painting, lifelessly hanging on what appeared to be a nail that was quite recently punched in with a hammer, at least it looked quite new, I paused and looked at the painting for a couple of seconds with awe, It was beautiful,  even though it was hanging off of one corner it still was quite the view, the sky on it was a red blended in with a dark orange, and at the bottom there laid some emerald green tree that were surrounded by a glistening clear lake, I always wished to be able to paint like that, but I knew that my known dreams would never become reality, and though people say, oh practice to get better at it and stuff like that! But trust me mate, I HAVE PRACTICED LOAAAAAADS and did I ever get better, NOPE! I guess that's just the cold bitter truth brought here to us, I just don't have that type of talent, but I guess I have some other talents, more of the ones that I haven't found yet, lost in that little mind of mine. 

I then feel Alex's hand tugging at mine, She widened her eyes, in a way to tell me to hurry up, I drove myself away from the painting and followed her, letting her drive my arm as if it was a car, but I did allow it. She opened one if the two double doors, there was nothing there, my eyes widened in fear. 'A-A-ALEX DON-'

Yayayayayayay chapter 9 doneeee!

After like 1 1/2 hrs of writing cus I'm half dead rn

Cus it's like 11pm 👀


Words - 1027

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