Good Door Found

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My legs still hurt from the occurrence that happened earlier, and my heavy clothes weren't helping either, but all I could do was suck it up. Not like I had anything else to change into. I shuffled along the shockingly clean carpet, this felt so weird, but it felt so normal at the same time, is there something here that my brain just isn't letting me notice or something. But at the same time, I had familiarity struck me at random moments quite a lot in the past couple of days. But why...? I sat down, stretching my legs out in front of me, and placing my hands behind me on the floor so I could lean on them, I took a sigh of relief for some reason, maybe it was because the pain that was in my legs a couple seconds ago suddenly just shimmered away, or maybe it was because a burden I held for so long was finally let go, but whatever it was , I couldn't tell what it was, it was unknown to me, like a person hiding behind a mask... hiding behind a mask of emotions... that wasn't me, but I knew who it was, someone in my school class, I had a quite small class actually, but everyone seemed to be extremely different to each other, like everyone was somehow opposites to each other, including myself, it was troublesome to think about sometimes, most had either only one or no friends, but there were always that one specific overconfident group over extroverted kids in the class, I was not one of them. But I knew someone quite well that was. Nicole, was her name. We used to hang out quite a lot, she was always that person that would speak up for a friend no matter what the cost, she did drag to so many place though, like one time, she dragged me to thorpe park and forced me to go one the scariest rides, it was quite overwhelming but I will say it was fun, she was the happy person in the school. But somehow only I was the one who said otherwise. I knew it, I could tell it. She was my best primary school friend, she left in year 6 though, most said that she moved countries, while others thought she just moved out of the school. But for some reason I had the urge to believe none of those options, and for some horrid reason I felt a strange type of guilt for so many years, till now that is. For some crazed reason, that guilt just flew out of my mind, just as I happened to think about it. I found this even more weird.

I stare up at the ceiling instead of ahead of me, there were so many doors, in so many different patterns, it almost felt hypnotising, I could say it was though... as I just looked up at it, my eyes scanning each individual door, analysing each small detail I found, looking at each door in a certain pattern, it really made me think about even more things, almost like a memory refresher, almost.... I was starting to zone out, again, this was normal though... or was it? I felt my arms become weak as I slowly descended to the floor, having my head gently hit the carpet below me. I was still looking at the doors, but somewhat faster. What if... what if... what if... I don't know. I lay surprised at myself... was I out of things to think about? Really? There is no actual way! I shut my eyes. Wanting to lose myself in my world of imagination, but.. hold on... what was I thinking about?....

Am I forgetting myself?

I wanted to open my eyes so bad, but it was like a force held them shut, I panicked. Not really knowing what to do. But I stopped resisting against it. I let myself relax, maybe that would help to let it go. It felt like I was flying. Flying through the sky, but in darkness, something I haven't feared in a while. Well... people don't fear the darkness itself, they fear of what hides in it. Like how people are scared of being alone, it isn't because they are scared of being alone, it's because they are scared of not being alone. I try my best to stop the thoughts, snap out of it me! I might take zoning out a bit too far, but that isn't something for my brain to take advantage of. I then feel something touch me. My brain allows me to open my eyes and move once again. I sit up quickly, almost too quickly, sweating, to find that were was no one touching me, again. I sigh, standing up. I then saw Alex rushing towards me, with a big grin on her face. I stand and wait for her to come. 'JACE! I FOUND IT! I FOUND THE DOOR!' I smile. She grabs my hand, not letting me say a word as she pulled me in the direction of where she found the door that was supposedly the right one. 

She eventually got to this one door. I look at it curiously. Nothing about it looked that different. 'What about it tells you that this is the door?' Alex looks at me, not saying a word, and proceeds to point at the door knob, it was round, she then dragged my attention to the doors next to it, they had square knobs, I nodded my head, 'I see, I see it!' She looked back at me and smiled, before she pulled the door open, slowly, causing suspense in my small head. Inside was a blue sky, filled with paper white clouds. 'Woah.' I then felt some sort of force kind of push me into it, causing me to start falling. My eyes widened as I fell, but for some reason I didn't scream, surely I wouldn't die from the fall, right? I try to look around for Alex, but I fail to find her. Everything seemed to be going so fast. I then saw some sort of bridge and tried to aim to fall onto it, and I succeeded, somehow not dying, I fell onto a wooden bridge. As soon as I landed, I heard a loud thump behind me. I stood up, trembling, and turned around, the bridge shook violently. Alex was in a sitting position, looking quite relieved. 'Does fall damage not exist here or something?' Alex shrugged her shoulders. 'I guess not, I kinda thought that it did, till now I guess, which is quite funny.' I nod my head, stabilising myself on the unstable wooden bridge. 'So... do you know what level this is?'



Sorry yall for not updating yesterday

I did like over half of it and then meh parents were like GO SLEEP 

I might do another one today to make up for yesterday lol

anyways hope yall liked it!

also 1.6k reads :D


anyways bai for now

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