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I look around, is this... real? There were yellow walls with some sort of patterns on it, it was mesmerising but confusing at the same time, it looked like it went on forever... you  know... maybe I'll just... leave.... I turn around, only for me to face a yellow wall... where did the door go? I turn around again... I might as well just start to walk, where? No clue... it was so weird, within minutes I found my self lost in the maze, does this really not end? The whole concept of me being in a maze felt creepy, so I didn't even dare think about it... because- I paused my thoughts, how long has it been? I took my phone out and checked it, no signal... I checked the time... it was.. switching? One second it was 15:39 and the next it was 21:58... like what? It confused my small head so much. I stuffed my phone into my pocket, there is no point even having it on right now.

So, get me, I don't know the time, I don't know where my friend is and I don't know where I am... SIMPLY SPLENDID... I sat myself down for a moment, just to think, like, who was that black figure, it was still stuck in my head.. 'us meeting again will be likely.' What does they mean by that? Am I going to see them here? Or in my dreams again? Or maybe it is just me going purely insane.. Could be both. Who  knows, because I know I don't, I stand up again, I'm not going to get out of here if I don't try! Sitting down and rethinking all of my decisions isn't going to change anything.

If I want to do something I'll have to do it alone..

I start walking, walking, walking, walking through the endless pathways that led to nothing but more and more wall that just never seemed to end, I start to run, closing my eyes and placing my hands out in front of me in case I crashed into something, I then heard something. I stopped, luckily right before I was going to hit a wall. I heard something, it wasn't the walls, my footsteps or even me.. it was alive. I spun around, not facing a wall anymore, I look around, I want to walk to see what it is... but at the same time I'm petrified.. what if it kills me? It growls well, kinda, it's sounded half like a scream, forgot to add that it was really loud... like almost deafening. And the  worst thing was that I couldn't go anywhere because I was surrounded by thick solid walls with no exit. So what did I do? I stood still, trembling. Why today? Just why? 

I close my eyes, I then hear it again, I fling my eyes open, I see a tall stick like figure looking around, it saw me and started racing toward me, screeching as it got closer, I ran, ran faster than I ever have before, is this how adrenaline works or something, because it is quite cool I will say! But maybe not something to admire in this kind of situation. I try not to go in a straight line, I need to lose it somehow, maybe turning in circles? I don't know how smart it is though. So that would be too risky, also... I really do hope there isn't more than one because that would just be a nightmare added to another nightmare which is something I really do not want. 

My breathing becomes quite harsh, running from something isn't easy, because you can't just stop when you're tired, you have to keep going till it's gone, Im this case, I have no idea when, which to me is quite concerning! I run and run and run until my breathing is so harsh that I could hear is louder than the screeching which was still following me, what is this thing even meant to be? And I ain't going to test if it had the capability to kill me or not because that is something on my no no list. 

So many turns... I was starting to feel quite dizzy from all the turning, and the worst thing was that the 'thing' had no intention of stopping yet which frightened me even more. I was getting more tired with every time I took a step, which was quite often believe it or not! Surprising is it not? 

All of a sudden the screeching just stopped, I continued to run though, for a lot longer than I think I should've. I peer behind me, slowing down a bit, nothing... did I actually outrun it? Or is it tricking me? I stop abruptly, collapsing onto the carpet floor on my hands and knees, ow... that was so long, it hurt too.

I drag by self to a corner, which wasn't that far, and rested my head on a wall, I sighed, finally rest, and hopefully I wouldn't get it for only a couple seconds. I allow myself to relax, not letting myself sleep though, I was scared of that now, knowing I sleep deep a lot of the time, I am not risking that thing killing me in my sleep, no thank you!

Eventually I get so energy back again, even though I have no food or drink for any matter. I stand up again, nearly falling over, but I lean against the wall so that doesn't happen. I gradually start taking steps again, good to know I can walk again. Though I am still quite drained after the run, but as I said earlier, the more I move the bigger change I have of finding an exit! Well not in all cases but I am willing to at least try find this one. I continue to walk to who knows where. Also, the other reason I mostly didn't want to stay in the same place was because if I stayed in the same place, then that thing, or whatever it's called has a bigger chance of finding me! So that why I'm going to keep moving, plus, who knows, I might even find something new, like a good stand or something! Or maybe even someone else.. maybe Lucy is here too! What if I found her. My survival odds with her are probably higher, unless she's stupid, but im sure she isn't.. unless.....  HOW ABOUT I SHUT UP FOR A MINUTE, Im talking too much right now...  I continue to walk, walk, walk but then, right before I turn another corner... I see something out of the corner of my eye!



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