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I point my finger at what I found impatiently, now silently waiting for Alex to notice what a wonder I have just found. She curiously stands up and walks over to the scene, when she comes, I see her eyes light up, 'A STAIRCASE OH MY MY!!!!!!' I look at her jumping around like crazy. 'WE ARE MAKING SUCH GOOD PROGRESS!!!!' I nod my head, giving off a now nervous smile. 'Niceeeee.... ?' She then to my surprise, grabs my hand and starts sprinting to the stair case, dragging me along with her. 'H-HEY SLOW DOWN THERE!' She then looks back at me, still sprinting at what I think is full speed, or at least what should be her full speed because she is so fast right now I JUST CAN'T KEEP UP WITH THIS GIRL.  I let her hand go, falling down onto the carpet, taking quick breathes. 'A-ALEX!' She turns around to face me. 'Oh yeah... SORRY!!!!!!!' I chuckled. 'I didn't know I was running that fast haha!' I smile as she helped me up onto my feet, we then started to walk to the stairway, she then looked at me. 'Hey... try not to lose sight of the staircase okay?' I nod my head nervously. 'ok... why?' She faces the staircase that seems to be quite a bit away. 'It might disappear if we don't keep it in our view, so just keep that in mind.' She says in a quite serious tone, as she starts to walk by my side again. 'Im ok with that.' 

We both continued to walk towards the staircase, getting closer and closer with each step we took, unlike the other scenarios, the exit didn't get any further away, but instead got closer, which made me sigh with relief. 'So what level do you think that we'll get to?' I ask. I could tell she thought about it for a bit. 'Well, there are chances that we could get to level 5, level 6, and level 71 occasionally, and apparently there is an entrance back to level 3 too, but we should try aim for level 5, i am pretty sure that it is the safest of the four, even though we can't really decide that.' I nod my head, still taking in the information that she just said to me. So... level 5... what even is level 5 meant to be? Also level 3 and 6 really do not sound good, and Alex doesn't even wanna tell me about them which is even worse in my opinion. But 71? SERIOUSLY?! Why not make it go in chronological order like come on man! It just annoys people you know.

We both continue to stroll down the path, slowly leading us to the staircase. 'So why do the exits or wherever that staircase leads to just disappear if you don't look at them?' Alex just shrugs her shoulders at my question. 'Dunno, never knew why too.' I nod my head, questioning all other things that were currently floating around in my head, some staying and some leaving. There were just way too many to count. 'So are there any entities in this level?' Alex answers, still looking straight ahead, 'There are, but they aren't that dangerous and they don't occur very often.' I nod again, still looking over at the staircase in front of me. I felt like I was asking too many questions, but oh well, if anything she can just tell me to stop, so, I don't think there is going to be any problems AT ALL! 'And... are they like real people?' Alex paused her walking, still looking straight ahead as she did just a few seconds ago. 'Um... some are, yeah,' She continued to walk again but slower, 'but others are mindless creatures, that were never human and I guess just, spawned in, but I know for sure... that once you become a entity, you will always be a entity.' My eyes widen. 'Forever?' She nods her head slowly, 'Forever Jace, there is no known way to escape this place, not even by death...' I pause abruptly, 'Not even... by death?' She nods her head. 'YUP!' And then she laughs nervously. I then start walking and quite quickly catch up to her slow pace of movement. 'So... are you sure there is no exit, AT ALL?' She nods her head really slowly. 'Kinda... at least not one known by society you know.' I nod my head. 'WELL WE AT LEAST NEED TO TRY!' She peers over at me and smiles. 'Yeah... we should.' She then quickens her pace. Moving quickly towards the staircase that was only a hundred meters or so away.

I then started to run, gripping Alex's hand as I did so, and I ran towards the stair case that was incredibly close now. I smiled to myself as I stopped right in front of it. I then looked to the side and saw an elevator, I started to walk to it swiftly. But then Alex stopped me in my tracks. 'DONT GO TO THE FREAKING ELEVATOR!' I stop, 'Why?' She breathes harshly, 'THAT IS A VERY VERY QUICK WAY TO GET TO LEVEL 3... AND WE DO NOT WANT THAT SO GET AWAY FROM THAT THING AND JUST FOLLOW ME!!!' I nod my head and, trembling, follow her lead. We enter the stairway, it got way darker all of a sudden as we went up. 'Why are we going up and not down?' She stares at me, 'Just shut up for now I'll tell you later!' I sigh, we continue to go up, and up, and up. My legs were starting to hurt even more, and notice that I said even more, that is because my legs hurt when we finished running and before the freaking climbing started. I then heard Alex scream with excitement, yay now my ears are done for too, how great IS THAT!!!! 

I then enter into a clearing with table set up everywhere, chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, it was beautiful. 'This Jace, is level 5!'



Also, sowwwy for not updating yesterday

I was very busy and I was dying too so YEA

Also we got like 900 reads :p


1039 words

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