A Lot Of Islands And Bridges

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I see Alex looks at me, her eyes staring straight into mine, I was waiting for a answer, I wasn't just waiting for a answer though, there is a way more detailed way of saying it, I was hoping she would say that it was a safe level, though I think that anyone would have thought that. But the answer I awaited never came. I turned around, feeling almost hurt that she wouldn't answer me. But at the same time, I could tell she really was thinking about it, even though I wasn't even looking at her anymore. I decided to take a step forwards, which made the whole bridge shake, I grabbed onto the rope railings, doing my very best not to fall. I never even managed to see what was under me. I clutched the rope with great force as I shuffled towards the edge of the bridge, slowly looking over to see what was down below.

 Nothing..... I saw literally nothing. I felt a shiver run down my spine, I couldn't help but stay still and look at the pit of nothingness below me. Forgot.... to mention... I may or may not be a bit afraid of heights... or a lot afraid of heights... this level... this level was a nightmare to me, the more I seemed to look at it, the more it felt like it stretched on for eternity. I struggled to move away, I was trying, really I was trying. I then finally ripped myself from staring down mindlessly into the seemingly endless void below me. I saw the end of the bridge and I raced towards it. Not thinking about anything else but getting onto a stable surface safely. Once I finally made it, I crash landed, sliding a bit, causing my half ripped trousers to stain. That hurt quite a bit, ouch. My legs were still in quite a bit of pain, which wasn't helping me much in this current situation. I painfully stand up, more relieved, and look behind me. I then saw, Alex in the middle of the bridge, still just standing there. 'ALEXXXX!' I scream out to her, but my voice just seemed to fade out so it kinda was useless. I stood there, unsure of what to do. The wind around me picked up, I then realised what danger Alex was in. Without hesitation or thought, I raced back onto the bridge, starting to stumble almost straight away. I hesitated slightly. Risking it all just to go save her.

After a short while of stumbling and almost falling, I finally manage to make it over to her. I touch her, she looked at me in surprise, she stared at me, looking very embarrassed. I gripped her hand tight, 'lets go... FAST!' she nodded. Almost looking confused. I ignored it as I told her to hand on tight. We tried to walk quickly but carefully from the bridge. Alex stumbled a lot. I then felt something pull me down, I lost balance and landed harshly on the wooden part of the bridge, that was almost hanging, that when I noticed that the thing that pulled me down was Alex, who was now hanging off of the edge of the bridge, My eyes widen as I proceed to act immediately, but as I moved, so did the bridge, so making progress was almost impossible, and my irrational fear of heights was not helping at all. 'Jace.. it's fine, let me go!' I shook my head in denial. 'I won't let you fall, no matter the cost!' I saw her lose hope in her eyes. 'If you fall, I'll fall with you!' I then feel a rush of adrenaline run through me as the bridge leans even more, almost forcing me to fall, due to gravity. The cool air rushed past my face. I think Alex could tell that I was worried about the whole situation, I truly was. I looked around. And pulled her again, but with more force this time, i squinted my eyes, but then I felt the weight on my two arms loosen, I flicker my eyes open, Alex was gripping onto the bridge with her other hand. I smiled, pulling her up again, maybe I really would be successful! I grip her arm so tightly, making sure that she wouldn't fall no matter what. I then heard her step on the wooden planks. I didn't fail. I didn't actually fail! YAY! My smile widened, I didn't let her go though. I continued to lead her towards the green area.

I could practically smell the grass already. The bridge wobbled quite badly. But we made it... we both made it. I took a sigh of relief as I fall onto my hands and knees again. Embracing the warmth of the soil and the cool wind. I flatten out, rolling onto my back, looking up into the sky. There seemed to be no sun, but there was light everywhere, maybe it was just hidden behind the hundreds of fluffy clouds, stretching on endlessly, or maybe I was just too blind to see it. Alex lied down next to me. I shut my eyes, knowing that both her and I were safe from any sort of danger... for now that is. My stomach hurt, I don't know why, But it hurt quite badly. I tried to think about other things. That did quite help. I relaxed myself. When was the last time I actually slept properly? I ask myself in my head. I questioned stupid things like that in my head a lot, as well as some serious things that I tend to not talk about because... well it should be obvious why. I am not a person that likes to share everything about themself. Even if I trust someone, there is only a certain amount of information that I allow myself to give out most people, while certain individuals have a advantage of knowing more, but what really is knowledge about a person though? Isn't it just what you think you are? Or an opinion? Or a fact? Usually only the person themselves knows, but they either show it and others don't believe them, or they hide their true self from everyone except themselves and themselves only. It's what society has kind of turned to these days.

Another thing about people, including myself in some cases... I'm saying this now... don't go for me if anything, I cant help it, we all gotta let it out in some way... we've all questioned life in some sort of way haven't we? Some people say that they haven't they are either lying, or just haven't done so just yet. I don't do so in a bad way, or at least I think that I don't do so in a way. Sometimes I think that im just in some sort of story, or a dream. but I know that life simply feels just too real for that...

Or am I wrong?...


Im done just in Time before I gotta go too lol

I hope yall liked it :D


almost at 2k YIPEEEEEEEE

anyways BAI

1189 words

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