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We both started to fall, in the black area, Alex tightened her grip on my hand, 'just trust me Jace, trust me' My lips were still parted, my stomach was lurching from the falling, I shut my eyes, seeing almost the same thing as I did with my eyes open, I still had my hand gripped on tight on Alex's hand just as she did on mine. I then heard us hit the floor with a loud thud, more concrete, how nice... my eyes flickered open, this wasn't the parking lot.... Was it? I looked around curiously, it was quite tight and narrow, with pipes lined along the right side of the small narrow infinitely long hallway. Woah. This looks crazy. 'This isn't where I intended to go..' she turned back to look at me, still crouching down on the crusty dusty floor. 'I haven't been here yet sooooo you ain't getting no help from me, but we'll stick together obviously!' I smile at her while I stand up, dusting myself off frantically. I turn around, facing one of the two sides of shockingly long hallways with no end in sight, I then heard Alex swiftly stand up, also clearing herself of any visible dust particles that clung to her. I started to walk, I paused to see if she was following, and indeed she was following me, with a curious yet fearful look on her little freckled face. She then got a hair and from her wrist and proceeded to tie her hair up with ease, when she was done, she started following me again, walking down the endless hallways, I looked to the right, every now and then there was a gap where the pipes turned to another endless hallways which looked almost mesmerising yet cursed. 

I then felt Alex tap on my shoulder just as I was stepping to on of the alleways, 'don't go there, there aren't any known exits there, it's only a trap, so just don't, and don't you dare ask how I know this, because I just do, ok?' I nod my head passionately, though I don't think that any of it was seen as I stepped out of the other hallway and proceeded on the original one, it gave creepy vibes, like not good ones, steak was rising from some pipes every now and then, Alex told me to avoid them because of their danger of exploding or something like that, I just mostly followed what she did, because after all she knew the place way better than I did, in fact, the only reason I knew that this place was called 'the backrooms' was because of her, and the fact that I somehow managed to stumble across her seems to be even rarer, or at least that is what she said, and I believe that, because I just do, no real reason for it! I just do.

I continued to walk with her. Down the infinte hallways, looking for anything else other than infinite hallways. Which wasn't very surprising obviously, I then felt the sudden urge to eat some of my haribos, so that is exactly what I did! I whipped out the gummies from my pocket and started munching on them, very good very nice. Alex peered over at me with her mouth watering. 'Can I have some?' I looked at her for a second and nodded my head. And I reached out my hand to give some to her. She smiled and gladly took it. 'Thanks, you know you didn't have to' I grinned back at her, and stared as she chomped on the yummy haribos. I turned around, stuffing the haribos back into my pocket and walking on, oh yeah, did I ever mention that it is boiling in here, like me and Alex were sweating like crazy! 

I looked to the side for a moment, and I saw one of the mesmerising hallways again, but instead of just seeing the rusty pipes and the concrete floor, I saw the black figure, just staring at me, with the obvious intent to kill. I froze for a second, and nudged at Alex, she swallowed her food. 'what?' I stayed silent, almost as if I was ignoring her, She then looked at the same thing I was looking at. 'w-w-what is that?' I looked at her for a moment, it started racing to us, but before we ran, I managed to push out a, 'I THOUGHT THAT YOU WOULD KNOW!!!!' We both started to sprint down the hallway like danggg, we were hella fast for 2 14.... how old is she? Oh well, I'll just ask her later, BECAUSE NOW IS NOT THE TIME FOR THIS! I don't like how we are getting chased and we have no way to lose it, and I doubt that I'm going to outrun this thing, unless I had superhuman powers or something you know? Now that I think of it, this looks of the slender looking figure reminds me of something, my eyes widen and without thinking I pause my movement, causing myself to stand still. Alex turns around and I heard her call 'JACE COME ON BRO!!!' After that it was only pitch black.

Alex POV:

I ran a few meters before I stopped completely, my feet hurting. 'Please, for the love of life please don't kill him!' I shout at the monster, I am not going to let an entity kill one of the first actual people I've seen for at least a couple of years. I started running up to the entity. 'ANSWER ME! I AM NOT SCARED OF YOU!' It turns around, it shows me Jace's restless body, lying down on its outstretched hands. 'The boy isn't dead girl.' It zooms up to me, I force myself to take a step back, before it stopped, so close to me that it caused me to fall back, 'What kind of entity are you meant to be huh?' It just peers over at me. 'I am not an entity girl.' I stare at it, 'then what are you?' It leaves me with no reply, It then stands up and starts to shuffle away. I chase after it. 'WHERE ARE YOU TAKING HIM?' It turns to look into my eyes again. 'You don't need to know.' It then starts to walk away. I chase after it once again and grab at what I guess was its skin. 'If you aren't going to give him then ill force you to take me with you!' It turns around to looks at me. 'ok.' I stare at the figure, but right before it grabbed me I called out, 'without knocking me out...' It paused for a moment. 'No can do.' I stepped back, but not fast enough, It grabbed me by the collar and hung me up. 'seriously?' It nodded its head, placing me down, I then felt the strong sensation of weakness run over me, I then heard it say, 'Mhmmmm... sweet dreams child.'


Im back again with another chapter!

I might make another...


Also we got 300 reads :D

me very happy

Anyways BAI!

1186 words

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