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Jace POV:

I shrug my shoulders, 'I don't know...' I stand up, 'but sitting here doing nothing isn't going to help us with anything..' 'Apart from rest.' 'Apart from rest!' I look at her as she stands up too. She then held my hand tight. I looked at her and nodded my head, to signal to go or something I don't know. I sighed. I started to walk through the first office room, and look at me, I'm already wondering how long we are going to walk for, and we've only just started. 1 office room, 2 office rooms, 3 office rooms, and the number goes on and on, with no end, and nothing new even after what seemed like hours even though as I now ran, I knew that it had been no where near that long, though it felt differently. I continued to run, with Alex following my lead, for no apparent reason. But then I decided to slow down and look back, what if I missed something? 'You saw something?' I shook my head. 'no' She sighed and let go of my hand, took a few steps forwards and sat down on the dusty carpet. I followed her, sitting down next to her.  We were in the middle of a particular large room. I pointed my eyes in her direction. Her head was looking down, and she was fiddling with her fingers. I sighed and stood up. 'Come on, I think I saw some stair cases at front.' Her head popped up. 'Did you just say... stairs?' I nodded my head nervously.. 'yes?" She sprung up, so suddenly, and grabbed me at my biceps, almost pushing me over. 'WHERE?!' I froze for a split second, 'H-h-heyaa, you know that a thing called social distancing exists?' She looked at her arms, and giving a nervous chuckle, let my arms go. 'Sorry... it's just that stairs usually mean exits, especially in these types of levels, so where were the stairs?' I looked to my right, and pointed to a couple hundred rooms to which at the end of I saw some stairs, or at least I thought they were stairs. 'There, at the end of those rooms.' She then started to run towards the stairs. 'Try not to lose sight of them!' I then started to race after her, she was surprisingly fast, I just realised that. I struggled to catch up with her. I then paused, watching her run continuously, not stopping, while I was just standing there, watching her. Would she really ditch me like that?

I fell onto my knees, The floor around me started to crumble, leaving me falling from the sky, I was trembling all over, I covered my ears, the screeching was coming back, but it was louder than it has ever been, reaching to deafening amounts. I squinted my eyes closed, before I felt something soft underneath me. I opened my eyes, and I saw Alex carrying me, she didn't look like she did earlier, completely dry, as if nothing earlier had happened. I was so confused, and I think that Alex could tell that I was confused. 'You fainted, and I've been carrying you for like a hour or so dumbass.' I freed myself from her hands. 'What, WHEN?' She looked at me with a goofy smile on her face, right after the almond water part, it might have been out of date or something. I was even more confused now. 'WHAT?!' She only nodded her head. 'But the stairs...' She looked back at me, 'What stairs?' I stood still. 'Nothing...' I then stared at her questionably. 'HOLD ON, how the hell are you fine if you drank like two times more almond water than me?' She shrugged her shoulders. 'I got a strong immune system I guess...' I sighed and started to walk through one of the office places, with Alex following me, spilling the most random jokes out of her mouth, and I laughed at them, gladly.  

I continued to walk with Alex for who knows how long until we finally came across some sort of vending machine. It had literally only almond water in it. We both looked at the vending machine curiously. 'How do we get that out of there?' I asked. I peered over at Alex, hoping for an answer but instead I got her shrugging her shoulders. A plan suddenly formed in my head, I grinned. I then took a couple steps back, and then I ran up to the vending machine, jumping up and karate kicking the vending machine, causing the firm glass to shatter. I then flopped down onto the carpet with a thud. I then stood up, took a minute to shake off, and grabbed a couple of almond waters and stuffed them into my pockets. I smiled at Alex, who was currently in complete shock, but after two or so seconds she burst out laughing. 

After she calmed down, I helped her up, she also took some almond waters and stuffed them all into one singular pocket somehow, I grinned at her as we left the crime scene with pride. We both started being really goofy afterwards, rolling on the floor and pretending to die and stupid stuff like that, we were lying down on the floor when, all of a sudden, we found us both staring into each others eyes again, we stayed like that, both mesmerised until we both broke out of it and stood up, turning away from each other with complete embarrassment for a couple of minutes, until we turned to each other again and started walking and making stupid jokes all over again. Oh ma gawd, the amount of times that we did this was... I CAN'T EVEN COUNT IT LOL.

Suddenly, we both just found ourselves sitting next to each other, looking into the distance and resting from all the chaos, and after a couple of minutes I got up and walked to one of the two doors in the room, that's when I saw something that made me smile. 'ALEX GUESS WHAT I'VE JUST FOUND!'


Chatpter 14 DONEEEEEE

And we be getting that 600 VIEWSSSSSSS

It's only been a week too lol




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