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My eyes fling open, I'm in my bed? No way, how can I be... out? Of that chaotic place, I push the bed covers off of myself, am I dreaming or something? Why can't I remember what happened yesterday all of a sudden? I walk over to my closet, almost too scared to open it, my hands tremble as I reach over to the knob, hanging motionlessly on the closet door. My hand freezes, no, I can't do it. I pull my hand back, turning my head away to face the door of my room. I don't know if I am safe here. Am I safe? I go to my mirror, normal reflection, I least that in dreams, that if you see yourself and not someone else or something different, then the surroundings are safe, that is, if this is a dream. I don't have a way of identifying it. Of course I don't..

I stand in the mirror, admiring myself, brushing my hands through my strangely untangled black hair, I suddenly turned around, finding myself facing the door, I clutched the door handle, squinted my eyes and pushed the door open, the hallway... that's normal. Good, for now. Is there anyone home? I looked down, only then noticing that I had my clothes from yesterday on, no my pyjamas, also, weird. I stuff my hands into my pocket and reach my phone out. 7%... I don't like that number... The time was 14:39, my mom should be home, even if she did go to work, unless she went shopping, but she wouldn't do that without waking me up, well, whatever, it's ok. I take a step or two forwards and peer downstairs, nothing in particular, all was normal. I walked down the stairs, cautiously and carefully, watching my steps as I went down. Downstairs was empty, completely empty. 'Mom?' No answer, she might have gone shopping then, no big deal, she'll be back in a hour. I went and flopped down on the couch, I reached for the remote and switched the TV on. Perhaps I should check out the news. I haven't watched the news in a while. The channels weren't appearing as usual though. Oh well, I'll just go onto YouTube then, I'm sure they have the news on there. I take a look at the clock that was just above the TV. 16:01. Huh? How has it been over a hour? I haven't even turned anything on yet. Why is time going by so fast so suddenly?

I look back at the TV only to see a message saying, no Internet, please reload. I sighed, before standing up and walking over to the internet, it was on... and working. I don't see the problem here... Perhaps this is a sign to go outside and touch some grass or something. So that's exactly what I did. I put my muddy trainers on and went outside, shutting the door behind me. That's when I realised that I left my keys and phone inside of the house, well then, I guess I am just gonna be outside for a little bit longer then, well technically I'll be outside till my mom comes back. I start to walk towards the park, I didn't see any people on the way, how weird... I just shrugged it off though, and kept walking through the somewhat empty streets, the shops were closed too. I looked at the gates, it made me think of something, the memory of it was quite foggy though. I walked through the gates, only to be met with a foot tall pile of, snow? Snow? In summer? Seriously? I backed out of the gates, summer again, I stepped back in, winter. What in the actual... I eventually decided to leave the park alone, and head to a mall that was close by, since the park was full of snow, and I don't like to be met with snow, in august, where it is meant to be warm.

I started walking towards the mall, passing cars every now and then. I looked ahead of me, I saw clouds shuffling towards me, I could see that the clouds were gushing water from the distance I was at, I luckily had a umbrella though, don't ask me why I had a umbrella in my pocket, it is just, necessary, for example, situations like this. Where rain is.. IS LITERALLY RACING TOWARDS YOU!!!!! I quickly pop my umbrella out and unfold it right before the rain hits me. What a coincidence, funny isn't it, it made me wonder though, why was the rain going come to me so fast though, when I saw it like a minute earlier it was at least a mile away so I definitely do not get that at all! It then suddenly stops raining, uhhhhhhhhhhhh what? So it was NOT raining like 2 seconds ago, then it started raining like 1 seconds ago, and now it is SOMEHOW NOT RAINING AFTER IT NOT EVEN RAINING FOR 5 SECONDS LIKE WHAT IS GOING ON?! 

You know, maybe I won't go to the mall today, mostly because of the crazy weather that has been going on throughout the last couple minutes,  but at the same time, my parents ain't home  so I can't really go home either, so where do I go? I stand still, thinking about what to do and where to go. You know what, I might as well check if my parents are home, because who knows, maybe they are home. I spin around, and unexpectedly slip, falling into the puddles that were made in the short rain occurrence, and then before I knew it, I was completely drenched in muddy water, sitting down, annoyed on the concrete floor, watching cars pass by, that's when I saw it, that black figure again. 'HEY!' I see it turn away and walk to the right, I try to get up but I slip again and fall down, causing the water to splash even more on me and therefore, making me even more drenched than before. 'HEY WAIT' it refuses to turn around, 'I REMEMBER YOU!' 

The figure turns around and looks at me, before rushing over, quite fast for a human, if that was even what it was. 'You do?' I nod my head shakily, not expecting good words to leave their lips. They look at me curiously. 'So I knew that we were going to meet again.' His words confused me. He reached out his hand to me. I only then realised that I was still sitting on the wet, muddy concrete. 'Are you going to take it or not?' I nod my head just so it was barely visible. I take his hand, and trembling, manage to pull myself up. Their hands were cold and hard. Just like they were earlier. 'So, who exactly are you?..' I muttered. It looked at me curiously. 'Well, I am not exactly sure who I am, but I do know that I was meant to be with you.' I looked up at the guy confused. 'Huh?' It sighed, 'I know that this may seem confusing, but it will all work out in the end, ok?' I silently nod my head. It gave off a warm atmosphere, I liked it. It nudged me. 'Hey, you know you're dreaming right?' My eyes widen. 'I am?' It peered down at me. 'Mhmm, you really can't tell the difference between a dream and reality can you?' I shrug my shoulders, 'I guess so.' 

We just stood in silence for a couple of minutes. Not doing much. 'So I gotta wake you up again, don't I?' I looked to the side. 'I would rather it if you didn't' . It looked down at me again, 'that doesn't mean that I am not going to do it though is it now?'

Oh no.... Not this again...


I might make another chapter today lol

Just because I can hehe

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Words- 1332

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