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I turn my head to face the direction of what I saw. Well... I will say, it certainly wasn't like the rest of the place, it looked a bit like a wheel.... well all I know is that it was round, I step closer to it. It was on the floor, just lying there, my stomach grumbled, I'm starting to get hungry, and looking around, I don't think there is any available food here, simply waiting for me to eat. But my dreams only grew, and none of them came true... or should I say, have come true yet? I sigh, Anyways, it's fine, I could live a couple hours without any food, now that I'm coming to think of it. Am I that hungry? or is it just me procrastinating? 

I stepped closer to the so called wheel. I then found that it in fact was not a wheel, it was a hole, leading to a black area. creepy. I looked down into it, making sure that it had nothing inside, that's when I tripped, I started to fall, but something clutched my shoulder and pulled me back. 'W-what!?' I look behind me. No one? I sit on the moist carpet, stunned. 

Am I not alone?..

'Lucy?' No reply, what in the actual-. I paused again, I turned back so that I faced the hole that I somehow did mistaken for a wheel, I can't tell if that was just me being plain stupid, or if it actually looked like a tire.... I stare at the hole mindlessly. It looks like an entrance to the void or something, it would be quite funny if that was true, but at the same time not very funny, because I nearly fell in there.... but, now that I think of it... The void doesn't, exist on earth.. does it? I continue to stare at the hold in disbelief, that is until it just starts straight up glitching, yes GLITCHING. I shuffle back, shaken out of trance, startled. It glitches even more for a couple seconds before disappearing, taking the black hole along with it. I gasp and stand up, with my hand over my mouth, covering my parted lips. I take a step forwards, considering if I should step on what, 2 seconds ago, was a hold leading to who knows where. I close my eyes, and step on the small bit of carpet ahead of me. Nothing. The hole just... evaporated into thin air, THAT ISN'T HUMANELY POSSIBLE!!! I stand still, in shock. Eventually I simply back away, as if I just brushed the shock that was consuming me off my shoulders. I quietly thought to myself in the silence, perhaps I shouldn't stay here for any longer... 

I then hear a screech, the exact same one from earlier....  I suddenly hear the screeching getting louder and louder and louder. 'SH*1!!!!!!' I spin around and start sprinting in the direction ahead of me. I could hear it louder than last time, it was too close... I DON'T WANNA DIEEEEEEE, I'M ONLY 14! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! I fling my eyes open, there is a wall right in front of me, 'NONONONONONO IM GONNNAAAAA CRASHHHH' I stick my hands out, preparing for the hit, but I hit nothing, and instead silence greets me again.

I fall onto the floor, ow.... I slowly open my eyes. Instead of the yellow walls, I see... a parking lot? Yup, a parking lot with water scattered everywhere, that's... interesting. I saw water dripping from the ceiling... where is that dripping from? I look ahead of me, I see a crate with a bunch of things in it. I rush over to it, wanting to see what was inside, not caring about my brain telling me that something dangerous was in the box. 

I peer inside of the box, woah, inside, there was, a pack of UNO cards, quite unnecessary, a torch, with batteries included, some food, which was a 20 pack of Jaffa cakes, a banana and a family pack of haribo classics, dummies basically, and 2 bottles of water. I looked at the supplies and my mouth immediately started watering, I could only think about food earlier and now I can see it for myself, how nice! I start collecting the resources and stuffing them into any pockets I could find in my clothing, which, luckily for me, was quite a lot. After I stuffed the very important materialistic things into my pockets I went to sit down by a wall, somewhere where is wasn't wet, I decided to eat the banana first, you know, get the worst over and done with? or have you never heard of that phrase.... NEVER MIND. 

I then think... So what in the world could have pulled me back from falling into who knows what? That's the type of question I ask myself maybe a hundred times per second, though I don't think that is theoretically possible haha. But actually, what the hell pulled me? I doubt that is was that idiotic screeching thingy because I have a feeling that would've killed me and not have saved me from potentially being killed? Yeah so that's out of mind, that black guy? Or.... Lucy? No I already got Lucy out of mind, the area I was standing in was quite wide so I doubt she would've been able to go far, and also, I would have been able to tell it was her because of how big her hands her, and I know for a fact, that those were not her hands 100%. Yes I am that sure about this! I look down at my half bag full of haribos and think, sooooo, was is the black guy? or was it some entity? or... ANOTHER PERSON. HOW DID I NOT THINK OF THAT!!!!! 

I shove my hairdos back into my pocket very aggressively, mostly because of the fact that it simply wouldn't fit in my pocket. After I was done being a angry person, I stood up still leaning against the wall, all was calm and quiet... that was until I heard...

Cliff hanger lol

Anyways hoped you liked it!

The fact that I made 3 chapters today   


Words- 1032

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