Level 4...

139 4 4

We both stepped through the door at the same time, I smiled. I looked behind me, the pipes were no more, only multiple office rooms, there was blue carpet on the floor and white paper walls. The lights spilled over the area we were in, and my feet sank in the carpet. Most of the windows were covered by a thick black sheet of paper except for some, which for some reason I had a bad feeling about. I heard Alex take a sigh of relief, I stepped closer to one of the uncovered windows curiously. 'what level is this?' Alex walked up to me, 'this is level 4, it's a safe level luckily.' She then saw my smile and grinned back at me.She then started to walk a bit ahead of me. 'D-d-did I ever tell you that... that you look stunning?' She paused for a second, before turning around again, 'No.. you actually didn't.' She looked at me, her eyes setting on mine. 'I think you look stunning too Jace.'  I smiled even more, not ripping the eye contact that we both shared. We then just stood there for a couple minutes, staring at each other. Before Alex broke the eye contact and her smile faded off too. 'We should get moving.' I nodded my head, still staying in the same place, before trailing off after her. We walk for a while, and I'm here questioning if she knows where she is going at all. She shakes her head nervously. 'Nope, no clue...' I chuckled. I look around the place, it seems to be just an empty office place.But not just any office place, an infinite empty office place, with blacked out windows literally everywhere.

 I then realise that I was standing still, and that Alex had already wandered off into the distance, I then only noticed how tired I was, and sat down on the carpet, leaning against the wall and closing one of my eyes. I watched as Alex walked around in circles, probably thinking about what to do. I then peered over to the side, I then saw a 6 pack of some sort of drink, I stood up and slowly shuffled over to it, allowing Alex to leave my sight. I took a look at the 6 pack. It was... almond water? I ripped one out of the plastic and unscrewed it. It at least looked like some sort of water, I then sipped a bit of it. It was sweet. I looked at the packaging. It was beige with a light brown logo, saying almond water. It did taste a bit like almond water I guess. I turned behind me, and called out. 'ALEX!' I then saw her swiftly peek her head over the corner. 'Yeahhhhhhhh?' she then saw the small bottles of almond water next to me and ran over, smiling. 'Woahhhhhh, why didn't you tell me earlier!' I smiled nervously. 'I don't know?' We stood in silence for a second or two before laughing about it. She proceeded to pick one up and basically chug it. She then opened her eyes and looked at me, with a menacing look in her eyes. 'what?' I shrug my shoulders. 'Nothing.' She then proceeded to down the whole thing in a matter of seconds. How long has it been since she has drunk something? I continued to stare at her curiously as she started to unscrew the second bottle. But it seemed like she had some trouble doing so. She continued to strain at it for a couple of seconds before I had enough and snatched the bottle from her hands, leaving her startled, and opening it for her. 'Here you go!' I exclaimed. She looked at me with stars in her eyes. 'U-ummm thanks...' and I answered back, 'No problem!' She slowly took the bottle from me and started to chug from it again. 'Be careful so that you don't ch-' I got interrupted by her coughing harshly. I rushed over to her just as she stopped and spilt half of the drink onto the now soggy carpet. 'Sorry....' I chuckled, 'chill, after all this isn't my place!' She laughed, 'I guess...' My smile faded as I turned to take the other 3 bottled almond waters as well as my own. 

After I stuff the almond waters into many of my multiple pockets, I walk over to a dry spot in a different room and sit myself down, quietly thinking to myself, about all of the things that have happened in the last couple of days, I look around my surroundings, and then, placing my hands out in front of me, what... if this isn't real, what if I am not real. I then feel something on my shoulder, I look up. The girl, not Alex, the other girl, the one in that one dream, she was giving me a half warm, Half cold smile, she was half the black figure, I noticed that after a bit. I saw, not the cold, thick black hand touching me, but instead I saw two pairs of slim fingers kneel against my left shoulder. She didn't say anything, or move, as she looked into my golden brown eyes, I let the outside world fade from my view, looking at only her and her only looking at me. She then let go, snapping me back into existence. She formed a heart with her fingers before quickly slithering away. I leaned back again, woah. That was... weird. I looked back ahead of me, I saw Alex, eyes widened, her hands were kneeling against both of my shoulders, her face wet and red. I then noticed that I still had my hands in the same place as I had them earlier. 'Jace... I thought you were dead for a moment there... please don't scare me like that!' I shake my head, 'Yeah... sorry, I guess I just zoned out.' She nodded, facing to my right, 'I'm glad that you're okay.' She said not looking at me. I then caught her wiping her eyes with her hands, I then saw her turn her face back to me. 'So..' she said, 'How are we going to plan our escape then?'



And we are at over 450 reads and it's been like 6 days :0

Anyways me is happy ONCE MORE


1060 words!

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