Finding A Exit

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'WAIT!'  I shout out, 'what do you mean by, before time runs out?' She looks at me. 'I can't say, I'm really sorry.' My hands droop down. She then turns to leave. 'NO DON'T LEAVE!' She pauses, but she didn't turn around. 'Jace there is no point in us having this conversation if  you don't even know me, but don't worry, you will see me later, just not like this... I'm sorry you have to go through this my friend.' I try to turn after her but then I just stop for no reason, what did she mean by... going through this? I then saw her turn around one last time, 'Cya Jace!' Those words stung me for some reason. I just stood there frozen, as she disappeared into thick darkness. So many thoughts were running through my head at that moment, what did she mean about all of that? That I was suffering or something? I didn't even know her. But those last two words that she said, it just struck me like lightning would struck a tree, It was so familiar, I couldn't form it in my head though, I wanted to remember it though. I looked ahead and saw that I was stuck in this white space, and that I was sweating furiously. I sat down, overwhelmed by shock, I heard myself, whisper, I whispered many things. 'What if... this reality wasn't real?' I then stood up, shaking my unnecessary feelings off. No, I'm alive in this world, everything here is real, just because I almost recalled a old memory and some familiar girl talked to me does not mean that all of a sudden everything around me isn't real! At least for me, this whole reality is real, too real. I then get accompanied by a cold hand kneeling on my shoulder. It was the black figure. 'What is your name....' I only got accompanied by silence as the thing hit my chest again. I dropped to the ground. I smiled 'I hope to see you again one day, girl.' I then feel myself getting picked up and being cradled by the black thing. I heard it mutter something under its breath, I didn't manage to hear it. My eyes slowly closed, as the figure swayed me from side to side.

I open my eyes, forcing myself to sit upright. I see Alex worriedly looking at me, she reminded me a lot of Lucy, always worrying, just the difference was, that I have know Lucy for a could years, and known her for none. I slowly and carefully got up, making sure to keep my balance stable. 'You ok?' I nod my head reassuringly. We then start to walk together past the many hallways, just talking to each other calmly, making stupid jokes to each other. We then crossed two hallways opposite each other, I looked in one direction, and Alex looked in the other. I saw the figure waving at me. I smiled and did a small wave back, the figure then quickly disappeared. Alex looked in my direction after a bit, 'did you manage to find anything?' I shook my head, 'nope, nothing new.' She sighed. We then continued to walk together, passing possibly hundreds of different hallways in the span of a hour. Which sound pretty impressive I guess, but then it also doesn't sound that impressive when people find out that you've been stuck in endless tight hallways for hours, possibly multiple days.

We continued to walk in a straight line for who knows how long, that was until we come across a fuming pipe, I insisted on taking another route but she argued with me that we should have gone through the same pathways, so eventually we go through there and you know what was the scary part? That right after we passed it, so we were both a good couple meters away from the pipe, when it burst and started spraying loads of some sort of questionable liquid which honestly  concerned and I'm guessing that it was boiling because it was it was steaming like crazy. Alex just started laughing and backing off even more when she saw it. I was just like giving her a you could have died face. Which, if anyone else was there, must have been a pretty funny thing to look at, especially when we were both running away from the pipe and she tripped and went like OWEEEEEEEEEE though it was quite obvious that she wasn't in pain, so we just burst out laughing on the the musty dusty crusty rusty concrete floor but we really didn't care because even though it was really narrow, we were rolling around like crazy.

After the very known pipe incident, we were walking along the place when we saw something other than pipes, we saw a wall. I literally saw Alex's eyes shine as she saw it. She tugged at my hand, and I followed her, 'we've hit the jackpot Jace!' We both started to run along the wall, we were both cheering like crazy. I knew we were close to getting out of the level. So we were running, when I saw a door and tugged at Alex to stop, so she did and I pointed at the door. 'That might be a way out!' She cheered even more as we both ran up to the door enthusiastically. It was locked, I sighed. I wasn't just going to let it go. I started kicking the door open as much as I could for a minute, that was before Alex grabbed my shirt and dragged me to another set of door that was actually unlocked. We both looked at each other with hope in both of our eyes. We were both ready for this. 'This better not go to Level 3!' I pause for a second, 'why?' I asked. She sighed. 'Just believe me bro...' Then I clutched her hand and we jumped into the everlasting darkness. I wonder where we are gonna end up next....


Third chapter of the day done!

Listening to nostalgic music while I'm at it lol

Anyways cya tmr y'all  :D

1024 words

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