So. Many. Doors...

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SMOL BLOOD WARNING AGAIN (last one for now)

I looked down at my legs, my eyes widened in the sudden shock, but... I saw them earlier they were fine, I felt myself, fall, as my injured legs gave in, I crash landed harshly onto the thick carpet, my legs were covered with a lot of blood and cuts, I trembled, suddenly feeling incredibly weak. Alex dropped down with me. 'You saved me... but at what cost Jace!' I shrugged my shoulders. I wasn't in shock because of the injury though, I was more in shock because of why I didn't see it earlier, I knew they felt off, I saw it, but not like this. I hallucinating stuff, not good at all. Alex reaches into her pocket worriedly, taking out a small roll of bandage, before taking a bottle of still water and dripping some onto the wounds before gently wrapping it in the bandage, I winced in pain, 'Ouch..' Alex swiftly looked at me with an apologetic look. 'Sorry, I'm trying to be as careful as I can, so just hang on.' She continues to wrap it around, I then only realised how tattered my clothes were, especially my trousers, quite obviously.

I then tried to stand, failing miserably. Alex then picked me up, with a tiny bit of strain included, it felt weird, weird that I was being picked up by her, it feels like something I would never expect, which made me feel quite nervous, uncertain, maybe even unsafe. But for some reason, I liked it too, I don't on most occasions, I try to mostly avoid it in general. Being picked up, you know. But I'll let it pass this time you know, mostly because I can't walk. I allow myself to relax in her arms, which I found pretty hard, not being so used to the physical contact. I felt my eyes starting to droop, but I refused to let them close, I didn't want to sleep, or even lose focus on myself, I feel like it would cause problems, it does not feel safe at the moment, even though I was being cradled by a girl that I met only a couple days ago, and yet we act as if we have known each other for decades, though I have barely lived for two. 

I lifted my head up, it didn't hurt, Alex had a quite serious look on her face, not as jokey as she used to be. I thought of how old she was, I couldn't think of a number, my brain wasn't really braining, especially after all that happened. I continue to look at her face, so pretty... and her hair only made it look even prettier. I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out, I had a small moment of self pity right there and then. I saw Alex look down at me, I cringed. 'you're pretty light for whatever age you are kid.' I frowned, visibly annoyed. 'Im not a kid!' I say, making it loud enough for Alex to hear, but keeping it quiet at the same time because I felt like it, and didn't have the proper want to speak at the moment.

I decided to try and observe my surroundings somewhat more, even though I knew that I wouldn't be here forever, which I quite liked, unless we never found a way out of here which seems quite unlikely, because Alex was walking around, in quite a decided direction, this way, that way, whatever way. It was tricky to understand. But I think that she has been here before or something, I don't know. But I somewhat trust where she is going. I was in an uncomfortable position, but I complied with it because I had nothing better to do you know. For some reason, I found this hotel to be quite... weirder as we walked further and further in. I started to observe certain details even more. Like, for example, the place was really clean, strangely clean, like I know that this isn't earth and all that type of stuff, but still. It slightly creeped me out, like shouldn't this place be full of dust, especially since it's probably been here since the beginning of time or something. I dunno, but I find it kinda suspicious you know. 

As Alex walked with me in her hands, I also started to realise the abnormalities of the place, everything looked so perfect earlier, but now, now everything looks out of place, strange, discoloured, and the thing that caught my attention the most was that the fact that there were so many doors, it was a ridiculous amount, it almost gave me a headache. I noticed they were everywhere though, literally, on the ceilings, floors, the middle of the walls, it looked insane, not in a very good way, but seriously, why? Did it mean something cos like I don't know how this stuff works you know. 

I carefully eye Alex's movements, watching where she goes, until she look to the side, to which a door stood in the middle of the pathway, not in the wall. Like in the middle, on the carpet, my friend then stepped towards it and kicked it open, leading to a ginormous room, it must have been the main room or something because of its size. 'Woah, this is so cool!' I looked around, and watch I saw left me in shock. Doors.. there were a lot of doors, plastered onto the walls, ceilings, floors, everywhere you looked at, they were unavoidable, the only other thing in the room was the giant hanging chandelier, it was looked slightly off, it kinda annoyed me. I was kinda forced to shrug it off though. I sigh. Alex then gently places me on the ground. 'Hey... one thing, don't touch or open any doors okay?' I nod my head, nervously. 'Why though?' She turns around as I slowly stand up. 'Well, it's probably gonna be hard to believe, but one of these doors lead to another level, and if we open the wrong one, then the one leading us to the next level will disappear, but there is a difference between the door to the level and the other doors.' I curiously look at her. 'And... what is that difference?' She peers over to the side, giving me a nervous laugh. 'Wellllllll I may not know the answer to that question...'  I sigh. 'And there are no other exits?' She shrugs her shoulders. 'There probably are... but I don't know any other ones except for this one, so I'd say this one is our best bet.' I sigh. 'Then I guess we'd better get looking then!' I say with a hint of sarcastic enthusiasm in my voice. I turn around, turning my back to Alex. I underestimated how long I was going to be searching for, because behind me, there stood... hundreds... upon hundreds... of doors.

Yippeeeeee lolololol



I mean... worse might home heheheheheheheheheh



also 1.4k reads >:D


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