Sounds 🍋

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Top Shuichi, bottom Kokichi. This is an in game au. Shuichi finds some odd sounds coming from Kokichi's dorm. You'll see ;)

Shuichi's POV

It was a normal day in this stupid killing game. Everyone was eating in the cafeteria and one by one people got up and left. Me, Kaito, and maki were sitting together. I finished my food so I quickly excused myself. Then, I started taking a walk around the layout we were trapped in. Eventually I walked around the dormitory. I passed Kokichi's dorm and heard odd sounds. It sounded like moans? What was he doing in there? I knock on the door since I was very concerned. Kokichi didn't answer. I check to see if the door is unlocked, and to my surprise it is. I quickly rotate the door knob. The door opens for a surprising sight. I see Kokichi stroking himself while shoving a dildo into his ass repeatedly. I never knew he was so kinky. He didn't even notice me. He was masturbating in his dorm room. "Kokichi...?" I question. Suddenly Kokichi stops and instantly looks at me. He quickly covered up his naked body with his blanket. "How long were you watching?" Kokichi questioned. I responded, "Not very long I swear! Also, I'm very sorry about stepping in on you. I just heard odd noises, and wanted to see if you were alright." Kokichi then looked at me with the horniest face I've ever seen. "S-Shuichi... I need you. I need to relive this feeling," Kokici says and takes a long pause, "Please? I'll pay you back!" Kokichi looks at me with begging puppy dog eyes. I sigh, "E-eh? I uhm... I guess... I'll do it with you." I actually was so horny for him after seeing him masturbate like that in front of me. "Just put the dildo away first..." I say. Kokichi reluctantly takes the dildo, and puts it in his nightstand drawer. I enter Kokichi's room and lock his door closed. I go over to his bed. He was already completely naked, so I started to get naked myself. I quickly took off all of my clothing and dropped them on the floor. I got nice and comfortable next to Kokichi. Kokichi looked so horny that he was about to explode. I can't deny that I was feeling a similar but toned down feeling. Kokichi instantly put his face next to mine and quickly started kissing me. He was rough and fast but that's fine. Kokichi was pretty dominant which was good since I was a submissive guy. Kokichi held me close and rough as he kissed me fast and rough. I kissed him back even if I wasn't as rough. I personally was a bit more gentle than he was. Kokichi then without any warnings or hesitation starts roughly biting my neck and collarbone. He left hickeys everywhere in that area and I let out loud moans. "Mmm~! Kokichi~! Too rough~!" I moaned. Kokichi listened to my moans and went a tiny bit more gentle. "Shuichi~ I want your dick already!" Kokichi whined. "Kokichi we can't get to that but we're starting with prep, ok?" I reply. Kokichi exclaims, "Fine!" Kokichi squirts some lube on his ass and some on my dick. He also puts a little on my fingers. "Are you ready Kokichi?" I ask him. Kokichi nods. I thrust my one pointer finger in and out of Kokichi. Kokichi strokes his dick to to the rhythm of my thrusts. He had heavy pants that I felt on my skin. "Can I add the second finger?" I asked Kokichi. "Yes~! Now~!" Kokichi moans out loud. I continuously and progressively add more fingers until I'm up to 4. "Kokichi... are you ready for my full length?" I say referring to my dick.

Kokichi's POV

"Yes! I need your cock!" I moan so loudly. Someone probably could hear us but I didn't give a shit. Fucking with Shuichi is so much better than masturbating. Shuichi aligned his dick with my entrance and started thrusting. I moan, "Ah~! Shuichi~! Mmmnhm~!" I stroke my own dick very fast and rough as Shuichi fucks my ass. My drool drips all over the bedsheets. We keep going for another minute or so. I'm so close to my climax. "Shuichi~! I'm at my climax soon! Are you~?!" I moan. Shuichi nods quickly. I was still stroking my cock when I cummed all over my own bedsheets. Shuichi's cum filled my brim and felt so good. I gave out under the pressure and so did Shuichi. I lightly suck on Shuichi's finger. It tastes so fucking good. Someone probably heard us but who cares? I set up a bath and bathe myself as Shuichi puts on his clothes and leaves. I get ready for bed even though it's still early in the morning. I'm so fucking tired. Shuichi was so good at fucking today. I get in bed and snuggle my blanket. I drift and commit to sleep. 

830 words! A/N did you like it? It took me so long! Thanks for reading as always! I'm technically 1 minute late lmao. I finished at exactly 12 am. Love y'all! <3

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