misunderstanding 🌧️

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Killing game AU! I'm sorry if this is bad! I don't read angst much so I'm not 100% sure I'm writing it correctly, unlike fluff and smut. I'm sorry if I'm unable to write good angst! I never understood angst, but I'm doing it for any potential viewers who like angst! So please enjoy! And again sorry if this is very bad! I'm unsure if you're supposed to leave a sad ending or have the character make up, so I'll just make the characters make up. If it's not good I'll change it next time!

Nobody's POV

Kokichi and Shuichi have gotten really close since the start of the killing game, and started dating recently. Kaito didn't approve of Shuichi's choice, and would be very open with his opinion. Shuichi always brushed Kaito off, but it got harder to do that when Maki added to Kaito's opinion. Shuichi was best friends with Kaito, and was sad about Kokichi's and Kaito's rivalry. It was the day after Kirumi's execution and Shuichi was sitting with Kokichi having a fun time. They were joking and trying to forget about the horrors of last night. Kokichi let out a forced giggle from his petite figure, "Nishishi~! Shuichi! You're so cute today! Especially without your dumb hat!" Kokichi was acting cheery, but felt crushed. He was close to Kirumi. "Shuichi... will your friends ever accept me?" Kokichi asked with pleading eyes. Shuichi whispered a quiet, "I don't know... I wish they did." Kokichi looked down, saddened. Kokichi and Shuichi spent the day together reading, and trying to lift stress off of their shoulders. The next day, Shuichi sat with Kaito and Maki. This was because Kaito wouldn't stop being annoying for Shuichi to have breakfast with him like they did before he dated Kokichi. Kaito started shit talking Kokichi. Kokichi was listening to everything. Keep that in mind. "He's such an ignorant little jerk!" Kaito yapped. "Such a fucking gremlin! Piece of shit. He should kill himself."Maki said in a cold tone. "Kaito... Maki... you can't say things like that!" Shuichi gasped. Trying to calm them down. "He's not that bad! He's great in fact!" Shuichi tried to tell them. They kept yapping louder and louder. His voice was barley heard, and you couldn't really hear what he was saying even if you heard his voice. Kokichi already had a tear fall down his cheek. "I'm glad you agree, Shuichi." Kaito laughs. Shuichi denies it, "I d-don't! I love Kokichi!" It was too late. As soon as Kokichi heard Kaito he ran out bawling. He sprinted to his dorm. Shuichi gets really concerned. He tries to dash after Kokichi. Kaito and Maki just rolled their eyes. Shuichi bangs on Kokichi's door! "Kokichi! That's not what happened! They just-" Shuichi suddenly gets interrupted, "g-go away..." Shuichi heard sniffles from the other side of the door. Shuichi's heart felt broken when he heard his boyfriend's sobs and sniffles. "Kokichi please just listen to me..." Shuichi tries to negotiate. "Why should I?" Kokichi questions. "Because- that's not what happened! I swear! I would choose you over them, and I would never say things like that about you!" Shuichi says while panicking. Shuichi turns open the handle, and it's unlocked. Shuichi enters and doesn't see Kokichi. He hears sniffles from the closet. Shuichi opens the closet and finds Kokichi curled up into a ball inside of the closet. Shuichi squats down to his level. "Kokichi... I wasn't agreeing... they were saying mean stuff and I... I was denying it they just couldn't hear me, and believed what they wanted to believe, ok?" Shuichi sighs. "R-really? So you love me, ... right?" Kokichi pleads. "Yes, I do." Kokichi comes out of the closet. "Shuichi... can you hang out with me?" Kokichi asks with begging eyes. He wants to get his mind off of it and trust Shuichi. "Of course, honey." Shuichi says. He smiles at Kokichi, and Kokichi smiles back. They play board games and card games for the rest of the night and such. Shuichi doesn't want to talk to Kaito or Maki. Shuichi comforts Kokichi after they play games. They try to go back to normal, but Kaito or Maki easily trigger the emotion again. Shuichi drops Kaito and Maki.

710 words. A/N I'm so sorry if this was bad! I have no idea about angst but if you like it I'll make more! I still will make mostly fluff and smut because I enjoy it more but angst will happen occasionally! Also thanks for reading this far! Love all of you! 🩷🩷

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