Hot chocolate 🍬

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This is a non-despair au. Also, they are dating from the start in this one. 

Nobody's POV 

It was a snowy day outside. It was late to be outside and getting colder and darker. It was fun for a few minutes, but got too cold and boring quickly. Kokichi wobbled inside at 8:30pm as Shuichi was curled up on the couch. "Shumai! I'm cold!" Kokichi whined. Shuichi looked up at Kokichi and asked, "Do you want me to make you some hot chocolate?" Kokichi nodded vigorously and added, "With whip cream and marshmallows please!" Shuichi nodded. "Of course, just like always," Shuichi chuckled. Kokichi lied down on the couch and got a fuzzy blanket. Shuichi heated up the milk and put pieces of chocolate in. It made a nice warm hot chocolate. He poured one for each of them. Shuichi put whipped cream and extra marshmallows on Kokichi's since he always wanted it that way. Shuichi doesn't add anything to his own. He sits beside Kokichi on the couch and hands Kokichi his hot chocolate. "Thank you shumai! Wanna watch a movie?" Kokichi giggled. "Sure," Shuichi responded. Kokichi rests his head on Shuichi's shoulder and drinks his hot chocolate, feeling warm and fuzzy inside. Shuichi smiled and stroked Kokichi's leg. He laid his head on top of Kokichi's head. They put on the movie "Frozen" by Disney. They watched and drank hot their hot chocolate until there was none left in the cups. They set them down and Kokichi whines, "I want cuddles! Please?" Shuichi looks at Kokichi's pouty puppy dog eyes. "Fine... cuddles it is," Shuichi sighs. "Yay!" Kokichi beams. Kokichi scoots into Shuichi's lap and cuddles his head into Shuichi's chest. Shuichi wraps them in a soft blanket and pulls Kokichi closer. Kokichi nuzzles tightly onto Shuichi. Shuichi fiddles with Kokichi's soft hair and smiles intently. Kokichi snuggles into Shuichi's lap even more. Shuichi looked at Kokichi's cute reactions to the movie. Seeing his cute "Ooooh"s and "Aaahh"s. They watched the movie until it was completely over, but Kokichi didn't move. He turned to Shuichi and put small kisses all over his face. Shuichi blushed and smiled. "Mwah! I love you shumai!" Kokichi beamed while doing a kawaii head tilt. Shuichi shuddered at the adorable action. "I love you too babe," Shuichi said softly. Kokichi hugged Shuichi in a loving embrace. "Shumai! I love you wayyyyyyy more though~!" Kokichi teased. Shuichi just chuckled it off and teases a bit back, "Don't you need to get to bed? School is tomorrow after all!" Kokichi rolls his eyes and pouts, "I'm not a kid! I just need my beauty sleep and I'll head to bed... If you join and cuddle with me!" Shuichi raises his eyebrows. He sighs a quick, "Fine, but only because I love you babe, but we need to get ready for bed first." Kokichi grunts, "Fine." Shuichi and Kokichi go into the restroom and brush their teeth.  They both was their faces and switch into pajamas. Kokichi does a cannonball onto the bed. "Saihara-chan~ join me! I want to cuddle until I fall asleep! Pweaseeeee?" Kokichi begged. Shuichi laughs at his adorableness and lies next to him. Kokichi giggled excitedly. He scoots his petite figure on top of Shuichi. She snuggles into him as much as he can. He closes his eyes and listens to Shuichi's heartbeat. Shuichi lightly plays with Kokichi's hair and massages Kokichi's scalp slightly. Kokichi giggled, "That tickles Shumai!" Shuichi caresses his cheek and shushes him, "Shhhhhh..." Kokichi nods and closes his eyes again. Kokichi quietly fell asleep on Shuichi, while gripping his shirt. Kokichi makes adorable little snores. Shuichi nuzzles his face into Kokichi's hair, feeling how soft it is on his face. Shuichi fell asleep shortly after. They sleep until morning comes. Then, Kokichi wakes up and scrambles off Shuichi and gets ready for the day, so does Shuichi. They then continue on with their day. 

702 words. A/N sorry this one is kinda short. I do think these are better than my (very awful don't read) other story. My other one had a lot of major issues. I hope you like this one! Do you guys like smut or fluff more? Or angst? I don't prefer angst, but I would love your opinions! I'll try to make more of what the majority says.

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