Whips and chains 🍋

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TW! This has sadism and masochism so if you don't like those subjects click off! This one will be kinky, so just be warned! Top Kokichi / bottom Shuichi. Shuichi gets home from work to see Kokichi want to do something new with him. Also, my smut gets more views so I'm assuming more people like those! Top Kokichi is still underrated XD.

Shuichi's POV

I got home from my work. Work was long and boring. I wanted a break, but I wasn't exactly tired. I couldn't wait to see my adorable boyfriend. I had brought McDonald's. He said he wanted to do something with me today. I wonder what it is... I walk through the door. "Honey! I'm home!" I shout to my boyfriend. Kokichi walks down stairs. I put the food on the counter. We start eating at the dining table. As we eat burgers or fries or chicken nuggets. "Heh... Shuichi~ do you want to try something with me~?" Kokichi seductively whispers while winking. I feel my face go hot. I didn't know what kind of thing Kokcihi wanted to do, but it had to be something with sexual tension. We both were finished with our food at that point. I mean his seductive voice proves it. "Shuichi~ I'm a sadist~ and I'd like to have some fun!" Kokichi giggles nonchalantly, as if that was the most normal thing ever.Kokichi? A sadist? I mean I wasn't a big masochist, but I was a little bit of a masochist. I blushed profusely. God... Kokichi's horny, cute, sadistic face makes my knees go weak. I can't resist his sexual aura. I feel so horny now. "K-Kokichi... we can. Do that... you can uh let your sadistic actions on me. I kinda like that stuff too..." I admitted. Kokichi's eyes widened as a creepy-cute smile spreads across his face. "Good," he says sharply. Kokichi grabs my wrist harshly, and shoved me into the bed. I liked it. Kokichi grabbed some chains. He quickly put the restraints on me while grinning. My wrists were tied together and my ankles were tied together. Kokichi puts a few toys on the bed. "Get on the bed." Kokichi demands. I weakly nod. I roll onto the bed. "Good boy..." Kokichi giggles. Kokichi grabs a gag and puts it on me. I can't speak anymore. Kokichi giggles in his sadistic kinky way. I was excited, so excited. I haven't felt this masochistic before. Kokichi grabs a long whip. He undresses me. Kokichi then undresses himself. He whips me hard. A bit of blood trickles down my stripped body. Kokichi continues whipping me while mischievously giggling. I was covered in cuts and small trickles of blood. I tried to talk or moan or anything but the gag blocked it. Kokichi whispered softly in my ear, "You wanna talk, right? Too bad... you're mine~ and this is what I want to do with you. Do you want me to spank you? Beg." I vigorously nodded and tried talking through the gag. Kokichi chuckled, and lifted up my ass. He started giving big hard slaps all over my bare ass. My ass was covered in red hand marks. Kokichi then took off my gag. "Since you've been a good boy, I'll allow you speaking privileges~," Kokichi states. "Thank you! Mmm~! Kokichi! Please spank me so hard! Whip me again! Crush me with your beautiful body," I beg. "Oooh~ a needy boyfriend today! I love that~" Kokichi seductively whispers. He does as I begged of him. He starts whipping me again. I wiggle around in the chains. It feels so good~! Kokichi seems to be having so much fun as well. With one last whip, blood trickles down my leg. Kokichi then starts spanking me again. Hard slaps land all over my ass. Kokichi then, without any warning or explanation, pushes his full dick inside of my ass "AH~! MMMm~!" I moan. Without any time to adjust, Kokichi thrusts fast and hard. He tugs on my hair painfully as he does. "Such a cute masochist~" Kokichi flirts. "I know you want to taste my dick~." Kokichi teases. He's right though. After a few more thrusts inside of my ass, Kokichi takes his dick out and stops tugging on my hair. I was still in the chain restraints. "Beg. Now!" Kokichi demands. I weakly nod and obey. "Please! Let me suck your dick! Please give me a taste of tasty cock. Ill do everything right! I swear! So please!" I beg to Kokichi. "Open wide," Kokichi orders. I open my mouth immediately. His dick springs out and goes into my mouth. I suck as fast and hard as I can. Kokichi was thrusting as much as he could. He kept slapping my body as I sucked him off. I was occasionally choking on his cock. He giggled when I did. "Good~! You're mine. And I'll use you whenever I feel like it, babe~" Kokichi teased. I felt so turned on. The pain he inflicted on me felt so great in this context. He didn't stalk or build up. He just went when he wanted. It was so sexy... I sucked him off and he cummed. "Swallow," Kokichi orders. I swallow his cum. I wait for his permission to cum, and eventually he gives it to me. I cum all over my own body and in the bedsheet. Kokichi chuckles at the sight. He lightly bites my thumb. "That was so fun~ we'll do it again soon." Kokichi states. I can't help but nod in agreement. Kokichi takes the restraints off of my body. I go to take a shower, since I was dirty from the previous activity. I clean my body and get ready for bed. Kokichi quickly does the same. We sleep together like any other night, as if we didn't have the kinkiest night we've had yet. He was so hot and sexy. I succumbed to sleep.

987 words. A/N based on views, you guys like smut the most, right? Tell me if I'm incorrect. Did you like the kinky story? If you have any other kinks I should incorporate please tell me! Did you guys like sadism and masochism? I did! 

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