Nightmare 🍬🌧️

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This is a Non-despair AU. 

Shuichi's POV

I gently woke up, and felt some thing heavy on my chest. I open up my eyes to see a sleeping Kokichi. "Huh?" I question. I swear I locked my dorm. Did he lock-pick it open again? I sigh a rub his head. Well it is adorable. He's snuggled into my chest so much. He looks very at peace right now. No lies or deceit just a calm adorable boy on my chest. I kiss Kokichi's forehead and pat his head. "So adorable..." I whisper. My whisper makes him stir "Saihara-Chan..." he mumbles in his sleep as he stirs. He gently snores into my chest. It's a soothing lullaby. I notice that he stole my blanket for himself. "Kokichi...," I sigh. Well I guess his body is kind of like a weighted blanket? I play with his hair strands as I try to lull myself to sleep. I gently fall asleep with an adorable peaceful gremlin on my chest. 

Kokichi's POV

I'm in a field of flowers. It's beautiful and peaceful... The sky is purple, and I see the horizon stretch out for miles. Am I dreaming? I pinch myself and feel nothing. I must be dreaming. I see myself, but as a little toddler. Carefree without any worries. I'm playing with some kind of silhouette? Me and them are laughing and joking. We're running around on some type of playground. I rub my eyes to see the same image visible and clear. Then, out of nowhere the image changes to me in middle school. I'm walking down the halls. I'm chatting with a silhouette, and occasionally greeting other silhouettes. It's like I'm the only one there with a color palette other than the gray scale. It's so weird. All the people are just silhouettes. I see myself slowly faded to a silhouette as well. I see a wretched pure paper-white smirk plastered on its face. It approaches me. It's slow and disturbing. It's so slow. It slowly walks its way towards me, but I can't move... I can't move... I can't move... it slowly reaches me. It's cold hands wrap around my neck and squeeze. "It's no use. What if I took your place?" The wicked creature that looks like my shadow says. The air leaves my lungs as I try to scream, but i don't have enough air to scream. "Stop struggling," it demands. I try to struggle... I'm terrified. It senses my fear. It smiles at my pain. I feel my legs go limp... then, it goes black and I wake up. "Huh?" I find myself shaking on top of a sleeping Shuichi. Oh yeah... I broke in and slept with him. I'm scared. "Shuichi... please get up..." I beg. I poke his shoulder. "Wake up... I'm scared..." I repeat. Shuichi stirs awake. "H-huh? What is it?" He asks with a yawn. "I'm scared..." I whimper. "Did you have a nightmare?" Shuichi asks me. "Y-yeah." I reply. He sits up. "You can come closer if you want," He tells me. Good... I wanted cuddles for comfort. I scoot on his lap, and snuggle my head into his chest. I wrap my small arms around his body. Shuichi pats my head, and massages my back. I lean into his touches on my body. He kisses my forehead. "Shu-Chan? Will you always be here for my nightmares?" I ask in a gentle tone. He nods and confirms it, "Always." He takes a deep breath. "Would you like to talk  about it?" Shuichi asks. I nod. "At first, it was a nice peaceful field with beautiful flowers! The horizon was beautiful with a purple sky. Then, I saw myself as a toddler playing on a playground with some kind of silhouette. I then saw myself in middle school chatting with silhouettes through the halls. It wasn't very scary yet, but then the image of myself turned into a slihouette. It had a pure white wretched smile and pure white outline where eyes would be. I couldn't move! It slowly moved towards me, and strangled me! It said a lot of mean things to me. Like it replacing my spot in this world. I couldn't scream, and my lungs ran out of air! I felt limp, and then I woke up!" I cry out. "That sounds scary, but I'm here for you, ok? I'll hold on to you forever, alright?" He reassures. "I trust you on that promise Shu-Chan! Can you cuddle me when I got back to sleep? Pleaseeee," I beg. Shuichi nods and wraps his arms around me. I snuggle into his chest. He places the blanket on top both of us. I fall asleep into a dream filled with fun, happiness, and most importantly... Shuichi. 

792 words! A/N I hope you like it! By the way I'm going on vacation for a week, so I won't post any updates next week! I hope you enjoyed!

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