Bubble bath 🍬

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Non-despair AU where Kokichi and Shuichi are dating. 

Nobody's POV

It was a rainy day outside. There were a bunch of muddy puddles and wet grass. Kokichi dragged Shuichi outside to play in puddles. "Shumaiiiiii! It's gonna be so fun though!" Kokichi whined. "We'ee gonna get covered in mud and rain water." Shuichi remarked. Kokichi sighed, "Soo? Who cares?" Shuichi shook his head. "I care, Kokichi." Shuichi answers. "Well... too bad! We're playing in mud puddles!" Kokichi giggled. Kokichi grabbed Shuichi's hand, and dragged him outside. Kokichi didn't even wear proper clothing or anything. His white outfit that would definitely get ruined, even though he had a million of that same outfit. Kokichi ran into a muddy puddles and jumped into it. Shuichi sighed as he watches his adorable boyfriend get messy. Kokichi dragged Shuichi into a muddy puddle with him. "Saihara-Chan! Splash around with me!" Kokichi giggled. "Honey... we're both getting dirty." Shuichi reminded Kokichi. Kokichi blatantly didn't care. "We can just bathe later!" Kokichi laughed. Kokichi ran into the wet grass and slick mud. Shuichi stepped up with him, at a slower pace. Kokichi seemed to carefree and almost slipped multiple times. It was honestly adorable to see. Shuichi chuckled at Kokichi's antics. Kokichi got mud all over him. He giggled in mischief. Kokichi ran up and hugged Shuichi, getting mud all over Shuichi in the process. "Looks like my beloved detective needs a wash too~!" Kokichi remarked. He totally did that on purpose. "Kokichi..." Shuichi sighed. Kokichi snickered and quickly ran inside their home. Shuichi followed close behind. They both took of their shoes, and headed for the bathroom.

Kokichi's POV

Me and Shuichi got into the bathroom. "Can we take a bath together?" I asked with puppy dog eyes. Shuichi reluctantly agreed to my request. I slipped of my clothing "Nishishi~! Don't stare shumai!" I giggled at my beloved. Shuichis faced turned red. "D-don't say things like that..." he mumbled. He took off his own clothing to get ready for the bath. He put both of our clothing in the dirty clothing bin. I turned on the water, and put in the bubble bath concoction. It soon turned into a bubble bath. I put a small rubber ducky inside the bath, and quickly hopped inside. "Mister detective~ join me!" I tease. Shuichi slowly gets in beside me. I sit in his lap as the water cleanses all the mud and dirtiness off of me. "This is very relaxing..." I remark. Shuichi nods in agreement. i put my head under the water, and felt the water flow through my hair. I had a specific cup used for the bathtub. Like for scooping up water and such. Shuichi massaged a two-in-one (conditioner and shampoo) into my scalp. It felt really good. I closed my eyes as Shuichi massaged in the hair products. Once they were nicely in there Shuichi put some water in the cup, and used it to wash the shampoo and conditioner out of my hair. It came out and my hair looked clean. "Nishishi~! My turn!" I said. I put the same shampoo and conditioner into my beloved's hair. I rub it in as well as I can before washing it out with the same cup. We both have clean hair and wait for the water to cleanse our bodies. I lean my head on Shuichi's body as I play with the rubber ducky. I pretend to talk in place for the rubber ducky. Shuichi chuckles at my antics. I give my love a soft kiss. He ruffles my hair in return. I grab some of the bubbles, and rub into my skin. I rub some bubbles into Shuichi's skin as well. I splash water over it to wash it off. I splash a bit of water on my boyfriend. He splashes me back a bit. He chuckles, "Kokichi... no splashing! We don't want to clean up water on the floor." I pout and cross my arms. He ruffles my air, and I give in. "Finnnneeeee... but only because I love my Shuichi!" I say. I put a blob of bubbles onto Shuichi's head. I put some on my own too. I use water to get it off after though. I get up, and out of the bath. I hold out my hand for Shuichi to get out too. He quickly does get out. Shuichi takes my hand while doing so. I dry off with a fluffy towel. Shuichi used a similar towel. "I know I look cute when naked but you don't have to stare~!" I tease at my Shuichi. He blushed and turns away. I put on some pajamas  and Shuichi's shirt to sleep in. Shuichi frowns as he sees me stealing his shirt... again. "It's comfy!" I debate. Shuichi sighs, "but you do it all the time." Shuichi changes into his own pajamas. Shuichi lies down on the bed. I jump into a cuddle with him. We quickly drift off to sleep while cling to each other.

832 words. A/N I lowkey had to ask Chat GPT for fluff prompts. It delivered! It gave lots of good ideas. Do you guys like it? Smut gets a lot more views than fluff. I know I don't do angst often, but it's because of my own personal preference. If you guys have any ideas, recommendations, or requests please tell me!

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