Puppy 🍬🌧️

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This is a post-game au. They are already dating.

Nobody's POV

One day Shuichi decided to surprise Kokichi with a cute little puppy. Shuichi knew Kokichi would be so happy when he saw the dog, and that's all the motivation he need to do it. Shuichi drove to the pet store, and bought a small little golden dog. It was the most adorable dog you've ever seen. Shuichi got up with the dog and walked around. Shuichi got the dog some treats, wet food, a few bowls, a little dog house, a fluffy dog bed, a purple leash, some dog toys. Shuichi then took out a replica of Kokichi's scarf and put it on the cute little dog. It was time to surprise his boyfriend. Shuichi got in his car with the cute dog. Shuichi drove home, and got there pretty quick. Shuichi knocked on the door. Knock knock. Kokichi answered the door. "Hi Shuichi! Did you forget your keys or something?" Kokichi asked, confused on why Shuichi didn't just come inside. "I didn't forget my keys, but I have a surprise for you." Shuichi said while smiling. Kokichi got excited. Kokichi exclaims "Oooh! Is it in your car? Can I see it? Please please please please plea-" Kokichi get interrupted by Shuichi. "Yes, you can." Shuichi confirms. Kokichi skips his way to the car, and sees the most adorable dog with a scarf that looks just like his own. Kokichi instantly opened the car door, and held the puppy. Kokichi nuzzled his face into the puppy's soft fur. "Omg Saihara-Chan~ I love it so much!" Kokichi shouts excitedly. Kokichi twirls around with it. "Your name is Checkers!" Kokichi giggled. Shuichi smiled at Kokichi's adorable reaction. Kokichi instantly set up all of Checker's stuff. Kokichi loved Checkers so much, almost as much as he loved Shuichi. One day Kokichi went to get to mail really quick when Checkers ran out the door without Kokichi looking. Nobody noticed until they couldn't find Checkers, and put two and two together. 

Kokichi's POV

Checkers ran away from me. Why? Why did Checkers run away? Does he not love me? I'm so stressed. "Shuichi... I'm sad." I whined. Shuichi replied, "I know..." I came over to Shuichi. "Please help me look for him," I begged. Shuichi just nodded. It was already dark out, so we couldn't look for Checkers. I couldn't stop crying and curling up in a ball. Shuichi was there to comfort me the whole time. I put up missing posters and promised rewards. I thought about Checkers nonstop. Shuichi would comfort me. He'd hug me and whisper sweet things to me. They made me feel better, but I needed checkers. I looked everywhere, and I couldn't find him. It was night time. I curled up on the couch how I usually would. Shuichi sat next to me and hugged me tight. I felt comfort and nuzzled my head to his body. "It's ok... we'll find him... he's alright," Shuichi whispered to me. He gave me a few soft kisses on my forehead. I felt a bit better. I snuggled to Shuichi. "Checkers is so important to me..." I said, my voice soft and weak. Shuichi brushed some of my hair out of my eyes. "Someone will find him and bring him." Shuichi told me. "How are you so sure?" I questioned. Shuichi just smiled. "Just trust me, I know." Shuichi answered. I weakly put my arms around Shuichi. I shifted my body to on his lap. It felt a lot better than being alone on the couch. "I'm gonna look more in the morning." I stated. Shuichi nodded, already expecting that. He gently squeezed my hand to comfort me. It worked a bit. I felt better, but still sad. What if Checkers was cold and sad? It made me to sad to think like that, so I just stopped thinking like that. I clung to Shuichi, and he softly rubbed my back and gently squeezed my hand. I was still on Shuichi's lap. I fell asleep on Shuichi. I dreamed about Checkers. My dream just made me that much more sad. I woke up on Shuichi's lap. It was 4 am. It was too dark to look for Checkers yet. I waited and waited. When sunlight finally showed, I got up and began to search. I searched for hours and hours. Another day without finding him. I cried on the couch. Shuichi rubbed my back and kissed my forehead. Then, I heard a small knock on the door. Knock knock. I raced up and open the door. A lady was holding Checkers. "I found your dog. I also heard there was a reward for returning him," the lady calmly said. I grabbed Checkers, and handed her the $20 I promised on the posters. Shuichi and I played with Checkers all night. We were a small family again. 

813 words. A/N sorry the same thing happened. I fell asleep in the middle of making it again... maybe I just shouldn't stay up so late! I finished the story though. I won' t say which of my friends wanted to add a dog to one of them, but haha! I never said they wouldn't lose the dog. I didn't kill or make it ill~ I win. Just know that~ hope you enjoyed this. I would appreciate some ideas or recommendations for stories. 

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