Falling 🍬🌧️

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This is a request by @PuppetMaster1223 ! Thank you for the request as always! I started this a bit late, but I hope you enjoy! This is future AU! (They are in their early to mid forties.) this AU is pretty much the same as "Getting Old". They married and Kokichi still has that cane and all that stuff from it.

Kokichi's POV

I was on my recliner. I got my cane, and made my way to the kitchen for a glass of water. I felt so dehydrated, and my throat was dry. The water rehydrated me. My throat felt less dry. I felt as if I needed it at the moment. I slowly started stepping back to the recliner. When I was moving my cane forward, the carpet got in the path of my wooden cane which made me nearly trip over. My cane rolled away from me. "Shit..." I muttered.  I tried to grab it, but ended up on the floor. How was I supposed to get up? I tried pushing myself up with all my strength, but that made my back ache. I felt a sharp pain in my back as I attempted to get up again. "Ow!" I yelped. I kept trying a few time. The pain got worse as I attempted again and again. I gave up after the pain. I laid on my back. My breathing got heavy. I took deep breaths. What was I supposed to do? I whined in pain, "Owie... ugh... ow...hmh..." I think Shuichi heard my troubled whines because he walked in. "Kokichi? Oh..." he called out. He made his way to me. "Kokichi... you should've called for me! Pay attention! You should know this!" He scolded. He waved his finger at me, and looked at me with 'really?' Type look. "I know Shumai..." I muttered. He sighed, "it's whatever. Are you ok? Any serious pain?" "Nothing too bad," I told him. He nodded. "Can you grab your cane? I promise it'll be ok..." I tried reaching for it, but I couldn't. "It's ok... I'm here to help you, love," he comforted me with. He looked at me with a warm soft look in his eyes. Shuichi kicked my cane near me. I grabbed it as fast as I could. Then, Shuichi pulled me up and on to my feet. My husband looked down at me. "Be more careful, and call for me next time! I swear you act like I need to do everything for you!" He exclaimed. "I know! I'm sorry," I replied. My head dropped. I felt really guilty. I think Shuichi noticed my guilt and a slight sadness filled his eyes. He sighed and rubbed my back in a gentle, comforting manner. "It ok... just... I get really worried about you," Shuichi mumbled. "You promise?" He asked. I smiled and slowly hugged him. "I promise~" I promised. He smiled and kissed my forehead. "How can someone be so immature and have such old-age-caused complications?" He questioned teasingly. I giggled at his playfulness. "How could someone like you be so worried about those old people problems in that mentally young adult?" I responded. "That's because you're my love~ you know you love my affection. Even if you're such an irresponsible adult! Really, you should be more careful! It's ok to trip, but make sure to call me! This is serious! You know that," he said. "Well... it won't happen again! If it does I'll call for you! Promise!" I beamed. "You promise?" He questioned. "Yeah! Promise~!" I promised. "Shuichi, since you love me so much~ I want some more affection. Gimme cuddles... please?" I requested. "Fine~ but only because you're my love," my husband remarked. He sat down on the couch. I slowly made my way to him. This time I was extra careful to not slip. I sat down next to him. I hugged him and nuzzled his neck. "Wow, you sure are clingy after you got hurt... let me get you some ice for your back." I whined from Shuichi leaving my side. "I'll literally be right back," he reminded me. "I know..." I whimpered. He rolled his eyes. He went to the kitchen and grabbed an ice pack from the freezer. He return by my side in only like one minute. "Put this on your back, darling," he told me. I put it on my back. It felt soothing, but also very cold. I leaned into his neck. I lunged my arms around him again. "Now can i have my beloved's affection?" I asked with a giggled. "Of course you can..." My lover answered. He wrapped his arm around me in return. He lowered his face into my hair. He nuzzled my purple hair with his face. I giggled at the action. I softly kissed his neck. "Oh?" He asked. "Fine then, I'll smother you~" Shuichi chuckled. I smiled and raised my eyebrows. "Really? Game on!" I beamed playfully. "You're such a child," Shuichi murmured. He kissed me all over my face. He definitely won. My back was still incredibly cold from the ice pack. I only kissed over his neck though. All his perfect kisses showed that I was the apple of his eye. Even if I did made a slight mistake, my beloved would love me with his wholeeeeeeeeeee heart! I snuggled my head into his shoulder. He put his head on top of mine. All of the tension melted off me. Everything felt completely calm. 

912 words! A/N thanks for the request! I enjoyed making it! I love requests so much. They show me what people like seeing and spare me the time of having to think of ideas forever. Thanks to @PuppetMaster1223 for requesting this! I almost forgot to save and lose like half this story. It's good I didn't! Sorry they've been shorter lately. I'll try to make a 1000+ word one on either Tuesday or Thursday next week. 

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