Paintings 🍬

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This is a request by @fuk4wa! I'm gonna plug them at the end (again). This is a school au! There is some suggestive material btw.

Shuichi's POV

I was in my last class of the day. There was only a few minutes left. I was writing notes about the subject the teacher was teaching us about. A bell rang that told us it was the end of the day. I went to my locker and packed up all my homework and notes to study into my bag, but before I left I decided it might be fun to practice art. Kaede recent has been pestering me to get a hobby. I didn't know what to do so she suggested art. I don't actually have any supplies of my own so I thought the art room would be a perfect place to be alone and practice. I head in there to see Kokichi sketching something in a notebook on the table in front of me. "Huh? Kokichi?" I question. He jumps at the sudden noise. "Oh Shumai! I didn't expect you here!" Kokichi beams in an excited and skeptical tone. He quickly stuffs the book into his bag. He runs up to me. "Why are you here~? Hm~?" He asks teasingly. His finger traces my jawline. "I just wanted practice art because Kaede suggests I should so I'm just like giving it a try I guess," I ramble. "Hehe~ art, you say~? I'm the most beautiful piece of art you've ever seen. You should paint me~," Kokichi remarks with a wink. His lips get close to my ear as he whispers into my ear, "What kind of pose could I do for you~ you look like one to like erotic poses or nude models~ Nishishi." His warm breath tickled my ear. "N-no! Uhm Just a normal portrait is f-fine..." I stutter. He smirks and sits down in a sofa. "Then paint me, Shumai~" he coos. I grab a canvas. I can probably do good if I take my time, I think? Last time I drew it took me a while, but it looked decently. I grabbed a small brush, and started drawing Ouma. It calmed down my heart in someway. It was relaxing. He stayed quite still with occasional teasing of course. "I bet you're drawing me all lewd, huh?" Kokichi joked. "I'm not drawing something like that," I remind him. I draw his delicate face. I paint on his beautiful purple eyes. I slowly paint his hair. I add his adorable scarf that he wore on top of the school uniform. I continue drawing the uniform. I draw the rest of him slowly. "Saihara-Chan~ what's taking soooooo long~?" He asks in boredom. "Just a little longer," I gently say. "Oh! And Kokichi what were you drawing in the notebook you had?" I questioned. "N-nothing! You're making things up. I wasn't drawing anything at all!" He insists. After a few more minutes I finish. It looked pretty good. He came over, and I could tell he was impressed. "Ooh! Mine!" He giggled as he snatched it. "I mean you drew it of me so I think it's fine if I keep it," he states. "Now Shumai let me paint you!" He beams excitedly. I stand up and sit on the couch he was on. 

Kokichi's POV

I can't let Shuichi's be better than mine. He's too good! I can be good too, I think. Shumai is so pretty, so this should be easy. I paint on his long ahoge. I hope he didn't see what I was drawing because that would be so embarrassing. It was kinda cringey. I paint the rest of his emo hair. I get to his face. I add his eyes. Nobody can ever decide what color they actually are, but they look green to me so I'll make  them that way. I paint his clothing which was the boring part. Mine is ok I guess, but something is off about it...

Shuichi's POV

Kokichi looks really concentrated in his painting. I keep quiet to not disturb his painting. I hear him pout as he looks at the canvas with confusion in his eyes. He does a few more strokes. "I'm doneeeeee!" He beam excitedly. He present it to me with enthusiasm. It looks better than I thought. "You took mine, so can I keep this one?" I ask. "Duh! Otherwise I wouldn't have stole the one you made," he giggles. He stuffs it into my bag. He comes close. "This was really fun! We should do it more..." he calmly states. His soft body presses against mine as his cute smile faces me. "You should show me what you were drawing  before I came in. I bet I'd like it!" I say. He blushes and pouts. "F-fine... but only because I had fun." He pouts. Kokichi reaches into his bag, and shows me manga he's been drawing. It looked cool. It did have some embarrassing, maybe even considered cringey, parts though which is probably why he didn't want to show me. "This is really cool, kichi." I enthusiastically praised. He flinches, but blushes at the nickname. "Of course it is! I'm the ultimate supreme leader after all." He reminds me. I tuck a strand of his hair behind his ear. His eyes widen. He goes on his tippy toes to whisper in my ear again. "I uhm r-really like you Shumai... like a lot..." he gulps. I blush and tremble at the news of his likeness for me. "I uhm yeah I like you a lot I guess too..." I stutter. My embarrassment made my words hard to understand. He grins happily. He kisses my cheek. "Then be a gentleman, and carry me home~!" He teases. I sigh and pick him up on my back. I carry both of our bags in my arm, and Kokichi on my back. He rests his head on my shoulder as I give him a piggyback ride to his home. I gently set him down at the entrance of him home. "Gimme a bye-bye kiss, Shumai~," he pouts teasingly. I blush, but reluctantly give his lips a quick peck. I return to my own home with a new painting ,and a head full of thoughts about Kokichi.

1042 words! A/N This was a request by @fuk4wa! They are great! Check out their published book, and supported their new book that they're working on. (Both of them are great.) I was happy to do my first requested one shot. I hope you enjoy it. Thanks for 3k views y'all. 

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