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"Good night," I said to everyone before closing my door.

Jumping into bed and staring out the window, I was beyond bored inside this place. Opening my books again, I looked at the flowers I was dying to see.

But now, with this news of toxins in the forest, I was a bit worried. However, Halle did say it is more of a long-term effect—it doesn't happen instantly.

Checking the clock, it was only 9 pm, and I wasn't feeling tired at all. We had a long day in training with my father. He assumed it's best we all know self-defense, as he believes a war can break out at any moment, but I also think he's just a paranoid soldier.

Staring out my window, I just wanted to see what the forest was like. For a brief moment, maybe see some flowers in person.

It was a crazy idea but better than staring at these white walls all night. Gathering a small bag, I pulled some things together, as well as my book, before quietly exiting my room.

Luckily, the guards who usually stationed outside our dorms weren't here tonight. I quickly darted to the gates as it was dark outside.

Many of the men were either working or in the common area drinking for the night. I reached the gates and opened them quietly before escaping to the woods.

Stepping outside, I never noticed how huge our base camp was. I wasn't sure which end of the border I was at, but regardless, I began walking further into the forest.

Everything was pitch dark, with only the moon shedding light. I wasn't seeing any of the familiar flowers I had in my books and assumed I had to go deeper into the woods.

It was rather peaceful out here; the sounds of nature kept me calm as I continued on my path. Back home, we don't have such greenery anymore; everything is dead now.

The plants here reminded me of what Earth once was. I smiled as my hands grazed them lightly, observing the many shades of colors on the leaves.

I heard rustling from behind in the bushes and paused. Could it be a bear? Did this planet even have bears? I wondered as I stood still.

The rustling got louder, and I quietly turned, feeling like something was behind me. I soon regretted my decision as I came face to face with a huge cat-like creature glaring at me.

My eyes widened as I'd never seen such a thing. The monster roared in my face, snapping me out of my daze as I quickly began to sprint away from it.

The beast chased me fast, and I feared for my life. I wasn't expecting such a large animal to be out here. The beast roared louder as it closed in on me.

I hid behind a tree, grabbing a sharp stick as I heard it approach. I can kill it, I told myself quietly.

I was a skilled fighter, so I had to calm down and think. It began to walk closer, and once the moment was right, I leaped out, stabbing its leg.

It shouted in pain as its claws scraped my arm, causing it to bleed. I fell to the ground in pain as the wound hurt.

The animal came closer to me as I kicked dirt in its face, trying to run again, but my arm was aching badly.

A loud scream came from above as a spear hit the animal in the back, causing it to fall to the ground. Fear struck me again as I pulled a knife from my back pocket, wondering who else could be out here.

A body dropped from the trees as I held my weapon firmly. As it approached me, I swung fast, but it dodged me as I only cut a bit of its torso. With all my strength, I tried again, but this time, my arm was caught as fingers wrapped themselves over it.

Being pulled closer into the moonlight, I was shocked to see Vorian glaring at me. He held an evil glance at me as I regretted attacking him.

My arm began to ache as he dropped me to the ground hard. I rubbed my arm as he began to walk away into the bushes, "follow," he mumbled as I stood up, walking behind.

I had no idea where we were heading, but I followed him quietly. After a short walk, we came upon a waterfall and stream.

Vorian began to take his shirt off before stepping into the water. I watched carefully, confused about what he was doing.

He eyed me, indicating I join. Looking at my clothes, I pulled off my tank top and shorts before jumping into the water.

Vorian didn't speak much as his eyes stayed on my cut arm. He grabbed it gently, splashing water over it, and what I assumed would burn instantly felt like relief.

I watched him as he continued the motion over and over again until he stopped. The water glowed from the moonlight, and I was astounded as I watched it turn milky white.

"What is happening?" I asked, playing with it myself now.

"You are healed," he whispered, walking out from the lake to put his clothes back on.

I followed instantly as Vorian began to leave the waterfall. Like a child, I was scared to wander alone, so naturally, I fell behind him.

"Why are you out here?" he asked sharply, pausing in his tracks as he slowly turned around.

His demeanor felt more hostile today, as if he was angry towards me.

"Why are you being so mean?" I asked sternly, taken aback by his frankness. It reminded me of the day we first met; he was rude and sharp.

He seemed not to expect my attitude as he raised his eyebrow at my tone. Stepping closer to me, I stood my ground, glaring at him as he stared into my eyes.

"Humans not allowed in forest," he breathed, our faces so close I could feel his breath.

"Thalia!" A loud shout was heard from the side corner of the woods. I turned my head, wondering where the voice was coming from.

When I turned back, Vorian was gone.

"I found her!" I heard Ava's voice as she ran up to me, pulling me into a hug.

She was a crying mess as her embrace was tight. The corporal, other soldiers, and my friends all appeared as they looked around the woods.

"What's going on?" I asked, confused why everybody was out in the woods.

"Halle knocked on your door to check and see if you wanted to play Uno, and when it opened, you weren't there," Jack began explaining.

"Then we heard screaming from the woods," Ava added, and I wanted to slap my face for being so stupid.

"It was those creatures... they tried to kidnap you," the corporal suggested, but I shook my head, trying to explain that wasn't the truth.

"No, I was attacked by an animal," I promised, catching everyone's attention.

"I'm alright; it's dead," I reasoned, agreeing to let them pull me back to the base.

I turned my head, looking into the trees, wondering where Vorian went. He disappeared again into thin air.

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